Technically speaking перевод на испанский
188 параллельный перевод
I could propose someone else and benefit from it. Koukari, who, in some things, technically speaking, is even better than Frankuzzi. I have hired him, but he is not suitable for Othello, so he is a financial burden to me.
... Cuchere, que para algunas cosas podría ser más adecuado que Francosi sí, lo he contratado, pero en Otelo no trabaja, así que imagínate ¡ ah, no!
Technically speaking, we can't talk about advantages. The game's over.
Desde el punto de vista técnico, no se puede hablar de ventajas, ya que la partida ha terminado.
What he did before With shaving brush It could be considered contempt for authority, technically speaking.
Lo que hizo antes con la brocha de afeitar podría ser considerado desacato a la autoridad, técnicamente hablando.
Is there anything in life that is not contempt for authority... Technically speaking?
¿ Hay algo en esta vida que no sea desacato a la autoridad... técnicamente hablando?
to the nearest guess, technically speaking, that is, was a conniption fit.
por decir algo, técnicamente hablando, un ataque de berrinches.
Technically speaking, to be decadent is to be weak, diminished in energy, sterile.
Técnicamente hablando, es perder energías, ser estéril.
Low excitation energy, technically speaking.
Energía de excitación baja, en términos técnicos.
That's a first-class photo, Turner, technically speaking... but I don't think it's a suitable image.
Es una foto de primera, Turner, a nivel técnico pero creo que no es una imagen que me sirva.
You see, technically speaking, the Brig should have a major and a captain under him.
Verá, técnicamente el brigadier debe tener un comandante y un capitán a sus órdenes.
Technically speaking, I don't have an official appointment, but he did ask me to call him personally, and I was in the neighbourhood.
Técnicamente, no tengo cita previa, pero me pidió que lo llamara y justamente pasaba por aquí.
Technically speaking, I have to know what's in there.
Técnicamente, yo debería saber qué hay ahí adentro.
Well, technically speaking, not really.
Bueno, en realidad, no.
Well, I suppose not, not technically speaking, but... I've never actually had anything like this happen to me before.
Bueno, no técnicamente hablando, pero... Nunca me había pasado algo como esto antes.
Technically speaking, they have no right.
Técnicamente hablando, no tienen derecho.
Actually, "OK" is not a threat Lister, technically speaking.
"Está bien", técnicamente, no es una amenaza.
Well, technically speaking, yeah.
- Técnicamente sí.
What'cha you mean, "technically speaking"?
- ¿ Cómo que "técnicamente sí"?
- But maybe technically speaking.
Bueno, técnicamente hablando, quizá.
He was dead, technically speaking.
Estaba muerto, técnicamente hablando.
Well, technically speaking, I haven't.
Técnicamente hablando, no Io he hecho.
Technically speaking, that's you.
Técnicamente, ése eres tú.
Now, technically speaking, that's only one flaw, but it was such a big one, it was worth mentioning twice.
Ahora bien, técnicamente hablando, eso es sólo un defecto, pero era tan grande, que cabe mencionarlo dos veces.
Wait a second. Technically speaking... if you knew about that the whole time... and you didn't tell me that you knew, that would make it your secret.
Técnicamente hablando... si supiste eso todo este tiempo... y no me dijiste que sabías, ese sería tu secreto.
You're my boss, technically speaking.
Además, ahora, teóricamente eres mi jefe.
Well, yeah, technically speaking, but but hey, it's not like for real or nothing like that.
Técnicamente sí, pero... pero no es en serio, ni nada así.
Well, technically speaking, Suzanne, those tapes actually belong to us.
Técnicamente hablando, esas cintas de hecho pertenecen a nosotros.
So technically speaking, who will I be boinking?
Técnicamente hablando, ¿ con quien follare?
But technically speaking, it wasn't a direct threat.
Eso es terrible. Pero técnicamente no es una amenaza directa.
- Technically speaking of course.
- Técnicamente hablando, por supuesto.
- Technically speaking they're called apparitions.
- Técnicamente hablando se les llama apariciones.
- Well, yeah, technically speaking it's a brush, but this brush was made by the finest Andalusian group, bristles handpicked by Andalusian gypsies straight of the mane of Andalusian horses, going into far of Andalusia.
Técnicamente, sí. Pero se ha fabricado con la mejor madera de Andalucía. Gitanos andaluces arrancaron las cerdas... de las crines de los caballos andaluces... que se crían en los bosques de Andalucía.
Technically speaking, Jill, you scored.
Técnicamente tu ganaste.
Now, technically speaking let's say, put me down as a "whatever."
Ahora, técnicamente hablando Digamos, menospreciarme como "lo que sea."
- Technically speaking, you're a fifth wheel.
- Hablando con propiedad eres un cirio.
No... technically speaking, I suppose I'm not a real person.
No... técnicamente hablando, supongo que no soy una persona real.
Technically speaking, we're not former spouses yet.
Técnicamente hablando, no somos un ex matrimonio.
Technically speaking, I wouldn't travel with you... if my life depended on it.
Técnicamente hablando, no voy a viajar contigo por nada del mundo.
Technically speaking, you were right.
Técnicamente hablando, tenías razón.
You know, it occurs to me that, with you in command, and Tuvok off the ship, that makes me Acting First Officer, technically speaking.
¿ Sabe? , con usted al mando y Tuvok fuera de la nave eso me hace el Primer Oficial. Hablando técnicamente.
- Well, technically speaking I'm as old as I'm ever gonna get.
No somos viejos. Técnicamente hablando, no puedo ponerme más viejo.
Technically speaking, your fire went out centuries ago.
Técnicamente hablando, tu fogata se apagó hace siglos.
You appear to have back-doored into a part of the game that, technically speaking, shouldn't even exist.
Tu pareces tener una puerta trasera a una parte del juego, que, técnicamente hablando, ni siquiera debería existir
Technically speaking, it's this morning.
- Técnicamente, ya es de mañana.
- Your, uh, squad - is gonna have a real tough time when, technically speaking, you don't exist :
la va a tener difícil para ganar el campeonato nacional... pues, en términos técnicos, ni siquiera existe.
Well, technically speaking, the procedure is brain damage, but it's on a par with a night of heavy drinking.
Pues, estrictamente hablando... el procedimiento es daño cerebral... pero está a la altura de una noche en la que se bebe mucho.
Technically speaking, it's a difficult one to get around...
- Gracias por todo. - Es muy difícil resolverlo, debes tener...
Technically speaking, we're standing on unhallowed ground.
Técnicamente, estamos en una tierra sin consagrar.
Actually, technically speaking, he is... not really a murderer.
En realidad, técnicamente hablando, él... no es realmente un asesino.
Dr. Jastrow has no more claim to American citizenship, technically speaking, than Adolf Hitler does.
Dr. Jastrow no tiene más pretensión de ciudadanía de los ESTADOS UNIDOS, 353 00 : 30 : 50,722 - - 00 : 30 : 54,257 hablando técnicamente, que el propio Adolf Hitler.
Technically speaking :
Dicho técnicamente...
It passed noon while I was speaking, so that was technically accurate.
Pasó el mediodía mientras hablaba, así que eso fue técnicamente exacto.
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speaking of which 971
speaking foreign language 40
speaking gibberish 33
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speaking spanish 222
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speaking of which 971
speaking foreign language 40
speaking gibberish 33
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