To the sea перевод на испанский
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Well, whatever we're doing, we have to do it fast because whatever the Dominators have done to us, they would have built in safeguards.
Bueno, lo que sea que hagamos, tenemos que hacerlo rápido porque con lo que los Dominadores nos hicieron, deben haber puesto seguros.
Um, now might be a good time to find the owner's manual.
Tal vez ahora sea un buen momento de buscar el manual del usuario.
Anyway, I was just calling to give you the heads-up.
Como sea, solo llamé para avisártelo.
She wants me to find the lamp. I think she wants me to be her new master.
Quiere que yo la encuentre, que sea su amo.
He'd better be the only cop on this thing, otherwise Scorpy's gonna have a seat to fill.
Será mejor que sea el único policía en esto, de otra forma Scorpion tendrá un asiento que llenar.
We forage on Friday, so you can just go ahead and help yourself to whatever you find in the cabinets or the refrigerator.
Comemos lo que sea los viernes, así que puedes tomar lo que encuentres en las alacenas o el refrigerador.
Well, maybe... maybe that's what the human experience is, but I refuse for that to be my human experience.
Tal vez ésa sea la experiencia humana. Pero yo me niego a que ésa sea mi experiencia humana.
Steve believes that committing to another human being's wounds, past, present, and future, is a great challenge but also the most rewarding experience one can have in this life.
Steve cree que ayudar a sanar las heridas de otro ser humano, ya sea del presente, pasado o futuro, es un gran reto, pero también la experiencia más gratificante que uno puede vivir en esta vida.
Let the bonding of these hands be a symbol of the bond that you have to each other.
Deja que la unión de estas manos sea un símbolo de la unión que tienen entre ustedes.
Do you think repeating the question enough times, over and over, is gonna make me able to answer it?
¿ Crees que repetirme la pregunta, una y otra vez, va a hacer que de repente sea capaz de contestarte?
I don't regard the attempt to do something with it as venal.
No veo que intentar hacer algo con ello sea deshonesto.
- Been up and running a few months, all cash, under the table. He trying to take it legit?
Es operativo desde un par de meses, sólo en efectivo, en negro, Está tratando de que sea legal?
- Heck yeah. - Yeah. You can't send a lady to the theater without a date.
-, Maldita sea, es no se puede enviar a una dama al teatro, sin cita previa, Vamos,
First of all, it's probably not the first party they've been to where there's alcohol, and at least they're with Brandon and not some random house party with no parent home.
Primero que todo, no creo que sea la primera fiesta a la que van donde haya alcohol, y al menos están con Brandon y no en cualquier casa sin adultos responsables.
It didn't have anything to do with the fact that Noah's gay?
¿ No tiene nada que ver con el hecho de que Noah sea gay?
Nick's doctors no longer feel that he is a danger to himself, and since he has no criminal record or history of delinquent behavior, we're asking that he be sent to the Mission Bay Home for Delinquent Boys
Los doctores de Nick ya no consideran que sea un peligro para sí mismo, y puesto que no tiene antecedentes penales o historial de conducta delictiva, estamos pidiendo que sea enviado a el Hogar Mission Bay para Jóvenes Delincuentes
I mean, you're gonna need to get rid of half the furniture - and all of this... clutter. - ( piano music playing )
O sea, tendrán que deshacerse de la mitad de los muebles y de todo este... desorden.
Oh, hey, we need to clean out the house, so I need you to take those case files back to wherever you got them, please.
Oye, tenemos que limpiar la casa, así que necesito que lleves esos expedientes a donde sea que los encontraste, por favor.
I mean, if nothing is ever going to change between us, what is the point?
O sea, si nada va a cambiar entre nosotros, ¿ cuál es el punto?
You know, we can see what's going on in us as we think about god, experience god and pray to god, whatever the person is doing.
Podemos ver lo que pasa en nosotros cuando pensamos en dios, experimentamos a dios u oramos a dios, cualquiera que sea la persona que lo está haciendo.
And in order to make his army undefeatable he needs them to learn the forbidden move.
Para que el ejército sea invencible, quiere que aprendan la táctica prohibida.
I can do anything I need to guarantee the safety of the president.
Puedo hacer lo que sea necesario para garantizar la seguridad del presidente.
Because there's still time before the primary, which means there's still time for me to change my mind and endorse someone other than Senator Grant.
Porque aún hay tiempo para las primarias, lo que significa que aún hay tiempo para que yo cambie de parecer y apoye a otra persona que no sea la senadora Grant.
Look, I want Susan to be my next president, but my job, my duty, is to protect the integrity of the justice department.
Mira, quiero que Susan sea mi próxima presidente, pero mi trabajo, mi deber, es proteger la integridad del departamento de justicia.
So you can take us to the moon or Mars or wherever is next.
Así puede llevarnos a la Luna o a Marte o a donde sea.
What can I possibly say about you on this stage that won't be endlessly scrutinized and analyzed and criticized and that won't leave you lost in the process at the very moment when you're supposed to shine?
¿ Qué podría decir sobre ti en este escenario que no sea continuamente examinado, y analizado y criticado y que no te dejara perdida en el proceso en el momento que se supone que brilles?
I mean... he went to great lengths to be a pain in the ass sometimes.
O sea... hizo todo lo posible para ser un incordio algunas veces.
Or you go, you still get the crazy sex and you get the welcome home sex, which, not to brag, is where I really shine.
O te vas, tanemos el sexo salvaje y luego lo repetimos a la vuelta. Que, dicho sea de paso se me da de coña.
Archaeologist, Jodi Magness has taken me to the shores of the dead sea, where their ancient prophecies were miraculously preserved.
La arqueóloga Jodi Magness me ha llevado a las costas del Mar Muerto, donde sus antiguas profecías fueron milagrosamente conservadas. Bienvenido a Qumrán.
It's probably natural that the apocalypse is appealing to the disenfranchised.
Es probablemente natural que el apocalipsis sea atractivo para los desposeídos.
Huge challenge. Huge, yeah, maybe I think the first part is maybe you need to recognize yourself like, where you're from, come from.
Enorme, sí, y creo que la primera parte quizás sea, que es necesario reconocerse a sí mismo, de donde vienes, de donde has venido.
Whichever, Sergeant, it serves no purpose to ruin his sense of the world, not yet, at any rate.
Sea cual sea, sargento, no sirve a ningún propósito arruinar su sentido del mundo, todavía no, en ningún caso.
But what we have to do now is keep pushing our politicians and our energy providers, as well as using our purchasing power, to make sure that we speed up the adoption of renewables and speed up the process towards fusion, so that we can actually implement these solutions before it's too late.
Pero lo que debemos hacer, es presionar a los políticos... y a los proveedores de energía, y usar nuestro poder de compra, para que aceleren la adopción de renovables... y el proceso de fusión... para implementar estas soluciones... antes de que sea muy tarde.
No, I want her to be christened in the same church that me and my sister were christened in.
No, quiero que sea en la iglesia donde me bautizaron a mí.
You know, now might be a good time to think about taking that $ 36 million offer from the Rams, huh?
Tal vez sea buen momento para aceptar los $ 36 millones que te ofrecen los Rams.
Well, Misty, just in the last week, we've received literally hundreds of e-mails and calls from this group... people who feel like they're losing their country, who feel America is going to hell, and, well, they're out to make it great again.
Bueno, Misty, solo durante la última semana, hemos recibido literalmente cientos de correos y llamadas de este grupo... gente que siente que está perdiendo su país, que siente que Norteamérica se va a la mierda y ellos están ahí fuera para volver a hacer que sea grande
I may be the first Korean drag queen to ever be featured on television.
Quizás sea la primer drag queen coreana en estar en TV.
The idea that my mother is now older and she's more frail, and I'm trying to see what that feels like, but I still don't feel it because she's still who she is inside.
La idea de que mi mamá sea mayor y más frágil... es algo que intento sentir, pero no lo siento... porque sigue siendo la misma por dentro.
I mean, I have to find the time, but, you know...
O sea, tengo que encontrar tiempo, pero, ya sabes...
Whatever that or this leave is all about, we just want you to know that you still very much have a home at the Agency.
Sea lo que sea, solo queremos que sepas que aún hay sitio para ti en la Agencia.
The last thing I want is for Barnes to be guilty.
Lo último que quiero es que Barnes sea culpable.
Alfred, you know when we get this thing, whatever it is... The whispers are gonna try to take it from us.
Alfred, sabes que cuando consigamos esta cosa, sea lo que sea... los Whispers van a intentar quitárnosla.
Well, maybe she's a wolf in sheep's clothing, but right now she needs to return to the flock.
Bueno, tal vez sea una loba usando piel de oveja, pero justo ahora necesita regresar al rebaño.
Um... So I've been thinking about the trip, and, um... I don't think it's fair to put Trixie in the middle of our problems, you know?
He estado pensando en el viaje y... no creo que sea justo poner a Trixie en medio de nuestros problemas, ¿ sabes?
It's probably the best thing that ever happened to you.
Probablemente sea lo mejor que te haya pasado nunca.
I mean, I had to make sure that someone would actually follow through and dig the damn thing up.
O sea, tenía que asegurarme de que alguien en realidad lo seguiría y desenterraría la maldita cosa.
But, mom, the bottom line is if we want Luci to go home with us, then we need to make sure that it's his decision to leave Chloe behind.
Pero, Mamá, la realidad es que si queremos que Luci vuelva a casa con nosotros, tenemos que asegurarnos que sea su decisión dejar a Chloe.
Your honor, we request the jury be instructed to disregard detective Decker's entire testimony.
Señoría, requerimos que el jurado sea instruído para desestimar todo el testimonio de la detective Decker.
And... I desperately want the Lucifer thing to be true.
Y... desesperadamente quiero que todo lo de Lucifer sea verdad.
I mean, how do we even start getting close to the President?
O sea, ¿ cómo siquiera empezamos a acercarnos al presidente?
Those two make a powerful alliance because these companies will give money to the Clintons, either in the form of speaking fees or in the form of donations to the Clinton Foundation. And the Clintons will then, in effect, do their bidding before the halls of power and corridors of power in Africa, and they will go to foreign governments and encourage them to do business with individuals who are
a los Clinton, ya sea en forma de tasas de habla o en la forma de donaciones a la Fundación Clinton y los Clinton entonces, en efecto, hacer su oferta antes de los pasillos del poder y pasillos del poder en África y
to them 177
to the beach 25
to the moon 20
to the airport 39
to the end 49
to the future 91
to the top 23
to the north 16
to the hotel 25
to the kitchen 20
to the beach 25
to the moon 20
to the airport 39
to the end 49
to the future 91
to the top 23
to the north 16
to the hotel 25
to the kitchen 20
to the point 24
to the left 221
to the right 265
to the police 36
to the tune of 23
to the car 26
to the hospital 50
to the death 78
to the outside world 64
to the house 19
to the left 221
to the right 265
to the police 36
to the tune of 23
to the car 26
to the hospital 50
to the death 78
to the outside world 64
to the house 19
to the station 29
to the bridge 17
to the wall 16
to the bathroom 47
to the contrary 33
to the king 27
to the 197
to the front 27
to the side 32
to the door 21
to the bridge 17
to the wall 16
to the bathroom 47
to the contrary 33
to the king 27
to the 197
to the front 27
to the side 32
to the door 21