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Whitely перевод на испанский

44 параллельный перевод
That's right, Mr. Whitely.
Correcto, Sr. Whitely.
Look here, Whitely.
Mira, Whitely.
This is Mr. Whitely's.
Esto es del Sr. Whitely.
- Whitely?
- ¿ Whitely?
- That's enough, Whitely.
- Basta, Whitely. - Por favor.
- Please. Mr. Whitely's right.
El Sr. Whitely tiene razón.
Gee, what about Mr. Whitely and Madame Barelli?
Caray, ¿ y el Sr. Whitely y la Sra. Barelli?
Unfortunately, fingerprints obliterated by Mr. Whitely.
Lamentablemente, el Sr. Whitely borró las huellas digitales.
- What about it, Whitely?
- ¿ Qué dice al respecto?
And I was lecturer at Guy's Hospital in psychopathology... late Whitely Fellow in psychological medicine at London University.
Y fui profesor de Psicopatología en el Hospital Guy's... y antes docente de Medicina Psicológica en la Univ. de Londres.
Whitely's, of course.
En Whitely, claro.
What sort of bent childhood did you have, Adam Whitely?
¿ Qué perversa niñez tuviste, Adam Whitely?
- You'll have supper with us, Adam Whitely, or you'll stay in and watch TV.
Cenaràs con nosotros... o te quedarás solo en tu cuarto mirando televisión.
I'm sorry. I'm David Whitely. Henry's estate manager.
Disculpe, soy David Whitley, capataz de la propiedad de Henry... del Sr Trace.
Oh, Mr. Whitely.
¡ Sr Whitley!
Come in, Mr. Whitely. Take a seat.
- Pase Sr Whitley, siéntese.
But it did, didn't it, Mr. Whitely?
Pero así fue, ¿ verdad, Sr Whitley?
David Whitely.
David Whitely.
The main one was David Whitely.
La principal fue David Whitely.
You're cheerful, Mr Whitely.
Está alegre, Sr Whitely.
Dave Whitely's got the price he wants.
Dave Whitely tiene el precio que quiere.
Maybe David Whitely killed him for just that reason.
Quizás David Whitely lo mató por esa misma razón.
'And David Whitely.'
Y David Whitely.
You sure that's David Whitely?
¿ Estás seguro de que es David Whitely?
Remember when we saw Whitely?
¿ Recuerdas cuando vimos a Whitely?
Whitely tells us it can go ahead.
Whitely nos dijo que podía seguir adelante.
Richard Bayly, Ian Eastman, and Dave Whitely all went to the same school.
Richard Bayly, Ian Eastman, y Dave Whitely todos fueron a la misma escuela.
Bayly, Whitely -
Bayly, Whitely
I want to know about Bayly, Whitely, Fletcher, and yourself.
Quiero saber sobre Bayly, Whitely, Fletcher, y usted.
Whitely has been killed, and so has Fletcher.
Whitely ha sido asesinado, y también lo ha sido Fletcher.
Richard Bayly, David Whitely, Simon Fletcher.
Richard Bayly, David Whitely, Simon Fletcher.
Stephen Wentworth, we arrest you for the murders of Richard Bayly, David Whitely and Simon Fletcher. ( Recites caution )
Stephen Wentworth, lo arrestamos por las muertes de Richard Bayly, David Whitely y Simon Fletcher.
Angelica Bain, Whitely.
Angelica Bain, Whitely.
The slowest thing ever to lap our track was the late Richard Whitely. He went a round in 2 : 06.
La vuelta más lenta en nuestra pista fue la del difunto Richard Whitely, que lo hizo en 2 : 06.
2 mins 1, 2, 3, coming up to Whitely's time, 5, 6
2 minutos 1... 2... 3... llegando al tiempo de Whitely... 5... y 6...
They're like me, a ravaged passage between sky and earth, at the mercy of an invisible impulse, thundering, whitely giving joy or blackly spreading gloom, stray fictions in the gap, far from the earth's noise but without the sky's peace.
Son como yo, un pasar desfigurado entre cielo y tierra, al sabor de un impulso invisible, tronando o no tronando, alegrando blancas u obscureciendo negras, Secciones del intervalo y del error, lejos del ruido de la tierra y sin tener el silencio del cielo.
According to Bowmaster V. Whitely, if the party to a settlement is surprised by the repudiation of the settlement, then the court must provide a reasonable amount of time to prepare for the trial.
De acuerdo con Bowmaster V. Whitely, si una parte del acuerdo es sorprendida por el rechazo del acuerdo. entonces el tribunal debe dar una razonable cantidad de tiempo para preparar el juicio.
Captain Whitely.
Capitán Whiteley.
Malcolm Whitely posted bail for him.
Malcom Whitley ha depositado una fianza.
His real name is Perry Whitely.
Su nombre real es Perry Whithely.
Myself. Bella. David Whitely, my manager.
Yo, Bella, David Whitley, mi capataz... y la hermana de Bella :
- David Whitely.
David Whitley.

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