Undertaking перевод на испанский
525 параллельный перевод
I will be proud of undertaking it, Samuel, to undertake it with trust and it thrills
Estaré orgullosa de emprenderlo, Samuel, emprenderlo con confianza y esperanza
Our solemn undertaking here will immortalize these moments for all time.
los tres juramentos solemnes que haremos, trascenderán de este momento, hasta la eternidad.
We must put our very hearts and souls into this great undertaking.
Debemos poner todo nuestro corazón y espíritu en esta empresa.
The closing off of the South Sea was the largest undertaking of this kind in the world.
El cierre del Mar del Sur Fue la mayor empresa de este tipo en el mundo.
The vast undertaking of closing off the South Sea and draining the first polder, has been executed.
La gran empresa de cerrar el Mar del Sur Y el drenaje del primer polder, se ha ejecutado.
Pete, go down to Barnum's undertaking joint.
Pete, vete a la funeraria de Barnum.
It is a solemn thing you are all undertaking... this family compact.
El pacto familiar que realizarán... es algo muy solemne.
You signed an undertaking at our consulate in Berlin to refrain from any political activity.
Ha firmado usted una declaración, en nuestro consulado en Berlin, absteniéndose de cualquier actividad política.
It's my duty to remind you of that undertaking, and welcome to Sweden.
Debo recordarle dicha declaración, y bienvenido a Suecia.
Political undertaking signed.
Ha firmado la declaración política.
We are undertaking this deal only because of the prestige involved.
Aceptamos este trato sólo por el prestigio que hay en juego.
If she's not dead, they're playing a dirty trick on her, because they're taking her over to Bixby's Undertaking Parlors.
De ser así, es una broma pesada... porque Ia llevan al velatorio Bixby.
But there's more than profit... in the lap of this undertaking.
Pero no sólo se trata de ganancias en este emprendimiento.
Her Grace did inform me... that Capt. Thorpe is undertaking a trading expedition up the Nile.
Su Alteza me informó de... que el capitán Thorpe va a emprender una expedición comercial por el Nilo.
It's a huge undertaking.
Es una ardua tarea.
- Apart from the wearisomeness of such an undertaking,
Dejando aparte la expresión, yo soy quien debería recibirlas.
I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received and that consequently this country is at war with Germany.
Debo decirles que no recibido dicha notificación... y en consecuencia, este país está en guerra con Alemania,
That undertaking is still in progress but we are rapidly drawing to a conclusion.
Todavía no he terminado mi trabajo. Pero estoy a punto de llegar al final.
It would be a formidable undertaking under the best of circumstances.
Sería un empeño formidable, aun en las mejores circunstancias.
This is a major undertaking, but it is a move... that is bound to come sooner or later.
Esa es la mayor garantía, y además es una decisión... destinada a tomarse tarde o temprano
I'll give you no such undertaking.
No se lo garantizo.
I appreciate your kindness in undertaking this mission.
Les agradezco que se encarguen de esta misión.
That is best day for such undertaking according to astrologers.
Es el mejor día para esa tarea según los astrólogos.
Do you know why Charlotte and Anne are undertaking their unpleasant occupation?
¿ Sabes por qué Charlotte y Anne aceptan este trabajo tan ingrato?
- That's quite an undertaking.
- Será una tarea ardua.
Ah, but the Suez Canal was a very great and splendid undertaking.
Aquella fue una empresa grandiosa.
The Suez Canal was a great and splendid undertaking.
El Canal de Suez ha sido una magnífica empresa.
I say, how's the undertaking business these days?
Oiga, ¿ cómo va el negocio de la funeraria?
I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received, and that consequently this country is at war with Germany.
Debo decirles ahora que no hemos recibido comunicación alguna, y que por consiguiente este país está en guerra con Alemania.
I tell you, it's a big undertaking, and it'll cost you a pretty penny.
Se lo aseguro, es una inversión grandiosa. Que le va a costar mucho dinero.
It's funny, I guess, but... when I saw her lying there in the undertaking parlor last year... she seemed to me like somebody I hardly knew.
Es curioso, pero cuando la vi muerta, tendida en su cama, el año pasado me pareció alguien a quien no conocía.
Quite an ambitious undertaking.
Ha sido muy ambiciosa.
The new building of the Security Bank is such an important undertaking and you hold the controlling interest, Mr. Wynand.
El nuevo edificio del Security Bank es una obligación importante y usted tiene el interés predominante, señor Wynand.
As to the other undertaking, I had not forgotten or forgiven the boredom of the sermon at young Henry's funeral and I decided to promote the Reverend Lord Henry D'Ascoyne to next place on the list.
Respecto a la otra empresa, no había olvidado ni perdonado... el aburrimiento del sermón en el funeral del joven Henry... y decidí ascender al reverendo Lord Henry D'Ascoyne... al siguiente lugar de la lista.
I have been unable to communicate with Colonel Phillips to let him know that here on Leyte we are prepared to join in the undertaking.
No he podido comunicarme con el coronel Phillips para hacerle saber que en Leyte estamos preparados para unirnos al intento.
" And if the undertaking is good,
" Si es puro,
" you can go to the end of your undertaking.
" podrás completar tu propósito.
What is this... "important undertaking"?
¿ Qué significa "un propósito importante"?
And then you went to the end of your undertaking and there were no tears.
Tu cumpliste tu promesa, y no hubo lágrimas.
It isn't just the danger of the undertaking that's making you so antagonistic. There's something else.
No será de solo los peligros que aparecen de manera hostil, será de algo más.
What about undertaking it?
- ¿ Podría mejorarla?
- What you don't seem to understand is that organizing a nationwide private-pension structure like this is a big undertaking. It takes work, planning, time, money. Your irresponsible gossip can keep us from raising it.
- No comprende que organizar una estructura de privatización de pensiones es una enorme tarea que cuesta tiempo y dinero que sus irresponsables chismes nos impiden recolectar.
Have you got the capital for such an undertaking?
Pero, ¿ dispones del capital necesario?
But it's going to be more of an undertaking than we thought.
Pero va a ser más complicado de lo que preveíamos.
Just supposing i was laid out up at fay's undertaking establishment.
Supón que yo estuviera en la funeraria de Fay.
Many of you already know how difficult such an undertaking is.
Muchos de ustedes estan informados ya de Ias dificultades de tal empresa.
Upon me, who has never attempted such an undertaking devolves the privilege of speaking a few words..... above her.
Sobre mí, que nunca antes hice algo así, recae el privilegio de pronunciar unas palabras sobre ella.
And confidence, Billy, is the most important necessity in an undertaking of our kind.
Y la confianza es lo más importante en una empresa como la nuestra.
Quite an undertaking, you know. l- -
Una gran empresa.
This has been a joint undertaking.
Es un emprendimiento conjunto.
And this at us bold undertaking like that, than to cross Alps with 200 elephants.
Y esto es por lo menos tan arriesgado...
under 290
understand 2529
underground 88
underwear 81
understanding 63
undercover 116
underwater 36
understood 2547
underneath 75
underpants 29
understand 2529
underground 88
underwear 81
understanding 63
undercover 116
underwater 36
understood 2547
underneath 75
underpants 29
underwood 165
under the bridge 22
under the radar 23
understandable 121
under the bed 63
under the table 51
understand me 81
under the sea 16
understand this 55
under pressure 26
under the bridge 22
under the radar 23
understandable 121
under the bed 63
under the table 51
understand me 81
under the sea 16
understand this 55
under pressure 26