They don't matter перевод на испанский
353 параллельный перевод
Humans want money, wealth, prosperity no matter what. But not idealism. They don't give a damn about it.
El hombre prefiere el dinero y el lujo a cualquier otra cosa, pero el idealismo, lo han olvidado.
Why, they don't matter a row of gingerbread compared to the schemes i've got for bettering this neighborhood.
Es verdad! No tienen la menor importancia en mis planes para mejorar el vecindario.
They really don't matter at all.
En realidad no son importantes.
They don't usually do it, as a matter of fact.
De hecho, normalmente no lo hacen.
If the French take you, don't let them know how we plan to get back no matter what they do.
Si los franceses te cogen, no les digas nada. Por mucho que les cueste tienen que llegar hasta allí, ¿ comprende?
We're going back to where, no matter what people are... they don't try to stop people from laughing and having a good time... as if it were wrong.
Vamos a regresar a un lugar en el que seas quien seas... no intentan impedir que te rías y te diviertas como si eso estuviera mal.
No importa lo disgustados que estén, no tienen por qué comportarse como la Gestapo... todo ese espionaje y las escuchas de teléfono.
They don't matter.
No tienen importancia.
As a matter of fact, I don't know whether they're working together or not, but there was a girl on the train with Raven.
De hecho... no sé si trabajan juntos o no, pero había una chica con Raven en el tren.
They don't matter, we'll have ourselves a time.
No tienen importancia, nos tendremos a nosotros mismos un tiempo.
Well that doesn't matter its Peter, they say they'll do something to him if I don't tell them.
No importa. ¿ Y Peter? Me dijeron que le harían daño si yo no hablaba.
You begin right at the beginning, sir, and don't omit any of the details no matter how boring they may be, sir.
Comience desde el principio y no omita ningún detalle, por muy aburrido que sea.
They don't matter anymore.
Pero ya no importa.
Don't you see if they had, it wouldn't matter to them now?
Si te hubieran amado, esto no les importaría.
- They matter, don't they?
- Importan, ¿ verdad?
Doesn't matter who they are, Jim. The thing that matters is, they don't scare easy.
Lo que importa es que no se asustan fácilmente.
As a matter of fact, they don't even try anymore.
De hecho, ya ni lo intentan.
If they don't swarm around, you're in another kind of a panic and you wonder what's the matter with her.
Y si no la asedia ninguno sentirá otra clase de pánico y se preguntará si le pasa algo.
Okay, so they don't overlap, - but we still got a lot of them. - What's the matter with you?
De acuerdo, aceptado, pero tenemos muchos.
No matter what happens, snuggy, don't ever act in no place where they sell hard liquor.
Pase lo que pase, no trabajes en lugares donde vendan bebidas alcohólicas.
What's it matter if they cheat on you, as long as you don't know?
¿ Por qué diablos se lo hice decir? ¿ Qué más da que te engañen mientras no lo sepas?
Remember not to speak, no matter if they ask you a question, don't respond, and don't take off this headpiece for any reason.
- No hablará. Los muertos nunca cuentan nada. Sea prudente, mi reina.
Bueno, ¿ qué te pasa con tus amigos?
What's the matter, don't they like dime novels?
¿ Tan mala memoria tienen?
I don't know what they want with you... but it doesn't matter now... because... you're not here anymore.
No sé qué quieren hacer contigo... pero ahora ya da igual... porque... ya no estás aquí.
They're lonesome, homesick boys. And no matter how tough they talk, don't you think... they're not looking forward to this "little show," as you call it.
Los chicos se sienten solos y añoran su casa, por duros que parezcan no crea que no están esperando impacientes ese "pequeño espectáculo" como usted lo llama.
Good Lord, I think everyone's gone crazy... they don't stop dancing, day or night, no matter where.
¡ Dios mío! ¡ Me parece que todo el mundo está loco! No paran de bailar en cualquier sitio, de día y de noche.
Don't answer, Isamu, no matter what they say
No contestes, Isamu, no importa lo que digan.
- They don't know what's the matter yet.
- Aún no saben qué le pasa.
We don't know each other, get it? What does it matter if they fire you?
No nos conocemos de nada, ¿ vale?
A few extra days won't matter, will they? No. I don't have anything better to do.
¿ Unos pocos días más no te importan?
I mean, what's the matter, don't they drink in the Air Force?
¿ Son abstemios en las Fuerzas Aéreas?
No matter how well these things are done they always turn out to be posters after all, don't they?
No importa cuán buena sea tu técnica siempre terminan siendo afiches, ¿ no crees?
They don't matter.
No me importan.
In some sense, they don't matter.
Bajo algunos aspectos no importa.
Look, forget about the sheds- - They don't matter.
- Oiga, olvídese de los cobertizos.
No matter what anybody tells you, they're a pain in the ass. Don't turn me into a proctologist.
Sé que siempre hay problemas.
Your file says you're as smart as they come. But smart don't matter a damn unless you're quick too.
En tu ficha consta que eres inteligente, pero la inteligencia no importa si no se es rápido.
They want us knowing who they are. They're telling us it don't matter. The law's what they say.
Quieren que sepamos quiénes son, que no importa lo que sepamos, que la ley la dictan ellos.
They tell me cuts don't matter much.
Me dicen que las cortaduras son Io de menos.
I hate to change bulbs outside my house because no matter how tight I put it in, they attract a lot of dirt and guck and they're full of dead bugs and I don't like to go up there and touch'em.
Detesto cambiar las bombillas de la puerta porque por más ajustadas que estén siempre atraen la suciedad, y se llenan de bichitos muertos y no me agrada tener que tocarlas.
We can wait for the money, but there's certain manners, no matter if they're modern, which we don't agree on.
Lo del dinero aún puede esperar. pero hay ciertas cosas, por muy modernas que parezcan, con las que no estamos de acuerdo.
Then why don't we go and adjudicate this matter in chambers, as they say, and maybe we can make a few motions or something.
Pues vayamos a arbitrar este conflicto a su despacho y quizá podamos hacer un par de mociones o algo así.
Whatever they say, it don't matter.
No importa lo que digan.
They don't weaken... no matter what.
No se debilitan... Pase lo que pase.
What they don't know is that no matter how powerful their rocket, it cannot penetrate our protective dome.
Lo que ellos no saben es que no importa lo poderoso que sea el cohete,... no podrá penetrar nuestra cúpula protectora.
What I saying, honey, is when people is children it don't matter who or what they is.
Lo que digo es que cuando se es niño no importa quién o qué eres.
They don't matter.
Da igual.
No matter what they throw at you to break you down, don't give up.
No importa lo que te echen encima para doblegarte, no te des por vencido -
It doesn't matter what people call you as long as they don't call you pigeon pie and eat you up.
Duras palabras. No importa lo que la gente te llame mientras no te llamen pastel de pichón y te coman.
As a matter of fact, they don't use computers.
Y de hecho, no usan los ordenadores.
they don't 727
they don't like me 19
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they don't like me 19
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they don't know yet 28
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