Away from you перевод на испанский
21,368 параллельный перевод
The last thing I'd ever want to do is keep you away from your kids.
Lo último que quisiera hacer es alejarte de tus hijos.
Before you make a move, you got to ask yourself, what did Ghost really take away from you?
Antes de que hagas algo, debes preguntarte : ¿ Qué fue lo que en realidad te quitó Ghost?
You know my philosophy about running away from your problems.
Ya sabes lo que pienso de los problemas que tratamos de rehuir.
Nothing ever gonna pull me away from you.
Nada me alejará de ti.
You know, Jana, when this is over, I, uh... I don't want to spend another night away from you.
Mira, Jana, cuando esto termine, no... quiero pasar otra noche lejos de ti.
I don't want to spend another night away from you.
No quiero pasar otra noche lejos de ti.
Anything to get away from your polyester blend shirt And that stupid little ponytail you're forced to wear.
Cualquier cosa para escapar de su camisa mezcla de poliéster y que poco coleta estúpido usted está obligado a llevar.
They can take away your presidency, they can take away your power, they can take away your dignity, but what is the one thing that they cannot take away from you?
Le pueden quitar su presidencia. Le pueden quitar su poder y su dignidad. ¿ Pero qué es lo único que no le pueden quitar?
- Away from you.
- Semanas. - Lejos de ti.
take her away from you?
alejarla de usted?
It would take you away from your wife and children.
Lo separaría de su mujer y sus hijos.
How long are you going to stay here, away from your family?
¿ Por cuánto tiempo estará sentada aquí lejos de su familia?
Away from you and your fiancee.
Alejado de ti y tu prometida.
The only thing that could have kept me away from you was a knife-wielding maniac.
Lo unico que podia mantenerme alejado de ti era una loca con un cuchillo
Lola, this is all very noble, and I know you feel like you must get away from Narcisse, but...
Lola, todo esto es muy noble y sé que sientes que debes alejarte de Narcisse, pero...
Oh, come on, are you seriously walking away from this?
Venga, ¿ en serio te vas a alejar de esto?
I haven't seen you for years and then all of a sudden you can't keep away from me.
No te veo durante años y de repente, no te apartas de mí.
You stay away from her.
Mantente lejos de ella.
No, the blood in me from Kizzy, not you... blood that kept me strong all these years away.
No, mi sangre es de Kizzy, no suya... sangre que me mantuvo fuerte todos estos años.
Make sure you stay away from my chickens.
Me aseguraré de mantenerte alejado de mis pollos.
" Dear Parents, I would love to escape, be close to you, away from this chaos.
" Queridos padres, me encantaría escapar, estar cerca de ustedes, lejos de este caos.
His daughter... my friend... he's gonna take them away from us, just like he took Ronnie from you.
Su hija, mi amigo, él va a quitárnoslos, como cuando te quitó a Ronnie.
The problem with exchanges is that they took you back to this old world that bitcoin was really trying to get away from.
El problema con las bolsas es que se llevaron de nuevo a este viejo mundo Bitcoin que en realidad estaba tratando de alejarse de.
On Tor, that's taken away, because your information hops from computer to computer to computer so there's no way to trace you back to your original one.
El Tor, que se toma de distancia, debido a su información lúpulo de ordenador a ordenador a otro así que no hay manera de que rastrear de nuevo a su original.
I've never seen you walk away from a challenge.
Nunca te he visto alejarte de un reto.
If you could just step away from the aircraft for a bit, we'll call you a motorcade.
Por favor apártese. Pediremos una escolta motorizada.
Any... Sir, I need you to back away from that fence.
Señor, necesito que se aleje de la valla.
Why aren't you home, 10 miles away from all this mess?
¿ Por qué no estás en casa, a 16 kilómetros de este desorden?
And for that, you'd shove 50,000 people into a tight space just steps away from a quarantine zone.
Y para eso, meterás a 50.000 personas en un espacio reducido a pocos pasos de una zona de cuarentena.
But our friends died searching for the truth, and you're just a few keystrokes away from finding it.
Pero nuestras amigas murieron buscando la verdad y tú la puedes encontrar con la punta de tus dedos.
I'll take you away from here.
Te voy a sacar de aquí.
Yeah, me too. Are you from far away?
Sí, yo también. ¿ Eres de muy lejos?
I have a hoarding problem because my mom is from a third world country and she taught me that you can never throw away anything, because you never know when a dictator's gonna overtake the country and snatch all your wealth.
Tengo un problema de acaparamiento porque mi madre es de un país tercermundista, y me enseñó que nunca botara nada, porque nunca sabes cuando un dictador va a apoderarse del país... y robar toda tu riqueza.
So, you better hold onto that retainer from the third grade,'cause it might come in handy as a shovel when you're busy stuffing gold up your butt and running away from the Communists.
Así que aférrense al aparato del dentista que usaron en 3er grado, porque pueden usarlo como una palanca... cuando estén ocupados escondiendo oro en su trasero... y huyendo de los Comunistas.
I wanna make sure she's not self-medicating, but you stay away from her. You hear me?
Quiero asegurarme de que no se automedica, pero aléjate de ella. ¿ Me oyes?
If you promise me you will never run away from me again.
Si me prometes nunca huir de nuevo.
There's a way that I can help you, but only if you don't run away from me right now.
Hay una manera en la que puedo ayudarte, pero sólo si no huyes de mí ahora mismo.
Let Isabel and I take you away from this place.
Deja que Isabel y yo te saquemos lejos de este lugar
You walked away from me.
Te alejaste de mí.
And for that, Matthew, you must stay away from our boy.
Y por eso, Matthew, debes alejarte de nuestro niño.
- Will you take me away from this place?
- ¿ Va a sacarme de este sitio?
[laughter] - Wine : 30. - You guys are just, I'd say, about eight minutes away from drinking the smoothest 2014 Brosé Mangria you ever had.
Fui a ese bar, Ed's Jug House, para pillar, y dejé a mis niños en el coche.
- Don't you "Hey, Mommy" me, Daddy, barging in here with these whores like the beginning of some crude stag film, just ten feet away from where your cat sleeps!
porque me has inspirado.
- Yeah, we're very non-strange. - By the way, we are just minutes away from the Mangria, ladies. - Yeah, so, you know, we didn't wake her up.
Grandes, pequeñas, anchas, unas que parecían tener alopecia.
Now, I don't mean to be rude, but would you mind getting the hell away from me?
Ahora, no quiero ser descortés pero, ¿ te importaría alejarte de mí?
You're taking Shyra away from me.
Me estás quitando a Shyra.
How did you get away from home?
¿ Cómo escapaste de tu hogar?
I want you to move all of your backup away from this building.
Quiero que hagas que todos tus refuerzos se alejen del edificio.
You ran away from me this morning.
Huiste de mí esta mañana.
I wanna get you away from Karakurt.
Quiero que te mantengas alejada de Karakurt.
- As long as you stay away from my husband.
Siempre y cuando se aleje de mi marido.
away from home 17
away from here 45
away from me 19
from your perspective 17
from you 300
from your wife 16
from your mother 18
from yourself 21
you know 156049
you know what 23733
away from here 45
away from me 19
from your perspective 17
from you 300
from your wife 16
from your mother 18
from yourself 21
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
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you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423