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And when I see that someone is putting his own interests above that oath, there is nothing I like better than making sure they never get another job in the legal profession f-for the rest of their lives.
Y, cuando veo que alguien pone sus propios intereses por sobre el juramento no hay nada que me guste más que asegurarme de que esa persona no vuelva a tener otro empleo en esta profesión por el resto de su vida.
I'm the commander of his Majesty's Queen's Rangers. I see that.
Soy el hombre al mando de los Rangers de su Majestad la Reina.
Do you see that?
¿ Ves eso?
- You see that.
- Puedes verlo.
I started to see that the problems are not just physical problems... Yeah.
Pero, mientras más conozco sobre esos niños mejor entiendo que sus problemas no solo son físicos.
Do you see that, Earl?
¿ Ves eso, Earl?
And if your boss can't see that, well, maybe you should quit.
Y si tu jefa no puede ver eso, quizás deberías dejar tu trabajo.
You don't ever see that on TV.
Nunca ves eso en la tele.
Okay, let me see that. Let me see this.
Bien, déjame ver.
You don't see that every day.
No se ve eso todos los días.
And though we didn't find any readable fingerprints, you can see that they are very interested in South Ashland Avenue.
Y aunque no lo hemos encontrado cualquiere huella digital visible tu puedes verlo Ellos estan muy interezados en la av. sur Ashland.
Any careful historian will see that the core account is consistent even if a... a few of the secondary details are told from different perspectives.
A un historiador cuidadoso no le importa que los detalles secundarios no sean congruentes siempre y cuando el relato básico sea congruente. Da igual que el relato provenga de fuentes distintas.
Did you see that?
¿ Has visto eso?
After you saved my life, you forced me to see that despite the things you've done, you're not the man you were.
Después de salvarme la vida, me obligaste a ver que a pesar de las cosas que has hecho, ya no eres el hombre que eras.
Would you see that sunny's provided with a change of clothes?
¿ Te importa indicarle a Sunny dónde cambiarse de ropa?
Let me see that.
Déjame ver eso.
If the West could show Russia that we were serious about laying down our weapons, they might see that it's safe for them to start laying down theirs.
Si Occidente pudiera mostrar a Rusia que va en serio en la reducción de armas, puede que viera que le resulta seguro empezar a reducir las suyas.
See... well, see, I thought that a mother's group, you know, you... you talk about your babies.
Bueno, verás, pensé que en el grupo de madres, ya sabes, hablabais de vuestros bebés.
No, that Randy came all the way to New York to see you and then got into a tragic accident and now here you are at his bedside.
No, que Randy vino hasta Nueva York para verte y entonces tuvo un trágico accidente y ahora estás aquí a su lado.
That doesn't mean she wouldn't see the wisdom of putting it on the market.
No significa que no vea lo bueno de vender la casa.
So I go down to Town Hall to see what's what, and I find out that you bought the town's debt for pennies on the dollar.
Entonces, voy al ayuntamiento para averiguar qué pasa. Descubro que ustedes compraron la deuda de la ciudad por casi nada.
Look, what if I agree that I, personally, won't see her?
Mira, ¿ qué te parece si acordamos que personalmente nunca la veré?
I could see myself ending up like that.
Yo podría terminar así.
Someone asked you a favor, and you wouldn't want that same person to see us cozy together on the dais.
Alguien le pidió un favor y no quisiera que ese alguien lo viera hablando conmigo tan tranquilo.
There are other things that I see.
Hay otras cosas que veo.
She RSVP'd "no," and I just wanted to make sure she knew that both Bobby and I would really be delighted to see her at the house.
Ella rechazó la invitación y solo quería asegurarme de que supiera que tanto Bobby como yo estaríamos encantados si viniera.
Their numbers dictate it's a long, - so that's all they could see.
Sus cálculos señalan una inversión a largo plazo.
Is there anything you see at Axe Capital that offends your sense of fairness, of right and wrong?
¿ Hay algo que veas en Axe Capital que vaya contra tu sentido de la justicia, del bien y el mal?
You see, that's why I always insist on money in hand before I hand over me goods.
Verás, por eso siempre insisto en el dinero en mano antes de entregar la mercancía.
That's how they want us to go... a family or two at a time, out there alone where nobody can see, where our militia can't protect us.
Así es como quieren que nos vayamos... una familia o dos a la vez, allá afuera solos donde nadie puede verlo, donde nuestra milicia no puede protegernos.
Strange not to see either of them, all the shit that went down.
Es extraño no ver a ninguno de ellos, después de todo lo que pasó.
'Cause that's what he does, see?
Eso hace él...
Ma'am, you gotta see this. - that we're pregnant!
Queremos ser las primeras en decirte que estamos embarazadas.
- Hey, that's positive, see?
Eso es algo positivo.
Now, see, look at that. Madam President, with all due respect, the government should get shut down. Look...
Mire, presidenta, con todo respeto.
See, you needed to get that out.
¿ Ves? Necesitabas sacártelo.
Look, elephant in the room, but I got to see what porno looks like on that screen.
Mirad, sé que está la cosa tensa, pero tengo que saber cómo se ve el porno en esa pantalla.
That's the kind of material you need to get a shout-out. See?
¿ Ves?
You can't really see the blister that well today.
La verdad es que hoy no se ve muy bien la ampolla.
But nobody sees that. All they see is the blonde knockout.
Pero nadie ve eso, solo ven a la buenona rubia.
As you can see, the one fact in our favour is that the whole of Lunden cannot be defended, it's too big.
Como pueden ver, un hecho a nuestro favor es que toda Lunden no puede ser defendida, es muy grande.
We'll have to see about that.
Bueno, ya veremos.
Because I know that I am gonna see my wife again someday.
Porque yo sé que volveré a ver a mi esposa algún día.
Can't wait to see how that's gonna play in.
Va a ser interesante ver cómo contribuye a tu investigación.
There's a verse that says... faith is the evidence of things we can't actually see.
Hay un versículo que dice que... la fe es la certeza de lo que no podemos ver.
You guys wanna see a nipple that looks like Fred Flintstone?
¿ Queréis ver un pezón que se parece a Pedro Picapiedra?
Is that jealousy I see?
¿ Son celos los que veo?
See, I've been saving to run away, but that money is yours.
Mira, he estado ahorrando dinero para huir, pero todo el dinero es tuyo.
Now that you got some energy, let's see what we can do?
Bien. Ahora que tienes algo de energía, veamos qué podemos hacer.
Um... Speaker Hookstraten came to see me, and she said she needed to talk to you, that you would know what it's about.
La portavoz Hookstraten vino a verme y dijo que necesitaba hablar con usted, que usted sabría de qué se trata.
Well, we'll see how much that's worth.
Bueno, ya veremos de cuánto sirve eso.
see that you do 37
see that guy over there 19
see that aspiring model there 37
see that guy 22
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
see that guy over there 19
see that aspiring model there 37
see that guy 22
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161