To them перевод на испанский
211,362 параллельный перевод
We must be kind to them.
Debemos ser buenas con ellos.
So speak to them if you think I'm lying when I tell you... there was nothing wrong with that vehicle.
Así que hable con ellos si piensa que estoy mintiendo cuando le digo... que no hay nada malo con ese vehículo.
I even had to lie to her to prove to them that she's not who they're looking for.
Incluso tuve que mentirle para demostrarles que ella no es quien están buscando.
Speak to them quickly.
Habla con ellos rápidamente.
Guys, this treatment needs to be given to them in the next few minutes or they're gonna suffer permanent neurological damage!
¡ Chicos, este tratamiento se les tiene que suministrar en los próximos minutos o van a sufrir daños neurológicos permanentes!
I won't let anything happen to them, okay?
No voy a dejar que les pase nada, ¿ vale?
Damn it, fine, give it to them.
Maldita sea, vale, dáselo.
Give it to them.
Aren't we going to help them escape?
¿ No vamos a ayudarlos a escapar?
So shouldn't we at least try to help free them?
Entonces, ¿ no deberíamos, al menos, intentar ayudar a liberarlos?
I told them I've never even been to temple, but then they wanted.
Les dije que nunca jamás he ido al templo, pero querían
You don't have any movies to put them in.
No tienes películas donde ponerlas.
"What brings you to town?" Shuts them up.
"¿ Qué la trae a la ciudad?". Los calla.
The thing... Men aren't ever mean to us about our periods when we talk about them.
Los hombres nunca son malos sobre el período cuando hablamos de eso.
I have no kids, I have no one to give them to.
No tengo hijos, nadie a quién dárselos.
We'd love to feel that way at the bank, but can't take our tits and vagina and leave them on the table.
Quiero sentirme así en el banco, pero no podemos dejar las tetas y la vagina sobre la mesa.
I told them to wait in the clubhouse.
Les dije que esperaran en el clubhouse.
But..... if I'm honest, there are things that I want to tell you... .. but I don't know whether you..... want to hear them.
Pero... si soy honesta, hay cosas que quiero decirte... pero no sé si tú... quieres escucharlas.
They knew what it took to stop them.
Sabían lo que costaba detenerlos.
"Operating an asset" means giving someone a reason to do what you want them to do.
"Explotar un activo" significa darle a alguien una razón para hacer lo que quieres que hagan.
- I have orders from Miranda, and you're not going to like them.
Tengo órdenes de Miranda, y no te van a gustar.
I could pretend to be like them.
Podía fingir ser como ellos.
Once you knew, you could have come forward, done something to stop them.
En cuanto lo supiste, podrías haberte adelantado, haber hecho algo para pararlos.
I'll be sure to remind them of that.
Me aseguraré de recordarles eso.
The people I'm with, I care about them, and I want to get them out.
La gente con la que estoy, me preocupo por ellos, y quiero mantenerlos fuera.
logic can also beat fear, and, uh, I think both your mom and Walter realized that the most logical thing for them is just to be good friends.
la lógica también puede vencer el miedo y creo que tu madre y Walter se dieron cuenta de que lo más lógico para ellos es solo ser buenos amigos.
And they're so genuine that people take dangerous actions to end them.
Y son tan auténticas que la gente hace cosas peligrosas para terminarlas.
Prospective parents who are looking for that very special child to help them form a family.
Posibles padres que buscan a su niño especial para que los ayude a formar una familia.
Walt, all we need now is for Cabe to fix that breaker, and we can open the doors and get them out.
Walt, todo lo que necesitamos es que Cabe repare el fusible y podremos abrir las puertas y sacarlos.
Okay, they're unconscious ; let's just load them onto the snowcat and take them to the closest hospital.
Bien, están inconscientes, carguémoslos en el carro de nieve y llevémoslos al hospital más cercano.
A way we could bring justice to the people who killed my dad and others like them.
Una manera de llevar la justicia a la gente que mató a mi padre y a otros como él.
She loved them, and she tried to kill them.
Los quería e intentó matarlos.
So, we can use that to feed them misinformation.
Así que, podemos usarlo para darles información falsa.
Now, they were mostly destroyed, but I was able to recover data from one of them.
Ahora, la mayoría fueron destruidas, pero pude recuperar datos de uno de ellos.
If we can force them to come in and face us, we might actually have a chance to overpower them and escape.
Si podemos obligarlos a entrar y les hacemos frente, podríamos tener una oportunidad de vencerlos y escapar.
And the other one gets to watch them die.
Y el otro verá morir a los suyos.
And now the kidnappers are playing them against each other, trying to get the $ 200 million.
Y ahora los secuestradores los están poniendo al uno contra el otro, tratando de conseguir los doscientos millones de dólares.
We need to find both of them before they try to pay that ransom.
Necesitamos encontrar a los dos antes de que intenten pagar el rescate.
That's good, there might still be a phone there and a piece mail with an address on it, to tell them where we are.
Eso es bueno, podría seguir habiendo un teléfono allí y algún trozo de un correo con una dirección para decirles dónde estamos.
We need to intercept them before they pay that ransom.
Necesitamos interceptarlos antes de que paguen ese rescate.
I told you to not let them out of your sight!
¡ Te dije que no los perdieseis de vista!
She figured out where the kids are being held, and she wants us to go rescue them.
Averiguó dónde están retenidos los niños y quiere que vayamos a rescatarlos.
Take them back to the city.
Llevadlos de vuelta a la ciudad.
They were loyal to Mandalore and Saxon betrayed them!
¡ Ellos eran leales a Mandalore y Saxon los traicionó!
And I intend to keep them that way.
Y pretendo mantenerlos así.
But it's the idea of, like, I start with a thousand different thoughts and then I, one by one, throw them all out, until, at the end, I have the one or two or three that are essential to the whole question.
Pero es la idea de que empiezo mil ideas diferentes y luego las descarto una por una hasta que quedan una, dos o tres esenciales a la cuestión.
[Christoph] But when I realized that my fears threatened to take a toll on my work, I decided I had to deal with them.
Pero cuando vi que mis miedos amenazaban hacer mella en mi trabajo decidí lidiar con ellos.
I love the idea of bringing these familiar scenes back in, but just making them appear to be totally different. New and true.
Me encanta la idea de recuperar estas escenas familiares pero hacer que parezcan totalmente diferentes nuevas y auténticas.
I think even one of them went to the toilet in there.
Creo que incluso uno de ellos ha ido al baño allí.
She calls them repeatedly, asking them to remove the pictures of her 13-year-old daughter, which still remain online.
Los llamó en repetidas ocasiones para pedirles que quitaran las fotos de su hija de 13 años, las cuales siguen en línea.
We were looking to prevent them from doing what they were doing by having a judgment rendered against them.
Buscábamos que dejaran de hacer lo que hacían y que recibieran una sentencia.
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
to the beach 25
to the moon 20
to the sea 38
to the airport 39
to the end 49
to the future 91
to the top 23
to the north 16
to that end 82
to the hotel 25
to the moon 20
to the sea 38
to the airport 39
to the end 49
to the future 91
to the top 23
to the north 16
to that end 82
to the hotel 25
to the kitchen 20
to the point 24
to the left 221
to the right 265
to the police 36
to the tune of 23
to the car 26
to the hospital 50
to the death 78
to the outside world 64
to the point 24
to the left 221
to the right 265
to the police 36
to the tune of 23
to the car 26
to the hospital 50
to the death 78
to the outside world 64
to the house 19
to the station 29
to the bridge 17
to the wall 16
to the bathroom 47
to the contrary 33
to the king 27
to that 33
to the 197
to the front 27
to the station 29
to the bridge 17
to the wall 16
to the bathroom 47
to the contrary 33
to the king 27
to that 33
to the 197
to the front 27