The problem was перевод на испанский
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The problem was that the car got stuck, and you fainted.
Lo que pasa es que nos encajamos con el auto y usted sufrió un desmayo.
I wanted to ask you to please give me that number... so I can call him to see if she went to his office that week and if she did what the problem was.
Quería pedirle si por favor me lo puede dar... para averiguar si le hizo una visita esta semana y en tal caso por qué fue.
The problem was that I tried to do a follow-up apology.
El problema es que intenté hacer otra disculpa.
If we chelate, we're not gonna know what disease he had, which means we're not gonna know if the problem was in his lousy old job or his still-lousy new life.
Si hacemos quelación, no vamos a saber que enfermedad tuvo, lo cual significa que no vamos a saber si el problema estaba en su piojoso viejo trabajo o su aún piojosa nueva vida.
I wondered if the problem was you.
Me pregunté si el problema eras tú.
It turned out that the problem was the strings themselves were not enough.
Resultó que el problema era que las cuerdas solas no eran suficiente.
Problem was, some people didn't want The Arcadian torn down.
El problema era, que alguna gente no quería que derribaran El Arcadian.
The only problem was- - I kept butting heads with my project supervisor on one very important issue.
El único problema era que seguía peleándome con mi jefe por un asunto importante.
No... there was a problem with the pipelines. But it's almost solved.
No, un problema de cañerías pero ya está casi solucionado.
"I was late because there was a problem with the landing gear on my car"?
"Llegué tarde porque hubo un problema Con el tren de aterrizaje de mi auto"?
- So, what was the problem? - Jealousy, constantly.
¿ Entonces, cual esra el problema?
It was also a textural problem, which was compounded by the vessel you gave it to us in. You were given a plastic dish to serve this in, and you didn't think to change it and think, how can I do this differently?
tenía también un problema de textura que se agravó por el recipiente en el que nos sirvieron os dimos un plato de plástico para servir y no pensásteis en cambiar y pensar
I did, not in their entireties. The problem, I think is that it was all separate.
lo hice, no en su totalidad el prolema, creo, es que estaba todo separado
Tiffani, Antonia, and Jamie. Tiffani's dish, for me, the big problem was the way that she cleaned the bluefish. She wanted to leave the skin on.
Tiffani, Antonia y Jamie en el plato de Tiffani el gran problema fue cómo limpió el bluefish ella quería dejar la piel el problema con eso es que dejas la línea y es demasiado fuerte fue todo muy torpe no mostró nada de refinamiento o finura
MIKE : There was a fair amount of people that were actually afraid of the bats because they were afraid we were going to have a rabies problem or a disease outbreak, so there were actually groups of people lobbying the city council
Había una gran cantidad de personas que en realidad tenían miedo a los murciélagos porque temían que fuera a haber problemas con la rabia o con el brote de alguna otra enfermedad, por lo que hubo un cierto grupo de personas que presionó al ayuntamiento
I realized my problem was that maybe she doesn't know now but when she finds out her son fucks up the ass it won't be my problem, it'll be her problem. Get it? .
Me di cuenta de que mi problema es que tal vez no lo sabe aún pero cuando se entere de que su hijo tira por el culo no será mi problema, será su problema. ¿ Lo entiendes?
- There was a problem with the sound.
- Un problema con el sonido.
Luke said there was a problem with the sunbed.
Luke dijo que había un problema con la cama solar. ¿ Tiene una llave?
The problem was you.
El problema fuiste tú.
The mathematician Choi Suk-jeong came up with a complicated problem and there was a competition between the scholars to solve it.
El matemático Choi Suk-jeong propuso un problema complicado, y organizó una competencia entre los eruditos para resolverlo.
That was the other problem I had, is it's hard to eat a whole bowl of it.
Ese fue el otro problema que tuve, es difícil comer un plato entero de eso.
The only problem was everyone agreed that Bruce should be the one to try and shut her up.
El único problema era que todos estaban de acuerdo en que Bruce debería ser el que intentara acallarla.
- Reverend, did your son ever tell you there was a problem with the signatures Mr. corrigan was gathering?
Reverendo, ¿ alguna vez le dijo su hijo que había un problema con las firmas que el Sr. Corrigan estaba reuniendo?
And even though he did fit in the Bentley, there was still a problem.
Y aunque sí cupo en el Bentley, aún había un problema.
And this court case was the first problem.
Y este juicio fue el primer problema.
The only problem was that we had to get really close in order to see the tiny screen on my camera.
El único problema es que tuvimos que juntarnos mucho para poder ver la pantallita de mi cámara.
Liz, I was checking the cue cards, and we have a problem.
Liz, estaba comprobando las tarjetas, y tenemos un problema.
When somebody came to you one day and said that there was a problem with the environment and that man was creating some carbon-dioxide, which was getting stuck in the upper atmosphere and this was going to cause the world to melt,
Cuando alguien vino a un día y dijo que había un problema con el medio ambiente y el hombre que fue la creación de algunos de dióxido de carbono, que estaba atascado en el atmósfera superior y este iba a causar el mundo para derretir,
That was the problem in those days.
Ese fue el problema en esos días.
But the problem is, imelda said you were the last person to see him before he was left to die in an alleyway.
Pero el problema es que Imelda dijo que tú fuiste la ultima persona que lo vió antes de que lo dejaran morir en un callejón.
Was I sacrificing truth for expedience in shipping the problem to South America?
¿ Sacrificaba la verdad por la conveniencia al enviar el problema a Sudamérica?
But that was only part of the problem.
Pero ese era solo parte del problema.
That was a big part of the problem over there.
Eso fue gran parte de su problema.
One day a century was not a problem, but after 15 centuries is the difference.
Un día en en siglo no es un problema, pero después de 15 siglos es diferente.
That was a big part of the problem.
Eso era una gran parte del problema.
The problem is, Jonathan, I was convinced. Geraldine and Lucy was a straightforward murder-suicide, and then another stiff turns up.
El problema es, Jonathan, que yo estaba convencida de que el caso de Geraldine y Lucy era un caso claro de asesinato-suicidio, y luego aparece otro cadáver.
Their problem was that, together with Cuba they acquired the debt incurred by the Spanish colonial regime.
Su problema es que junto con Cuba adquirieron la deuda contraída por el régimen colonial español.
Was there a problem with the maitre d'?
- ¿ Ha habido algún problema con el maitre?
She's been given a Broadway number... and been told to not play it really broad, because her problem during the main challenge... was that she became very animated, and she already looks like she's ten years old.
Se le ha dado un número de Broadway y se le ha dicho que no lo haga plenamente porque su problema durante el principal desafío fue que acabó muy animada y de verdad que parecía que tuviera diez años.
Yes, there was a problem with the credit card.
Sí, cariño, hubo un problema con tu tarjeta de crédito.
♪ ♪ Oh, if there was a problem, you can't solve it ♪ ♪ Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it ♪
The Roommate Transmogrification â ™ ª Oh, if there was a problem, you can't solve it â ™ ª â ™ ª Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it â ™ ª â ™ ª Ice, Ice, baby â ™ ª
It was the breathing that was the problem.
Era la respiración el problema.
- And the problem with Aston's alibi for your whereabouts is that he was in southampton that night.
El problema que tienes con la coartada de Aston para tu paradero reside en que él estaba en Southampton esa noche.
But the problem with Colleen was she never really understood her place.
Pero el problema con Colleen es que realmente nunca entendió su lugar.
What was the problem?
¿ cual era su problema?
I kind of feel like part of the problem is we spent so long thinking about having sex that when we finally got around to it, it was anticlimactic.
Es como si el sentirme así como parte del problema es que nosotros pasamos mucho tiempo pensando sobre tener sexo y cuando nosotros finalmente conseguimos hacerlo, fue anticlimático.
The meeting with Danish Industry was postponed, so it's no problem.
La reunión con la industria danesa se pospuso, así que no habría problema.
You know, that was the problem with Adrian and me.
Sabes que eso fue el problema entre Adrian y yo.
But the stigma attached to dealing with the problem through criminal law was eliminated.
Sólo que los estigmas que afectaban... al tratamiento de esta cuestión... en el ámbito del derecho criminal... fue de hecho suprimido.
The problem the international community faced was that both the international markets and the domestic holders of capital were very quickly losing confidence in the Indonesian regime.
El problema al que se enfrentaba la comunidad internacional era que tanto los mercados internacionales como los inversores domésticos estaban rápidamente perdiendo su confianza en el régimen indonesio.
But as he watched the behaviour of teeming masses of ants, he realised that there was a problem.
Pero al observar el comportamiento de ingentes poblaciones de hormigas, se dio cuenta de que había un problema.
the problem 86
the problem is 617
problem was 25
washington 356
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
the problem is 617
problem was 25
washington 356
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
washed 38
wasting 28
washington post 22
washington d 17
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
wasn't it 2231
wasting 28
washington post 22
washington d 17
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
wasn't it 2231
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it good 112
wash it 28
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it good 112
wash it 28