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Sir richard перевод на испанский

314 параллельный перевод
The boat captain English Sir Richard is Ingolby.
El capitán del barco Inglés es Sir Richard Ingolby.
Sir Richard was Ingolby captured by the Spanish.
Sir Richard Ingolby fue capturado por los españoles.
Sir Richard Ketly.
Sir Richard Kikely ;
I hope you talk to Sir Richard's arrest.
Espero que hable a sir Richard de la prisión.
Sir Richard, I present to you to my husband.
Sir Richard, le presento a mi esposo.
Sir Richard bought the Rocks to the Pride Dad died when we take the court.
Sir Richard compró a Rocks Pride al morir papá cuando quitamos las cuadras.
Sir Richard, I'm desperate.
Sir Richard, estoy desesperada.
- No, Sir Richard.
- No, sir Richard.
Show Sir Richard and Her Ladyship how much we respect them.
Demostremos a Sir Richard y a su señora cuánto les respetamos.
Sir Richard.
Sr. Richard.
No, that's my grandfather, Sir Richard.
- No, es mi abuelo, sir Richard.
The beautiful, rich mother, Sir Richard in his pink coat...
la madre rica y hermosa, sir Richard de caza...
You shall see her at once, and before Sir Richard bursts with passion.
Enseguida la verán, antes de que Sir Richard explote de pasión.
My lords, I wish to call Sir Richard Rich!
¡ Señores, requiero la presencia de Sir Richard Rich!
Sir Richard, do you wish to modify your testimony?
Sir Richard, ¿ deseáis modificar vuestro testimonio?
Sir Richard is appointed Attorney General for Wales.
Sir Richard ha sido nombrado fiscal general de Gales.
Sir Richard England, Third Infantry division.
Sir Richard England, Tercera División de lnfantería.
My dear woman, Sir Richard and Lady Morris, arriving this evening. For two nights.
Querida Señora, ir Richard y Lady Morris, llegan esta noche.
Sir Richard and Lady Morris.
Sir Richard y Lady Morris.
You're Sir Richard and Lady Morris, I do beg your pardon.
¡ Oh! Son Sir Richard y Lady Morris, les pido mis disculpas.
Any valuables to deposit, Sir Richard?
¿ Algunas joyas para la caja, Sir Richard?
Sir Richard, this pistol must be faulty.
Señor Richard, esta pistola debe de ser defectuosa.
I've got permission to be here from Sir Richard Torton.
Me dio permiso el Sr. Richard Thornton.
- The former estate of Sir Richard?
- Las antiguas tierras de Sir Richard?
You are the daughter Sir Richard at the Lee.
Tu eres la hija de Sir Richard de Lee.
Sir Richard.
Sir Richard.
Lord, Sir Richard or Leaford and Lady Marion.
Mi señor! Sir Richard de Leaford y Lady Marion!
You know Sir Richard or Leaford and his daughter Marion.
Conocen a Sir Richard de Leaford y a su hija, Marion?
Yes, many things happened behind his back, Sir Richard.
Sí! Muchas cosas pasaron detrás de su espalda, verdad, Sir Richard?
I am delighted that Sir Richard Leaford and his country has received.
Me alegro que Sir Richard haya recuperado Leaford y el resto de su tierra.
- And you Sir Richard leaves behind.
Todos! - Y dejaréis a Sir Richard sólo.
He has rescued Sir Richard.
Rescató de nosotros a Sir Richard.
Signed, Sir Richard or Leaford.
Firmado, Sir Richard de Leaford. "
I will contact the Foreign Secretary and then telephone...
Llamare al Ministro de Exteriores, a Sir Richard y al embajador...
I don't want the Foreign Secretary!
¡ No quiero ni al Ministro ni a Sir Richard, solo al embajador!
... and the youngest, Sir Archie... Richard Lund
... y el más joven,
I'm Richard Blake reporting for work, sir.
Soy Richard Blake y me presento para trabajar, Sr.
- Richard Henderson? - Yes, sir.
Richard Henderson,
Sir Reginald Hammond. He lived in King Richard's time.
Sir Reginald, contemporáneo del rey Ricardo.
Sir Richard, I...
Sir Richard, yo...
I beg your pardon, sir, Richard's folks.
Es un gusto conocer al padre de Choya... Perdón, señor, al padre de Richard.
My daughter does not die to save Richard's throne, Sir Ivanhoe.
Mi hija no muere por salvar el trono de Ricardo, Sir Ivanhoe.
The name, sir, is Richard Harding Davis.
Mi nombre, señor, es Richard Harding Davis.
And with your permission, sir, I would like to have this verified by the renowned American scientist Dr. Richard Warren.
Y con su permiso, señor, quisiera verificar esto por el científico norteamericano de renombre, el Dr. Richard Warren.
Let me tell you something, Richard, is it? Yes, sir.
Deja que te diga algo Richard, ¿ no es así?
Sir Brian de Bois Guilbert loves you, not Richard.
Sir Brian de Bois Guilbert le quiere a usted, no a Ricardo.
[lmitating Richard Burton] No! My good sir, this doctor has released me because I'm sane!
¡ Buen señor, este doctor me dio de alta porque estoy cuerdo!
Do you know Sir Richard Torton?
¿ Conoces al Sr. Richard Thornton?
- The daughter of Sir Richard?
- Acompañada solamente por un monje.
- You were always thoughtful. Thank you, sir.
- Siempre has sido un hombre comedido, Richard.
We must warn him.
Tiene que estar avisado ante la estupidez de Sir Richard.

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