Then go for it перевод на испанский
669 параллельный перевод
- If you know one, then go for it!
- Si conoces una, ¡ ve a por ella!
Then go for it, act like a man.
Pues ve a por ello, como un hombre.
It seems like he left his sled to go hunting for food... then couldn't find his way back.
Parece que dejó el trineo para ir a cazar y luego no supo regresar.
But if I hear, there's a sure bet on Sunday, then I'll go for it, so what...
Pero si algún pingo llega a ser fija el domingo, yo me juego entero, qué le voy hacer.
So I put my arm under the whip in the hope it would break, then your granddad would have to go for a new one, giving your granny or mother a chance to snatch you away.
Entonces puse la mano donde él golpeaba y aguanté. Esperaba que se rompiera la varilla y el abuelo buscara otra y te sacaría la abuela o tu madre.
Then that settles it, I'll go to Lisbon to look for Chico.
Dé por hecho que voy a Lisboa a buscar a Chico.
Do it for me, that's all I ask of you. Then, if you want me to, I'll go.
Hazlo por mí, sólo te pido eso.
I can't say I care for it but if it's to come, why then, it's best I go forward quickly.
No puedo decir que me alegro pero si ha de venir, prefiero que sea rápidamente.
If Your Majesty chooses to go with Kaiser FranzJosef... to gain something that is not yours, then you will have to fight us for it.
Si vos elegís ir con el Kaiser Franz Josef... para ganar lo que no es vuestro, deberéis luchar contra nosotros
I may go along in a rut for years, and then all of a sudden, snap out of it like that.
No puedo encerrarme en la rutina y cambiar de golpe, de un día para otro.
- Then you'll go for it, huh?
- Entonces, te parece bien, ¿ eh?
Is it possible, doctor, for a man to be normal, say, for two or three months at a time, then go completely insane for an hour or two?
¿ Es posible, doctor, que un hombre sea normal, digamos... 2 ó 3 meses, y luego se vuelva loco durante una 1 hora ó 2?
You go on wherever you like and take it easy for a couple of weeks and I'll join you then or sooner.
Id a dónde queráis. Pasadlo bien una o dos semanas. Me reuniré con vosotros.
It stands for good, clean sport, and if we can't go to see fights, then by Godfrey we'll put them on ourselves.
Representa el deporte sano y limpio, y si no podemos ir a ver las peleas... les aseguro que las pondremos nosotros.
It ain't right for a man to be buried decent and proper like... and then go and get hit by a bloomin'bomb splint.
No está bien que entierren a un hombre como Dios manda... para que luego lo atraviese una bomba.
Then when she said it was time for her to go home, I should ask her not to leave.
Entonces, cuando se diera cuenta de que es hora de irse, le pediría que no lo hiciera.
Find out for yourself why you had to lose your hands. And then go do something about it.
Averigüe usted mismo por qué perdió las manos y haga algo al respecto.
Then we'll go to the lake and get one of those little boats and go for a ride. How about it?
Iremos al lago, alquilaremos un bote y navegaremos.
Millions of people right now are pretty happy to be right where they are, but when someone wants to go somewhere else so badly that they'll risk their lives, then it's time for me to help them,
Millones de personas son felices donde están. Pero cuando uno arriesga su vida para ir a otro sitio, entonces me toca ayudar en vez de rechazar.
Then when he came home and wanted to hide out, the old man wouldn't go for it.
Después cuando fue a casa para esconderse... el padre no se lo toleró.
Yes. Then it was possible for you to go to Villette's house.
Entonces, pudo usted ir a casa de Villette.
It's still early, let's go for a ride. Then I'll drop you off.
Aún es pronto, demos una vuelta y luego la llevo ¿ eh?
Then it's safe for me to go back East?
¿ Puedo volver al este entonces?
I can't believe he'd send me for medicine and then... go away before I came back with it.
No puedo creer que me haya enviado a buscar medicina y que se haya ido antes de que yo regrese.
Because if he did win it fair, then why did you go after him for it?
¿ La ganó limpiamente? Porque si la ganó limpiamente, ¿ por qué quisiste quitársela?
Go for the money, then you can have it.
Vete a por el dinero y te la llevas.
There must be traces of a struggle between you and Withers, then it will hardly be safe for you to go to the police.
Debe haber signos de lucha entre Withers y Ud. Así no se Ie ocurrirá denunciar este caso a Ia policía.
Then what was it doing empty on this floor at 2 : 00 this morning? Long enough for Miss La Lune to walk up four flights of stairs and go to her flat?
Y, ¿ qué hacía aquí, vacío, a Ias 2,... como para que Ia Srta. La Lune subiera 4 pisos andando?
I'll give the word when it's time to go, and then it's every man for himself.
Daré la orden cuando sea hora de salir.
Well, then just go and show this good-for-nothing how it's done!
Ve y muéstrale a este inútil cómo se hace.
If it is not him, then after the coffee We could go for a walk.
Si el azar hiciera que no fuera él después del kawa, podríamos salir un poco.
We'll help you get the car out and you can go into the town and buy the whisky for us then we can all sit down and drink it together, like good friends, okay?
Nosotros le ayudamos a sacar el coche usted va al pueblo a por el whisky y nos lo bebemos todos juntos como buenos amigos, ¿ eh?
Then we'll go for a walk... where it's quiet.
Luego iremos a caminar... por algún lugar tranquilo.
It would have been so easy then for me to turn and go but now there's no leaving you,
Me habría sido bien fácil entonces dar media vuelta y marcharme. Pero ahora no puedo dejarte, de sobra lo sé.
Go then, it's best for us both.
Entonces, vete. Es mejor para los dos.
If you don't want me to do it, then let me go back for one of the men.
Si no quieres que lo haga yo, iré a buscar a uno de los hombres,
It's for winter and I go to school then.
Es para el invierno y estoy en la escuela.
Stop it or they'll close the bar, and then where will you go for fun?
Y ustedes dejen de pelear o nos van a cerrar el club, ¿ y luego dónde se van a divertir?
And then I was afraid that you would go after me for reporting it late.
Con Brychová no se me ocurrió. Y entonces tuve miedo de que fueran tras de mí por informar tarde.
If you want to write for me, do it. If not, then go on your way.
Si quieres escribir para mí pues lo haces, si no, santas pascuas.
Then it seems crazy for you to be going alone when you could go together.
Entonces es absurdo que viajen solos cuando pueden hacerlo juntos.
Then, you must go for it.
Entonces, debe ir por ello.
Are you serious? They snatch you up, throw you in the slammer, then let you go by some accident... or was it for your romantic visions?
¿ Hablas en serio? después te soltaron por accidente...
Bullets and stuff that they steal from us who are there to fight for them, sell it to Charlie, get money, go out and buy rice, and then tomorrow the bullets come back at them, but they don ´ t care ´ cause they ´ re all high!
Balas y cosas que nos roban a quienes luchan por ellos, lo venden a Charlie, obtienen dinero, compran arroz y al día siguiente las balas vuelven, pero no les importa porque son grandes.
Well, if a call does come for me while we're talking, then I'll go over to the desk and answer it.
Si alguien llama mientras hablamos iré al escritorio y atenderé.
Then it would seem to me that, Arlene, that the most realistic way to plan it would be to think about where you could go if your father could give you a thousand dollars to fifteen hundred dollars, and then to try for scholarships at some other places that might be somewhat more expensive.
Entonces, me parece que el modo más realista de programar las cosas, sería pensar dónde podrías ir... si tu padre pudiese darte de 1.000 a 1.500 dólares, y luego buscar becas para asistir a universidades más caras.
Then you count it for me, awhile I go with young Pedro... and we have lots of things to do.
Luego me lo contáis, ahora me voy con Pedrito que tenemos muchas cosas que hacer. -
Go for it, then.
Pelea, entonces.
I heard the glass break and the alarm go off and so I reached for the gun, it was in the drawer beside my bed, and then I just started shooting.
Oí que rompían el cristal y sonaba la alarma y, por eso, busqué la pistola. Estaba en el cajón junto a mi cama. Y después empecé a disparar.
So, after that have happen to me, then, uh, I said to myself, "Now it's time for you to go from Quebec."
Así que, luego de que me sucediera, entonces yo me dije. "Ya es hora de irme de Quebec."
Does it seem logical to you that a person would starve himself for two days and then go scuba diving?
¿ Le parece lógico que una persona pase dos días sin comer y luego vaya a bucear?
then go ahead 63
then go 256
then go in 18
then go home 40
go for it 869
for it 119
then nearly 94
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then go 256
then go in 18
then go home 40
go for it 869
for it 119
then nearly 94
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then prove it 86
then what 1564
then you're wrong 16
then i 166
then you know 40
then it's a date 18
then you 156
then it's settled 125
then you're right 18
then leave 77
then what 1564
then you're wrong 16
then i 166
then you know 40
then it's a date 18
then you 156
then it's settled 125
then you're right 18
then leave 77