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Shake his hand перевод на испанский

280 параллельный перевод
- Why did you shake his hand?
- No se la he dado.
Shake his hand, give him a visiting card, make a bow!
Estrechar su mano, darle mi tarjeta, inclinarme en el saludo...
Nevertheless, today, I should be proud to shake his hand.
estaría orgulloso de estrechar su mano.
Shake his hand like I tell you.
Estrecha esa mano te digo.
♪ And everyone wanted To shake his hand
Todos admiraban lo que a su país le dio
Go over and shake his hand?
¿ lr a estrecharle la mano?
There wasn't a man in town... that didn't shake his hand for doing it, even the sheriff.
Todos en la ciudad... lo felicitaron por haberlo matado, hasta el sheriff.
The President himself is gonna call Brax back to Washington just so he can shake his hand.
El Presidente citará a Brax en Washington... para darle la mano.
You've always said if you were to come across him you wouldn't even shake his hand.
Porque ha gritado a los cuatro vientos que si volvía a verle, no querría ni estrecharle la mano.
I had the honour to shake his hand in Damascus.
Solo le di la mano en Damasco.
And i'll tell you something else. Rockefeller steps out of a car, why do people want to shake his hand? When john d.
Cuando John D. Rockefeller baja de un coche,
Shake his hand.
Dale la mano.
Hans Wunchendorf... maybe you thought you could shake his hand, poor little man...
Hans Wunchendorf... ¿ Crees que podrías estrechar su mano, miserable hombrecito?
It's just that Maxwell Smart and I have been very dear friends for a long time and I'd like to shake his hand goodbye.
Es solo que Maxwell Smart y yo hemos sido muy buenos amigos durante mucho tiempo y me gustaría darle la mano para despedirme.
Be careful when you shake his hand.
Se cuidadoso cuando le estreches la mano.
In America, look a man in the eye when you shake his hand.
En América, cuando dé la mano, mire a los ojos.
Why is that? Because people stop him to shake his hand, embrace him, kiss him.
La gente lo detiene para darle la mano, abrazarlo y besarlo.
Horrible on sight, a bell at his foot! Who would ever want to even shake his hand?
Horribles de ver, cubiertos de ampollas que ya ninguno querrá darme la mano.
Vamos Dale la mano.
I gotta go shake his hand, that's fantastic, great.
Tengo que ir a darle la mano, es fantástico, genial.
Just don't shake his hand too hard.
No le aprietes la mano muy fuerte.
- You gonna shake his hand?
- ¿ Le vas a dar la mano? - Sí.
- Yeah. - Can... - Can anybody shake his hand?
- ¿ Cualquiera puede hacerlo?
A free pass to the first 10 brave enough to shake his hand.
Regalo de un pase para los diez primeros que se atrevan a darle la mano.
If Sauron himself was to offer me a glass of water, I'd shake his hand.
Si el mismísimo Sauron me ofreciera un vaso de agua, estrecharía su mano.
All I ask is for you to say hello... and also shake his hand.
Te pido que le saludes. - Incluso que le estreches la mano.
I ´ ll shake his hand... but no dinner.
- Lo haré, pero en cuanto a la cena excúsame ante él, estoy cansada. Me voy al hotel.
Don't even shake his hand!
¡ Ni siquiera le den la mano!
Are you refusing to shake his hand?
¿ Se está negando a estrechar su mano?
I'd like to shake his hand.
Sí, me gustaría darle la mano.
I didn't refuse to shake his hand, because I'm...
No quise negarle la mano, porque soy...
Why don't you shake his hand?
¿ Porqué no estrechó su mano?
When you shake his hand do me a favor.
Cuando le des la mano hazme un favor.
He let me shake his hand.
Me dejó estrechar su mano.
- Shake his hand, Willy.
Dale la mano, Willy.
We'd like to shake his hand, right?
Nos gustaría hacer tratos con él, ¿ entendido?
Instead... you shake his hand warmly and say...
En vez de... darle la mano amigablemente y decirle...
Shake his hand.
Aprieta su mano.
Shake his hand, Earl.
Dale la mano, Earl.
Walk away? Not shake his hand? - No.
- ¿ Irme y no darle la mano?
Shake his hand.
Agitar la mano.
I have everything, he nothing. But I'd gladly shake his hand.
- Sí, lo sé, tengo poder y él no, pero le daría la mano con placer.
- Shake his hand?
- ¡ ¿ Darle la mano? !
Probably don't want to shake his hand.
No querrás darle la mano.
Shake his hand, Sam.
Dale la mano, Sam.
I'm going to shake his hand. Freddie P. Fitzgerald!
¡ Freddie P. Fitzgerald!
- Oh. Does his hand always shake when he gets near to you?
¿ Siempre tiembla cuando está cerca de ti?
¤ I laugh again, and then shake my head and chase again the breast with his hand.
Yo río nuevamente, y después muevo la cabeza y busco nuevamente el seno con la mano.
I was first to shake my friend Mattei's hand the morning of the 27th when his helicopter landed.
Yo fui el primero en estrechar la mano del querido amigo Mattei la mañana del 27. cuando su helicóptero aterrizó en el Gagliano Castel Ferrato.
Shake his hand.
Estréchale la mano, Max.
If you're searching his jock, I'd rather you'd shake my hand first.
De acuerdo, pero dame la mano primero.

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