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Put them together перевод на испанский

644 параллельный перевод
You put them together.
Las pone todas juntas.
I'm going to take all the beautiful little girls like you and I'm going to put them together and make pictures with them.
Voy a reunir todas las niñitas bonitas como tú y voy a hacer películas con ellas.
But just the thought of feeling you're able to take poor, sick bodies and put them together and have them put all their trust in you when they're scared and clinging to life.
Pero sólo el pensamiento... o el sentimiento de que eres capaz de coger cuerpos pobres y enfermos... y juntarlos... y hacer que pongan toda su confianza en ti... cuando están asustados y aferrados a la vida.
Try to put them Together again.
Intenta volver a unirlos.
If we put them together, we could do it anyhow.
Si los ponemos, podríamos hacerlo de todos modos.
I'll put them together with yours.
Los pondré juntos con los tuyos.
Then we'll put them together and have a chord.
Luego, las juntamos todas y tenemos un acorde.
Trying to put them together again when they get hurt.
curarlos cuando los hieren.
You take all the pieces and put them together one by one.
Se unen las piezas, una por una.
Es una palabra inventada.
Put them together and what have you got
Ponlas juntas y qué obtendrás
Put them together and what have you got
Ponlas juntas y que obtendrás
They'd be all our own from beginning to end and Stevie Holte could make some original designs and we'd put them together and sew them.
Será nuestro de principio a fin. Steven Holte hará unos dibujos y los demás los venderemos.
Now, let's take two pieces of testimony and try to put them together.
Ahora, tomemos estos dos testimonios e intentemos unirlos.
It's not for pity of me you confessed that you put them together, but to make me suffer even more.
Pues no es por piedad que has confesado, que has alcahueteado, sino, para que me sienta mal.
I don't... I believe that destiny put them together.
No bebo mucho. En mi opinión, es el destino el que los ha reunido.
I put them together?
¿ Que las enganche?
That's right, you put them together.
Así es, engánchelas.
- Put them together.
- Engánchelas.
- He put them together, didn't he?
- Los unió, ¿ no?
You said, "Put them together," he put them together.
Usted dijo : "Engánchelas", y lo hizo.
I put them together, but it's useless.
Me esfuerzo a volver a pegarlos, ¡ no sirve de nada!
I did eat both eggs, but I put one of them all back together again.
Ya me comí los dos huevos, pero volví a armar uno.
Both of them put together aren't worth a dime.
Los pones juntos y no valen ni un centavo.
"Z." Put them all together, they spell "Pinkowitz."
Z. Sí, póngalas todas juntas y dicen Pinkowitz.
So you're gonna put them all together in a picture?
¿ Pondrán todo eso en una fotografía?
I've given you more than any four of them put together.
Les he dado más que cuatro de los otros juntos.
Put them all together and you have one of the most delightful careers that a man has ever carved out for himself.
Ponlas juntas y tendrás una de las más agradables carreras que un hombre se haya labrado.
It's time to get them together and put the question.
Es hora de reunirles y hacer la pregunta.
♪ Put them all together ♪ They spell Mother
Todas juntas hacen "Madre".
Chain the supply sledges together and put them behind you.
Encadena los trineos y ponlos detrás de ti.
I'd like to put them all together with mine.
Quisiera hacerlas coincidir con la mía.
- Then after you've married 20 or 30 of them... suppose you get to lovin one more than all the rest put together?
Después de casarte con 20 o con 30... ¿ qué pasará si amas a una más que a las demás?
I was talking to her. She said you did fine. Why, you were better than the rest of them put together.
He hablado con ella y dice que Io has hecho muy bien.
And put them all together they'd fill the Hollywood Bowl I couldn't tell you how, but she got along
Todos ellos juntos llenarían un estadio. No sabría decir cómo, pero se las apañaba.
We'll put a crew of men together digging Kharis out of the rubble, then send them both back to the Scripps Museum.
Una cuadrilla de hombres desenterrará a Kharis... y enviaremos a los dos al museo Scripps.
Put them all together
Ponlas todas juntas
Only I'm told, that of all the men of Ireland that are supposed to have fought in the Rise and did fight the General Post Office and all the buildings of Dublin put together, wouldn't hold them.
Solo sé que no todos los que dijeron haber luchado lucharon. Fueron pocos los que se rebelaron en Dublín.
Put a couple of poker tables together and put lights around them.
Juntad unas mesas de póquer y poned lámparas.
Last night the girl came and told me to put you back together again, so she must know what why were released and so do I. They want the diamonds and they know you'd never tell them.
Anoche vino y me dijo que te curara. Sabe por qué te hirieron. Y yo también.
You got to learn to strip them down and put them back together, blindfolded.
Así que tenéis que aprender a desmontarlo y montarlo, con los ojos cerrados.
- Put them all together, they spell mother.
- Ponlo todo junto, le encanta a mamá.
- Who put them together? - You did.
- ¿ Quién las puso juntas?
And the Patterson name means more than all the rest of them put together.
Y el apellido Patterson pesa más que el resto de ellos juntos.
- All three of them put together wouldn't make as much woman as me.
Las tres juntas no son mucha mujer a mi lado.
You're much more attractive than both of them put together.
Usted es mucho más atractiva que las dos juntas.
Sometimes I want to get hold of my people - all my people - and beat their heads together to put little sense into them.
Toda mi gente, y golpear sus cabezas entre sí poner un poco de sentido en ellas.
It'll take them all day to put it together.
Les llevará todo el día organizarlo.
Put them all together, the spell Daddy!
Póngalas todas juntas y deletrean Daddy!
When I put them back together... the island will be visible to all.
Cuando yo los separe otra vez, veremos la isla.
I helped put the docks together so I should certainly be able to blow them apart.
Ayudé a poner los puertos juntos asi que ciertamente debería ser capaz de volarlos.

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