Walk away перевод на испанский
7,979 параллельный перевод
You can't just walk away. I'm not walking away. I'm just going to a different label.
No voy a dejarlo, sólo estoy yendo a un nivel diferente.
I love it when you walk away.
Me encanta cuando te marchas.
Rawlings, do not walk away from me!
¡ Rawlings, no se aleje de mí!
Turn around and walk away.
Date la vuelta y vete.
She tried to walk away, and I saw him follow her downstairs.
Ella intentó alejarse, y lo vi seguirla hacia abajo.
He just gets to walk away again?
¿ Sale libre otra vez?
Hey, man, can you be the one to walk away?
Oye, amigo, ¿ puedes ser el que se retire?
I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna walk away.
Me levantaré y me marcharé.
- Max, walk away.
- Max, a pie.
You will walk away inspired.
Usted se irá inspirado.
We just wanted to get into your head, make sure you didn't walk away with that glass.
Solo queríamos meternos en su cabeza... asegurarnos que no huyera con ese vaso.
Look, you let him go, we all walk away, nobody gets hurt.
Mira, suéltalo, nos vamos todos y nadie sale herido. Ese es el trato. - Reviéntalo.
Don't think, don't blink, get it done, and walk away.
No pienses, no parpadees, hazlo y vete.
Do not walk away from me.
No te alejes de mí.
Just walk in there, drop the bomb, and walk away.
Solo entra, tira la bomba, y aléjate.
Walk away, retire, start over.
Irme, retirarme, empezar de nuevo.
Somebody threatens my daughter, I don't walk away.
Si alguien amenaza a mi hija, no salgo huyendo.
Walk away, Jim, just walk away.
Lárgate, Jim, lárgate.
It's hard to walk away, but it can be done.
Es difícil alejarse, pero se puede hacer.
Walk away. before I kick your ass, you crooked punk bitch.
Lárgate. antes de que te patee el culo, perra asquerosa.
Walk away, Jim.
Vete, Jim.
♪ More than a feeling ♪ - ♪ And I see Marianne walk away ♪ - ♪ Marianne walk away ♪ ♪ I see my Marianne walking away ♪
- Estoy revisando mi correo.
So, what, we just walk away from a huge cache of SVR documents?
Así que, qué, ¿ solo nos alejamos de una gran provisión de documento del SVR?
Walk away.
But it's becoming obvious there are forces at work here That won't let us just walk away.
Pero está claro que hay fuerzas en juego aquí que no nos dejan alejarnos.
Yeah, walk away now!
¡ Sí, lárgate ya!
Don't you walk away from me, Number Five!
¡ No te vayas, Número Cinco!
Why don't you just walk away?
¿ Por qué no te marchas?
'Cause there are some things you can't just walk away from, Johnny.
Porque hay algunas cosas de las que no puedes huir, Johnny.
Any landing you can walk away from.
Cualquier aterrizaje del que puedas caminar.
You can't just walk away.
No puedes marcharte.
But if we walk away and abandon the building that Jesus called his father's house if we do not try to stop thousands from dying if we do nothing, are we not just like the priest that Jesus told us about...
Pero si nos vamos de aquí y abandonamos este edificio que Jesús llamó : la casa de su padre si nosotros no impedimos que mueran miles si no hacemos nada, ¿ no somos iguales al sacerdote del cual Jesús nos habló?
But right now, you just need to walk away.
Pero ahora mismo, necesitas irte.
It's a walk away.
Corte de almuerzo.
You... Don't you walk away from me!
Tú... ¡ No te alejes de mí!
If alone with him, given the chance, I'll put a shiv in him and just walk away.
Si a solas con él, dada la oportunidad, le clavaré una navaja y simplemente me retiraré.
Why don't you just walk away there, traitor?
¿ Por qué no te largas de aquí, traidor?
They couldn't just get up and walk away.
No pudieron simplemente levantarse e irse.
Allowing someone else to walk away with the telematics chip.
Permitiendo que otro escape... con el chip telemático.
Walk away from this.
Marchaos de aquí.
Now... curtsy to your Queen and walk away.
Ahora... haz una reverencia a tu reina y retírate.
So if this motherfucker don't smell good, you make sure you walk away.
Así que si esta movida no huele bien, aseguraos de daros el piro.
Once you slide that bag my way, I will take it and walk away.
Una vez que me pases el sobre, lo tomaré y me iré.
Your friend drops an emotional bomb like that and you just let him walk away?
Tu amigo decae emocionalmente de esa manera ¿ y tu solo lo dejas ir?
And he just walk away.
Sencillamente se fue.
And I cannot predict with any certainty which of us will walk away from that.
Y no puedo predecir con certeza cuál de nosotros podrá sobrevivir a eso.
If you take Ethan away from her, she will walk.
Si le quitas a Ethan, se irá.
The only question is whether he's going to walk or be carried away in a box.
La única pregunta ahora es si saldrá caminando o si lo cargaremos en un ataúd.
You were a great dad, and you should've been there to walk me down the aisle, and- - and I've never apologized for taking that away from you.
Eras un padre estupendo, y deberías haber estado allí para llevarme al altar, y nunca me te pedí perdón por haberte privado de ello.
I don't know how Chief Boden ran this firehouse... whether he kept it loose and casual, or maybe you two are just taking advantage now that the cat's away, but you are making a big mistake if you think you can walk all over me.
Yo no sé como el Jefe Boden manejaba esta estación... o lo mantenemos flojo y casual, o quizás ustedes dos están tomando ventaja ahora que el gato está afuera, pero están cometiendo un gran error si piensan que pueden pasar sobre mi.
And I walk away, like Atreyu. [Wang Chung's Everybody Have Fun Tonight] ♪
Y yo me largo, como Atreyu. ¿ Listo?
walk away now 16
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from here 45
away from you 37
away party 43
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from here 45
away from you 37
away party 43
walk this way 26
walk of shame 20
walk it off 50
walk with me 270
walk me home 20
walk me through it 23
walk faster 16
walk on 114
walk around 19
walk straight 19
walk of shame 20
walk it off 50
walk with me 270
walk me home 20
walk me through it 23
walk faster 16
walk on 114
walk around 19
walk straight 19