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Solve it перевод на испанский

2,099 параллельный перевод
Was to solve the power issues. Well, if anyone's going to solve it, I think eli will.
Bueno, si alguien puede resolverlo, creo que será Eli.
"How do I solve it?"
¿ Cómo lo resuelvo? "
Me and Rowan started to go searching a client. If you do not solve it in a year run out of money.
Rowan y yo empezamos a viajar en busca de clientes y si no podiamos hacerlo en un año
Describe the problem and I'll give my best to solve it.
Describa el problema y yo haré lo posible para resolverlo.
When he has a problem, I solve it for him.
Cuando él tiene un problema...
You didn't solve it.
No lo resolvió.
I know, but you can't solve it by intervening like that.
Lo sé, pero no puedes resolverlo interveniendo de ese modo.
It would take me years to solve it by hand.
Hipotéticamente, podría resolverla de forma manual pero tardaría años...
And we've understood that you don't want to solve it.. .. but play political games.
¡ Y entendemos que no quieren resolverlo... sino jugar juegos políticos!
They don't want them to solve it.
No quieren que lo resuelvan.
Carter Hanson doesn't want them to solve it.
Carter Hanson no quiere que ellos lo resuelvan.
Messner does not solve it!
- ¿ Qué? No podemos confiar en los Messner.
If you solve it, the gift will be yours.
Si lo resuelves, el regalo será tuyo.
That'll solve it all.
Eso lo resolvería todo.
I'm the one who can't solve it.
Yo soy el que no lo puedo resolver.
Colonel Young and his people are trying to solve it, but...
El Coronel Young y su gente están intentando solucionarlo, pero...
# If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it #
If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it Si hay un problema, lo voy a resolver
I'm just here to identify your problem solve it, get you out, no loose ends. But I can't do that unless you let me.
Estoy aquí para identificar su problema resolverlo, dejarla a salvo sin cabos sueltos.
And I's gonna solve it.
Y me lo va a resolver.
Solve it.
Of course it can't, but they can't solve it on their own.
Claro que no, pero no pueden resolverlo solos.
Well, Angela, if I'm really the only guy at work who can solve it, I'll be right there. Luke!
Bueno, Angela, si realmente soy el único tío en el trabajo capaz de solucionarlo, ahí estaré. ¡ Luke!
- It's the only way to solve these types of issues.
Es la única forma de resolver estos asuntos.
If it's human, can bleed and die And givin'you problems, I could solve'em
Si es humano, puede sangrar y morir y le da problemas, los resuelvo
Sure, every once in a while, you run into a doozy... that you don't think you could ever solve in a million years... but if you stick with it, you figure it out.
De vez en cuando te topas con todo un caso que no crees poder resolver jamás. Pero si perseveras, lo descifras.
Merci. It seems to me, that if we solve one of problems here, we'll solve the other.
Al parecer, si resolvemos un caso, resolveremos el otro.
Because I have a deal pending with the Aryans and it might help solve the situation.
Porque tengo un acuerdo pendiente con los arios... que podría ayudar a calmar la situación.
It can solve crime.
Se puede romper el caso.
So, you want to solve the problem before you present it to your boss.
- Asi que usted quiere resolver el problema antes que la denuncie ante su superior.
Isn't it naive to think you can solve these kinds of manufacturing challenges?
No es ingenuo, pensar que puedes resolver este tipo de problemas?
But it is our duty to solve these problems..
¡ Es nuestro deber resolver los problemas!
You have two minutes to design a maze that it takes one minute to solve.
Tienes dos minutos para diseñar un laberinto que me tome un minuto.
It's not gonna solve the disconnect I have with my daughter or the disconnect that any of us have with our kids.
No resolverá la desconexión que tengo con mi hija o la desconexión que cualquiera de nosotros tiene con sus hijos.
It is, but nothing what a delightful piece whatever it is that can not solve.
Lo es, pero nada lo que es una pieza deliciosa lo que sea que no puede resolver.
Maybe, but it might not solve your problem.
Tal vez, pero podría no resolver su problema.
Roman Jakobson shows during the winter of 1942 / 43 that is it impossible to separate sound from meaning and that only the concept of the phoneme can solve this mystery.
Roman Jakobson enseñó, durante el invierno de 1942 / 43, que es imposible separar el sonido del significado, y que sólo la noción de fonema permite resolver este misterio... (... escribir para dos voces puede sólo tener éxito... )
And solve it, just like that. No sense of ambition.
Sin ningún sentido de ambición.
Even if it's a smaller city, it's not an easy problem to solve.
Aunque mucho más pequeña que Milán, - no es fácil de resolver. - No.
I don't think it's gonna solve everything.
No creo que es la solución.
It's confidential, it'll solve my toughest case,
Es confidencial. Resolverá mi caso más complicado
But it was easier to solve.
Pero fue mas facil de resolver.
It's not gonna solve anything.
Eso no resolverá nada.
Mom, you're not gonna solve ojai's problems overnight. And you're certainly not gonna do it by yourself.
Mamá, no vas a solucionar los problemas de Ojai de la noche a la mañana y seguramente no vas a poder hacerlo sola.
I don't think that's gonna solve anything, is it?
No creo que esto pueda solucionar nada, ¿ no?
Surely, it's a mystery we can solve together.
Por supuesto, es un misterio que podemos resolver juntos.
It was the government trying to figure out if modern forensic analysis... could solve the greatest mystery of all time.
El gobierno trataba de ver si el análisis forense moderno... podría resolver el misterio más grande de todos los tiempos.
It seemed that Rhee had come up with a magic formula to solve the most intractable problem in all of education.
Parecía que a Rhee se le había ocurrido una fórmula mágica para resolver el problema más inextricable en toda la educación.
It was like everybody wanted to solve the puzzle differently.
Era como si todos quisieran resolver el puzzle de forma diferente.
It's the big problem that we have to solve.
Es el gran problema que tenemos que resolver.
How is ignoring it going to solve anything?
Como ignorarlo va a solucionar algo?
That doesn't really solve our problem, now, does it?
Pero eso no resuelve nuestro problema, ¿ cierto?

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