She dies перевод на испанский
1,456 параллельный перевод
The negotiations drag on. She dies of an overdose before an exchange is made.
Las negociaciones se dilatan, y la chica muere de una sobredosis en el ínterin.
Move and she dies.
Moveos y morirá.
Because, if she dies, you'll never know why Charlie sent her.
Porque si ella muere, no podrá decirte porqué Charlie la envió
You mean what if she dies?
¿ Quieres decir que pasará si muere?
I don't want her to be afraid before she dies.
No quiero que tenga miedo antes de morir.
When he dies... she dies.
Cuando él muera... ella muere.
- She wanted one kiss, before she dies.
Quería que le de un beso antes de morir.
One small... One small kiss before she dies. Thank you.
Un pequeño un pequeño beso antes de morir.
Get a pan-man scan before she dies a cortisol OD.
Háganle un escaneo completo antes de que muera por sobredosis de cortisol.
The only question is whether she dies in two months or three.
La única duda es si morirá en dos o en tres meses.
Either she gets better, or she dies.
O se mejora o muere.
Mom never found a qualified donor, she dies.
También fue positivo de VIH, la madre nunca consiguió un donante compatible y muere.
but if we go back downstairs and she dies- - your face will be so red.
Si tiene meningitis tú tienes razón y tú ganas, pero si bajamos y ella muere tu cara se pondrá muy roja.
Hey, what if she dies before I get a chance to tell her that?
¿ Qué pasa si muere antes de tener la oportunidad de contárselo?
Now, if she dies, I promise you I will make the rest of your life hell.
Si muere, le juro que haré que pase el resto de su vida en el infierno.
She dies.
Ella morirá.
She dies in'93, family falls apart.
- Muere en el'93, separa a la familia.
Otherwise, all the work we've done will disappear with her when she dies.
De lo contrario, todo nuestro trabajo desaparecerá cuando ella muera.
You're telling me I have to wait until she dies before I see her?
¿ Me estás diciendo que... tengo que esperar hasta que ella muera para verla?
He's staying close to make sure she dies again.
Quiere asegurarse de que ella muera otra vez.
And if she dies because you weren't there to protect her I will never forgive you.
Y si muere porque tú no estabas ahí para protegerla nunca te lo perdonaré.
What if she's not faking and she dies?
¿ Y si no está fingiendo y se muere?
I just won't be sad when she dies. Forty-seven, forty-eight...
Solo que no me afligiré cuando se muera... 47, 48.
And you get it all when she dies?
Y tu lo tendrás todo cuando ella muera?
If she dies, then we'll have another.
Y si muere, tendremos otra.
What if she dies?
¿ Y si ella muere?
When she dies, they'll going to put her in a Y shaped coffin.
Cuando se muera, la van a poner en un ataúd en forma de Y.
You're going to tell me where the Rabbit's Foot is or she dies.
Y tú vas a decirme dónde está la Pata de Conejo, o ella muere.
- You have 48 hours, or she dies.
- Dentro de 48 horas, o ella muere.
Now, I'm going to count to 10 and you're going to tell me where the Rabbit's Foot is or she dies.
Voy a contar hasta 10... y vas a decirme dónde está la Pata de Conejo... o ella muere.
The proverb "who kills to iron, to iron he / she dies" it is very certain in the business in the one that you / they are.
El refrán "quien a hierro mata, a hierro muere" es muy cierto en el negocio en el que están.
she dies.
Se está muriendo... ¡ Se está muriendo!
- She dies.
- ¡ Se muere!
"Every time she sings, she dies a little."
"Cada vez que ella canta, muere un poco".
Shoot me, she dies.
Si me disparan, ella muere.
"Don't make a sound. Else, she dies"
No hagas el menor ruido si no quieres que muera.
After what I did to her mother, it's the least I could do for her until she dies, don't you think?
Después de lo que le hice a su madre, qué menos que cuidarla hasta que se muera, ¿ no?
- If she dies then she'll join the countless others who have died waiting for you.
- Si muere se unirá a todos los que murieron esperándote.
The old lady goes into the car, otherwise she dies.
La vieja va en el auto o de lo contrario se muere.
We got to fix this lady before she dies.
Debemos curarla antes de que muera.
You touch her, and she dies.
La tocas, y morirá.
She's guilty of the sin of bigamy and when she dies her soul will burn in hell for eternity.
Es culpable del pecado de bigamia, y cuando muera, su alma arderá en el infierno por toda la eternidad.
It is during this time that the mother must make her journey to the ocean to feed before she dies of starvation.
Durante este tiempo, la madre debe hacer su viaje al océano para comer antes de morir de hambre.
Put it down or she dies.
Bájala, o ella muere.
If she's this upset now, what'll she be like when Hayley dies?
Me refiero si está así ahora, ¿ cómo estará cuando Hayley muera?
If she is wired, if you use a look-a-like, Patricia dies.
Si tiene un micrófono oculto, o usa algo parecido, Patricia muere.
She's already dead, you've got the next minute to decide if your career dies here with her.
Ya está muerta. Tienes un minuto para decidir si tu carrerá morirá aquí con ella
Well, she's gonna feel like a million bucks when Chi lives and her son dies.
Se sentirá de maravilla cuando Chi viva y su hijo muera.
It's always a woman named Mary. And she always dies right in front of a mirror.
Siempre es una mujer llamada Mary y ella siempre muere frente a un espejo.
Whether she lives or dies is entirely up to you, my friend.
Que ella viva o muera depende exclusivamente de ti, amigo mío.
She's the one who dies.
Es ella que muere.
diesel 55
dies 46
she did 1380
she doesn't speak english 27
she doesn't have to 35
she died 453
she died last year 19
she doesn't 359
she doesn't know 197
she doesn't like me 38
dies 46
she did 1380
she doesn't speak english 27
she doesn't have to 35
she died 453
she died last year 19
she doesn't 359
she doesn't know 197
she doesn't like me 38
she does 701
she doesn't understand 44
she doesn't exist 24
she doesn't know anything 66
she doesn't love you 27
she doesn't mean it 22
she doesn't want me 16
she didn't 652
she doesn't care 43
she didn't want to 23
she doesn't understand 44
she doesn't exist 24
she doesn't know anything 66
she doesn't love you 27
she doesn't mean it 22
she doesn't want me 16
she didn't 652
she doesn't care 43
she didn't want to 23