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She's my responsibility перевод на испанский

71 параллельный перевод
She ´ s my responsibility.
Es mi responsabilidad.
She might give you a hard time, but... it's too much responsibility for me, but I'll do my best.
Tal vez te cause dificultades, pero... Son demasiadas responsabilidades para mi, pero lo haré lo mejor que pueda.
She's my responsibility, and I must bring her up as I see fit.
Es mi responsabilidad... y yo debo educarla como crea conveniente.
And since we are at it, I'll tell you,.. I meant to face my responsibility, but, for heaven's sake,.. I have to tell the truth, your daughter is pesky, she annoyed me!
Cavaliere, quería asumir mis responsabilidades, pero tengo que decirle la verdad, ¡ su hija es desesperante!
His sister's responsibility is on me. She'll pull my hair out!
Yo tengo la responsabilidad de ella
That's just too bad, she's not my responsibility.
Lo siento, es muy duro. Pero ella no es mi responsabilidad.
No, she's my responsibility.
No, es mi responsabilidad.
You said she's my responsibility.
Dijo que yo me hacía responsable.
Mrs. Allardyce is a very old lady and she's my responsibility.
La Sra. Allardyce es muy anciana y es mi responsabilidad.
At any rate, she's my responsibility... and it's a responsibility I do not take lightly.
Ella es mi responsabilidad... y no tomo esta responsabilidad a la ligera.
She's my nurse. She's my responsibility.
Es mi enfermera y es mi responsabilidad.
She's a Starfleet officer. She's my responsibility.
Es una oficial de la Flota Estelar y es responsabilidad mía.
Even if she'd been a mistake, it's my responsibility.
Y si la traje a este mundo, aún por error, debo asumirlo.
Gabrielle has turned to the light. She's my responsibility now.
Gabrielle se ha encaminado hacia la luz ahora es mi responsabilidad.
- She's my responsibility.
- Ella es mi responsabilidad.
that's where it would go! Lea's my responsibility until she turns 21.
¡ Volantes y puntillas, ahí es donde debería ir!
Faith is back and, whether I like it or not, she's my responsibility.
Faith ha vuelto, y me guste o no, ella es mi responsabilidad.
And it's suddenly my responsibility to teach her how to be a witch, and she doesn't listen to me.
Resulta que es mi responsabilidad enseñarle a ser una bruja y ni siquiera me escucha.
She's lodging with me, so she's my responsibility, and her dad's not only a copper, but he's a bloody big bugger, so hands off.
Está viviendo en mi casa, así que es responsabilidad mía, y su padre no solo es policía, sino que es un armario empotrado, así que las manitas fuera.
She's my responsibility.
Ella es mi responsabilidad.
- She's in my school, is my responsibility.
- Es mi responsabilidad.
- She's my responsibility.
- Ella es responsabilidad mía.
She's not my responsibility.
Ella no es mi responsabilidad.
It's my responsibility after all she's done for me.
Es mi responsabilidad, después de todo.
If she dies like this, it's my responsibility, right?
Si muere así, es mi responsabilidad, ¿ verdad?
Look, we got her into this mess. She's my responsibility.
Mira, nosotros la metimos en este lio, es responsabilidad mía.
No. It's my wife she insulted, my responsibility.
No. lnsultô a mi esposa, es mi responsabilidad.
Then your little cousin... she's going to be my responsibility from now on.
Entonces desde ahora, tu primita... será mi responsabilidad.
She's not always my responsibility, navid.
Ella no es siempre mi responsabilidad, Navid.
I don't think anybody's counseled her. And I think she feels trapped, and I think it's my responsibility as her doctor - to give her her options.
y creo que se siente atrapada y creo que es mi responsabilidad como su doctor el decirle sus opciones.
- She's my responsibility.
- Es mi responsabilidad.
She's not my responsibility.
- Ella no es mi responsabilidad.
The men she's targeted are my responsibility.
Los hombres a los que ha marcado como objetivo son mi responsabilidad.
'Without question, she's solely my responsibility.
'Sin duda, ella es mi responsabilidad completamente.
I just want to make sure she's okay, and I have to realize that Kelsey's an adult and a grown person and can take care of herself, and this responsibility and this thing in my heart to take care of her is way too much.
y tengo que darme cuenta que Kelsey es una adulta y una persona crecida y que puede cuidarse sola, y ésta responsabilidad y ésto en mi corazón de cuidarla es demasiado.
And she's my responsibility.
Y ella es mi responsabilidad.
Either way, she's not my responsibility any more.
En cualquier caso, ya no es mi responsabilidad.
She's my responsibility, see?
Es responsabilidad mía.
Why's she my responsibility?
¿ Por qué es mi responsabilidad?
No, she's my responsibility.
No, pero es responsabilidad mía.
That's what she told me. Mm-hmm. What is my responsibility here?
Eso es lo que ella me dijo. ¿ Cuál es mi responsabilidad aquí?
she's just fine to make you smile sort of became my responsibility after dropping you at home in the evening and then picking you up in the morning and the time in between...
Después de dejarte en casa por la noche Y luego recogerte por la mañana Y tambien a medio dia, me decia...
By law, she's my responsibility.
Por ley, es responsabilidad mía.
Charlotte, she's working in a bakery to pay for medical bills that are my responsibility.
Charlotte, está trabajando en una pastelería para pagar las facturas médicas que son mi responsabilidad.
Manju isn't my responsibility, she's my life!
Manju no es mi responsabilidad, ¡ Ella es mi vida!
But let me tell you something... when she goes, it's gonna be my responsibility to sing it.
Pero deja que te diga algo... cuando ella no esté, será mi responsabilidad cantarla.
I take responsibility for that, but it's not my fault that she got out.
Y me responsabilizo por eso, pero no es mi culpa que halla escapado.
I brought her here, and she's my responsibility.
Yo la traje y soy responsable de ella.
She's my responsibility.
She's my responsibility.
She's my responsibility.
Es mi responsabilidad.
No, look, she's my responsibility.
Es mi responsabilidad.

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