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Thomas brown перевод на испанский

111 параллельный перевод
Thomas Brown Hewitt, you get in here right now.
Thomas Brown Hewitt... ¡ ven acá adentro ahora mismo!
Even if that were any of your business, Thomas Brown, we should not discuss such lofty matters at my table.
Aún si fuera asunto tuyo, Thomas Brown, no deberíamos discutir de esas cosas en la mesa.
Perhaps tomorrow morning Mrs Macey and Thomas Brown here, can show you how we sort the mail when it arrives from the head office?
Tal vez, mañana por la mañana, Mrs Macey y Thomas Brown aqui, podrán mostrarte cómo clasificamos el correo cuando llega de la Oficina Principal.
Thomas Brown, we should raise a drop of ale in the blessedness of it.
Thomas Brown, deberíamos brindar con cerveza por esta bendición.
Thomas Brown says he ain't giving me the telegram till he's got the three and six pence in his hand.
Thomas Brown dice que no me dará el telegrama hasta que le dé los tres y seis peniques.
- Thomas Brown, that's our telegram...
- Thomas Brown, ese es nuestro telegrama...
- Thomas Brown...
- Thomas Brown...
No-one can say that Thomas Brown did labour upon the Sabbath Day.
Nadie puede decir que Thomas Brown trabajó un domingo.
Thomas Brown said she was a devout Christian.
Thomas Brown dijo que era devota cristiana.
There's only two things make Thomas Brown chirp, and that's God and cakes.
Hay sólo dos cosas que hacen piar a Thomas Brown, y son Dios y los pasteles.
God has asked Thomas Brown to carry His message.
Dios le ha pedido a Thomas Brown que lleve SU mensaje.
- Thomas Brown.
- Thomas Brown.
Thomas Brown was to preach to his own congregation.
Thomas Brown iba a predicar a su propia congregación.
You don't realise how moving you can be Thomas Brown.
No puedes hacerte una idea de cuánto puedes conmover, Thomas Brown.
Thomas Brown has an admirer.
Thomas Brown tiene una admiradora.
Today, we will need your prayers, Thomas Brown.
Hoy necesitaremos de todas tus plegarias, Thomas Brown.
Thomas Brown put it all the way up here?
¿ Thomas Brown lo puso todo ahí arriba?
If you had set out to earn my displeasure, Thomas Brown, you could not have done a more thorough job.
Si te habías propuesto ganarte mi desagrado, Thomas Brown,... no podías haberlo hecho mejor.
You were right all along, Thomas Brown!
¡ Tuviste siempre razón, Thomas Brown!
Have what, Thomas Brown?
¿ Tener que, Thomas Brown?
You told me a while ago that Thomas Brown had sent you a poem.
Me dijo hace tiempo que Thomas Brown le había enviado un poema.
Thomas Brown, you surprise me.
Thomas Brown, me sorprendes.
Thomas Brown, I could kiss you!
Thomas Brown, ¡ podría besarte!
Then I shall take up your share of indulgence,
Entonces aprovecharé tu parte de deleite, Thomas Brown.
Thomas Brown. I will have the goose anyway.
Almorzaré ganso de todas formas.
Thomas Brown, perhaps you could fetch my suitcase?
Thomas Brown, ¿ tal vez pudiera traer mi equipaje?
Thomas Brown, might I ask you, did you see a girl going down the lane?
- Thomas Brown, puedo preguntarte, ¿ has visto una chica bajando por el camino?
THEY LAUGH I didn't think Thomas Brown would ever get on with a cycle.
No pensé que Thomas Brown se subiera a esa bicicleta.
Well! A pious man like Thomas Brown being made to lodge with a Catholic!
¡ Un hombre piadoso como Thomas Brown compartir el dormitorio con un católico!
'Miss Margaret had been praying'that her father would make Thomas Brown feel welcome.
Miss Margaret había estado orando para que su padre hiciera sentir a Thomas Brown bienvenido.
I take it Thomas Brown will be there also.
Creo que Thomas Brown estará allí también.
My only hope is that Thomas Brown will have a lavish enough wedding reception that I can recoup a little of the loss.
Mi único deseo es que Thomas Brown tenga una fastuosa boda para poder recuperar un poco de lo perdido.
A pious man like Thomas Brown being made to lodge with a Catholic!
¡ Un hombre piadoso como Thomas Brown compartir el dormitorio con un católico!
Yes, Thomas Brown, isn't it about time...
Sí, Thomas Brown, no sería tiempo de...
And have you seen Thomas Brown picking his teeth?
¿ Has visto a Thomas Brown escarbar entre sus dientes?
Thomas Brown is never late for the morning delivery.
Thomas Brown nunca llega tarde a su recorrido de la mañana.
Miss Ellison, have you seen Thomas Brown?
Miss Ellison, ¿ ha visto a Thomas Brown?
Miss Ellison, Thomas Brown came out here to propose.
Miss Ellison, Thomas Brown vino aquí a proponerle matrimonio.
And now, ma'am, Thomas Brown is missing.
Y ahora, señora, no podemos encontrarlo.
And you've brought me my Thomas Brown, the man I hope to marry.
Y me has traído a mi Thomas Brown, el hombre con quien espero casarme.
Thomas Brown, you have hidden talents!
Thomas Brown, ¡ tienes talentos ocultos!
Do you suppose we'll do, Thomas?
¿ Crees que lo lograremos, Thomas Brown?
What is making you so irritable, Thomas Brown?
¿ Qué te ha hecho estar tan irritable, Thomas Brown?
And you, Thomas Brown.
Y tú, Thomas Brown.
Do you suppose we'll do, Thomas Brown?
¿ Crees que lo conseguiremos, Thomas Brown?
That man is not under this roof and never shall be whilst Thomas Brown draws breath.
Ese hombre no está bajo este techo y nunca lo estará mientras Thomas Brown respire.
Brown, Thomas.
Brown, Thomas.
And on March 24, Thomas Sandefur, CEO of Brown Williamson, had you fired.
Y el 24 de marzo, Sandefur, presidente de Brown Williamson, le despidió.
Like the testimony before Congress of Dr. Wigand's former boss, Brown Williamson's chief executive officer, Thomas Sandefur.
Como el testimonio del antiguo jefe del Dr. Wigand, el presidente de Brown Williamson,
I don't doubt that you do, Thomas Brown.
No dudo que tú lo tienes, Thomas Brown.
Thomas Brown!
¡ Thomas Brown!

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