There was a man перевод на испанский
2,457 параллельный перевод
There was a man.
Había un hombre.
There was a man out there.
Había un hombre.
I didn't want people thinking there was a man living here.
No quiero que la gente piense que hay un hombre viviendo aquí.
Dr Sim, now there was a man who was happy to mix with his peers.
El Dr. Sim era un hombre al que le gustaba estar con sus pares.
There was a man.
Fue un hombre.
I woke up in the middle of the night, and there was a man standing over the bed.
Desperté a media noche... y había un hombre de pie delante de la cama.
There was a man here. I...
Había un hombre aquí.
There was a man at the window.
Había un hombre en la ventana.
There was a man. He...
Había un hombre ahí.
There was a man floating there, so we jumped in.
Había un hombre flotando, así que nos metimos en el lago.
The news that there was a man swimming the Amazon was spreading fast through out the Brazil.
La noticia de que había un hombre nadando el Amazonas se extiende rápidamente en todo el Brasil.
There was a man from Troubadour who got blown up during the war.
Había un hombre de Trobadour que explotó en la guerra.
There was a man watching.
Había un hombre mirando.
There was a man at the preschool.
En el jardín infantil había un hombre.
I did hear there was a man on the inside.
Sí que oí que había un infiltrado.
Days later, they came to announce that there was a man in the entrance hall asking to see me.
Días después, vinieron a anunciarme que... había en el atrio un hombre que pidió verme.
There was a man in my room!
Había un hombre en mi cuarto!
There was a man named Thomas Crowley.
Había un hombre llamado Thomas Crowley.
So there was another man with you in that house With a bad eye?
¿ Así que había otro hombre contigo en esa casa con un ojo malo?
Did you see that? There I was being flirted with by a handsome, married man who's kind my imaginary boyfriend, and James totally booty blocked me.
Estaba siendo cortejada por un apuesto hombre... casado, que siempre ha sido mi novio imaginario, y James me sacó totalmente de en medio.
There was a little tinge o jealousy there.I was like, oh, man, you know.
Había un pequeño matiz de envidia. Era como : "Oh, Dios" ¿ Sabes?
There was a nice man here, Mr. Cureton.
Aquí estaba un tipo amable, el Sr. Cureton.
No, that's right. I think the truth is we just wanted to get to know y'all a little bit better, and I was just hoping y'all would get to know my husband a little bit better, because if there's one thing about this man, he loves football. He loves football, he loves those boys out there, he lives and breathes it, you know?
- Creo que nos reunimos para conocernos todos un poco mejor y esperaba que conocieran un poco mejor a mi esposo, porque hay una cosa sobre este hombre, ama el fútbol, ama el fútbol, ama a sus chicos, los apoya, ¿ saben?
No, there was a young man in the store.
Había un joven en el negocio.
So there was a third man on the scene with Elizabeth?
¿ Así que había un tercer hombre en la escena con Elizabeth?
Well, I don't know - - I mean, there may have been a couple times where I was just kind of staring at her And my mind starts thinking, "oh, man, I should have started with a more average-looking woman."
Bueno, no se- - me refiero, pueden haber habido un par de veces en las que sólo estuve mirándola fijamente y mi mente empieza a pensar, "oh, hombre, debería haber empezado con una mujer de aspecto más promedio"
I was just a regular man... a husband, a father... and maybe I won't be there to see her grow up, but at least I know the last words I've ever said belong to her.
Era un hombre normal. Esposo. Padre.
- We would have said that to a man if... If there was man flab. - Yeah.
Le diríamos lo mismo a un hombre si tuviera esos rollos.
You see, jeff, there are certain things Man was not meant to hear.
Verás, Jeff, hay ciertas cosas... que el hombre no está destinado a oír.
- Seriously man, you were spitting up so much salt water I wanted to paddle over there and burp you like a little baby 3 inches, it was like...
- En serio tío, estabas escupiendo tanta agua salada que quería remar hasta allí y hacerte eructar como a un bebé 7 cm y medio, medía por lo menos...
- There were decrees written by the Pope at the time - that specifically said that he was a dangerous man.
Hubo decretos escritos por el Papa entonces en los que decia especificamente que él era un hombre peligroso.
There was a time when I thought I knew, but..... I was a good man, Julius.
Hubo un tiempo cuando pensaba que sabía, pero era un buen hombre, Julius.
To help him make a decision, the President seeks counsel from the only man who was there that he personally knows and trusts, Robert Sherrod.
Para ayudarle a tomar una decisión, el Presidente busca el consejo del único hombre... que estaba ahí, que conoce personalmente y confía, Robert Sherrod.
While I was sitting there in this hotel, three hours before my wife was to get here, a guy walked up to me, and he said : "captain, you look like a man that, is in trouble."
tres horas antes de que mi esposa llegue, se me acerca un sujeto y me dice : " "Capitán, parece que tiene... algunos problemas" ".
And if this was done by neither a man nor a beast, there is only one explanation. It must be the work of a magical creature.
Y si no fueron hechas por un hombre ni una bestia sólo hay una explicación tiene que ser el trabajo de una criatura mágica.
There was also a man who checked in as Mikael Lundström.
También había un hombre... registrado como Mikael Lundström.
At the end of 1969, beginning of the 70s, we at the ALN leadership received information from Oban prisoners that there was a foreign man among the torturers. His physical description led us to believe that he probably belonged to the Ultra Group.
A finales de 1969, a principios de los 70's, estando a la cabeza de ALN recibimos información de parte de los prisioneros de Oban de que había un extranjero entre los torturadores.
Once there was a young man, who, like you sat in this very hall walked this castle's corridors, slept under its roof.
Una vez hubo un joven que, como ustedes se sentó en este mismo salón caminó los corredores de este castillo, durmió bajo su techo.
As I was walking up the stair I saw a man who wasn't there
Mientras iba caminando hasta las escaleras vi a un hombre que no estaba ahí
That was a, uh, man hug just there.
Eso fue... un abrazo varonil.
/ As I stood there in that lonely road, / I realized that this was as good a place / as any for a man to reinvent himself.
Parado en esa carretera solitaria, se me ocurrió que ése era un lugar genial para reinventarme.
There was no doubt in my mind that this was it, the answer to a question that man had been searching for since the beginning of time, the missing link in our evolution,
No había duda en mi cuenta que se trataba de, la respuesta a una pregunta que el hombre se debió a que el principio del tiempo, el eslabón perdido en nuestra evolución.
There was a beating of a homeless man on Winston Street,
Golpearon a un sin techo en la calle Winston...
Was there a man dismay'd?
"¿ Algún hombre abatido?"
There are approximately 5 hours, Anne slut 17 years was kidnapped Hilltop Mall by a white man unidentified.
Hace aproximadamente 5 horas, Anne Sluti de 17 años fue secuestrada en la tienda Hilltop por un hombre caucásico no identificado
I was talking to Wee Man over there, then I heard a...
Estaba allá hablando con Wee Man y escuché un...
- I don't like that. Apparently there was an unidentified man in Ward C yesterday. He subdued a highly dangerous patient quite handily.
Ayer, un hombre no identificado en el Pabellón C subyugó a un paciente muy peligroso.
The other day I walked in, there was this 90 years old Chinese man, he thought he was getting a little treat.
El otro día entré, había un hombre viejo chino año 90, pensó que estaba haciendo un poco de tratar.
A man trapped in the night he was killed, still out there, wandering the swamp each night trying to find his daddy.
El hombre atrapado en la noche en que fue asesinado sigue ahí, vagando por el pantano tratando de encontrar a su padre cada noche.
There was a time that, when the brains were out, the man would die, and there an end.
Hubo un tiempo que cuando el cerebro se abría, el hombre podía morir, y encontrar su final.
There's a man and he was...
Hay un hombre y fue él...
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90