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They said no перевод на испанский

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Because I went to see a fortune teller... they said not to date someone who was born in the same month.
Porque fui a ver a un adivino... dicen que no hay que salir con alguien que nació el mismo mes.
Uh, they said that he wasn't in the castle... that he wasn't here at all... and when they realized that they'd failed, that's when they...
Han dicho que no estaba en el castillo... que no estaba aquí para nada... y cuando se dieron cuenta de que habían fracasado, ahí es cuando ellos.
They said a school wasn't what we needed, assassins were... the House of Valois toppled, a brutal reign ended.
Dijeron que no hacía falta una escuela, que los asesinos eran... la Casa de los Valois derribada, un brutal reino llegando a su fin.
They said... that the guards outside our chambers were killed, but the assassins never made it in, that you were untouched.
Dijeron... que los guardas apostados en nuestros aposentos fueron asesinados, pero que los asesinos nunca entraron, que no te tocaron.
Bishop couldn't have been home when the FBI said they taped it.
Bishop no estaba en casa cuando el FBI dice que la grabaron.
They said to me, " Don't you know young ladies do not wearjeans?
Me dijeron : " ¿ No sabes que las jovencitas no usan jeans?
And he said, "well, we're not gonna baptize you," because it would look like they support homosexuality, "and we're gonna pray that you find the truth."
Y me contestó "Bueno, no vamos a poder bautizarte", porque parecería que apoyan la homosexualidad, y "Vamos a rezar para que encuentres la verdad".
Don't worry, sweetheart, I know you were pissed at your aunt Jenny. But as I said, people sometimes say things they d0n't mean.
No importa, sé que estás enojada con la tía Jane, pero las personas hablan sin pensar.
I asked my buddies who investigated. They said there was nothing.
Mis amigos investigaron, no hallaron nada.
They said that they can't do anything.
Me dijeron que no pueden hacer nada.
Yeah, they said The True Living were taking things too far, and he didn't wanna be a part of it anymore.
Sí, dijeron que los Verdaderos Vivos estaban llevando... las cosas demasiado lejos, y que no quería más ser parte de esto.
No. We showed them the photos They said it wasn't them
Les mostramos las fotos.
No, they said I could go.
No, me han dicho que podía irme.
They said I couldn't talk to anybody.
Dijeron que no podía hablar con nadie.
Said I, um... I don't do exactly as they say, she's dead.
Dijo, que si no hacía exactamente lo que decían, estaba muerta.
They just asked me if I would prosecute a woman for threatening to stab a teacher, and, yes, oddly enough, I said yes. I...
Solo me preguntaron si presentaría cargos en contra de una mujer por amenazar con apuñalar a un profesor y, sí, por raro que parezca, dije que sí, no sabía que hablaban de ti.
They said it was drawn no more than a couple of days ago.
Dijeron que la extrajeron hace un par de días como mucho.
They laughed at me, said I should be flattered like I can't get a woman.
Se rieron de mí, dijeron que debería sentirme halagado como no puedo conseguir a una mujer.
I said I wanted to cut hair in the Army, but they wouldn't let me because of my shaky hands.
Dije que quería hacer eso pero no me dejaron por mis manos temblorosas.
The alarm office said their computers have been up and down all day and they haven't been able to check status.
La oficina de alarmas dijo que sus computadoras han estado cayéndose todo el día y no han podido revisar su estado.
Uh, originally they were bred as helper horses for people with polio, but I don't think anything of what I just said was correct, so...
En origen, se les criaba como caballos de ayuda para la gente con polio, pero no creo que nada de lo que he dicho sea correcto, así que...
I might not be cited, but they're taken from things that I've said in meetings.
Puede que no me cite, pero están sacadas de cosas que dije en las reuniones.
They haven't said a word to each other.
- No se han dicho nada.
They said he wouldn't be able to kill her.
- Dijeron que no sería capaz de matarla.
I said they should've driven over last night so there wouldn't be a panic.
Les dije que debían haber venido anoche así no tendríamos apuros.
You said yourself, you'd never let anything happen to the residents, so they're safe.
Lo dijiste tú misma. No dejarías que le pase nada a los residentes.
and they may have found them in a creature no bigger the grain have said right now at nasa we're doing experiments on untangle animals called target greens card a greater tough they can survive a range of temperatures from freezing to boiling point they can live without food or water
greens tarjeta de un mayor duros que puede sobrevivir a un gama de temperaturas se congele a punto de ebullición que pueden vivir sin comida ni agua durante una década o más, y de manera crucial si el ADN se daña por lo repara radiación sí mismo
Everyone says to go easy on the kid and not report him because they feel bad for him. But she said to hand him over to the police and not go easy on him.
Todos decidieron no reportar a Santa porque le tuvieron compasión, pero ella les dijo que lo entregaran a la policía porque no podíamos dejarlo ir.
So, when I went down and met with Spielberg, and if Spielberg would have said, you know, "I don't think he's really right for the game," they would have sent someone else.
Y quien mandaba era Spielberg. Si al conocerme hubiera dicho : "No quiero que haga él el juego", habrían mandado a otro.
I didn't think you were coming in today, they said you weren't...
No pensé que vendría hoy, dijeron que no estaba...
They said they'd be fight back. No, you moron!
Dijeron que regresarán pronto.
- Yeah, that's what they said!
No. - ¡ Sí, eso dijeron!
They asked if I was involved with Stevie too. I said no.
Me preguntaron si estaba involucrada con Stevie.
We'd said nothing of the details of our survival to anyone, but I wondered if they somehow knew of our privations.
No contamos ningún detalle de nuestra supervivencia a nadie... pero me pregunto si de algún modo sabían de nuestras carencias.
They said they won't press charges against you... " because of your ongoing cooperation.
Dijeron que no presentarán cargos contra ti... por tu continua cooperación.
They said that there was a sign at the cliff where he died, that said, "Do not go beyond this point."
Dicen que había un letrero en el acantilado donde murió... que decía : "No avanzar más".
We kept on coming in with a budget of a $ 1.8 million, and they said, " We're not making it at $ 1.8 million.
No dejábamos de presentar un presupuesto de $ 1,8 millones y dijeron : " No la haremos por $ 1,8 millones.
Then they said to me, "You can't do that."
Entonces me dijeron : "No puedes hacerlo".
And they said, "No, we can't make it at that."
Y le dijeron : "No, no podemos hacerla".
I said, "I'm going to try to follow the original novel and all its complexities," and of course, everybody says about The Black Dahlia, they can't follow anything.
Trataré de seguir la novela original con todas sus complejidades, y claro, lo que se dice de La dalia negra es que no se puede seguir la trama.
- When I went to school, they said we wasn't gonna be anything.
- Cuando fui a escuela, dijeron que no iba a ser nada.
I said, but momma, they don't talk about that.
Le dije, pero mamá, que no se habla de eso.
EVANDER HOLYFIELD : They said, you can't get no credibility.
Se dijo, usted no puede conseguir ninguna credibilidad.
A police spokesman said they could not rule out a terrorist attack but say there were no connections with reports of a UFO sighting in the area.
Según un portavoz de la policía, no se descartó un ataque terrorista, pero se dice que no hay conexión con los reportes del avistamiento de un OVNI, en la zona.
You said "my friends", not "ladies and gentlemen." They're not your friends.
Corté, jefe, dijo "amigos"... En vez de "Señoritas, damas, caballeros," la gente no son sus amigos.
Please, you are who said they can not kill me, right?
Por favor, usted es quién dijo que no pueden matarme, ¿ verdad?
I don't wanna say who, but they said that they weren't interested.
No quiero decir a quién, pero dijeron que no estaban interesados.
He said they all target the same kind of kid.
Esta es la autoridad a la que no le importa.
He said they're the best of the bunch, we don't have to wait for Sweeney's ruling.
Dijo que son lo mejor del montón, no tenemos que... esperar a un veredicto de Sweeney.
He wanted to tell me personally they decided not to comment and said he wanted to extend the courtesy.
Quería decirme personalmente que decidieron no comentar y... dijo que quería extenderme su cortesía.
You said that they built something they shouldn't have.
Dijiste que habían construido algo que no debieron construir.

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