White people перевод на испанский
2,240 параллельный перевод
Who said anything about white people?
¿ Quién dijo algo de gente blanca?
The words "white people" did not come out of my mouth.
Las palabras "gente blanca" no han salido de mi boca.
Old white people all look alike.
Todos los blancos son parecidos.
Being stuck in a tiny town with no phone access and all white people.
Estar varados en un pueblucho sin cobertura. y toda la gente blanca.
" Girl, it's for white people.
" Chica, eso es para blancos.
Sure I am - - "just us" white people.
Claro que sí. Para nosotros, la gente blanca.
Because white people, well, they're nicer :
Porque los blancos son más amables.
"White people..." I love when it starts with white people.
"Gente blanca..." Me encanta cuando empieza con gente blanca.
White people are Jews.
Los blancos son judíos.
" White people have to start acting like they have some sense
" Los blancos deben empezar a hacer como que tienen cabeza
A place for white people only.
Sólo para blancos.
It's just that white people are all so boring!
¡ Solamente es que los blancos son todos tan aburridos!
Why do white people like Carrot Top?
¿ Por qué a la gente blanca le gusta * Carrot Top? ( * comediante americano con pelo naranja )
No, that's a white people sport.
- No, es un deporte de gente blanca.
How hard could it be if only white people play it, right?
Cómo puede ser de duro si solo juegan blancos, ¿ verdad?
"You know, all these rich white people who can't have babies, they could give a good life to these unwanted ones."
"Esas mujeres blancas y ricas que no pueden tener hijos Ie darían una buena vida a esos bebés".
Clear brush. I thought clearing brush was A white people's term for going
Pensaba que "limpiar maleza" era el término blanco para ir a un club y levantarnos a unas guarras.
I find the bar in Goma, where the white people go.
Busqué un bar en Goma, donde van los blancos
- White people.
- Gente blanca.
They think there's no more serious white people in Charlestown.
Creen que en Charlestown ya no hay más blancos serios.
White people do this to other white people.
Los blancos le hacen esto a otros blancos.
White people, I knew it!
Gente blanca, lo sabía.
White people?
¿ Gente blanca?
I've been speaking to various black citizens who allege that your tests are biased towards white people and Orientals.
He hablado con varios ciudadanos negros y me dicen que tus pruebas muestran prejuicios contra negros y orientales.
White people are weirdos.
Los blancos son raros.
I guess it was wrong of me to say that all white people are weird.
Supongo que fue un error de mi parte decir que todos los blancos son raros.
Actually, white people are really awesome!
En realidad, ¡ la gente blanca es realmente impresionante!
- I laughed because other white people speak to me like that.
- Me reí porque otra gente blanca me habla también de esa forma.
Miss Skeeter what if you don't like what I got to say... about white people?
Srta. Skeeter... ¿ Y si no Ie gusta Io que tengo que decir... sobre Ios blancos?
White people.
Personas de raza blanca.
Motherfuckah. White people say "er."
Los blancos dicen "Hijo de".
Any white people?
¿ Algún blanco?
Um, I like to see white people squirm?
Um, ¿ me gusta ver a la gente blanca retorcerse?
Was keeping the peace between the White House and her own people.
Fue a mantener la paz entre la Casa Blanca y su propio pueblo.
One of my favorites roles, of course, is White Heat where he'd played gangsters and shoot people in trunk of cars with a chicken leg in his mouth.
Uno de mis papeles favoritos es el de Al rojo vivo donde interpretaba a un gánster y disparaba a gente en maleteros con una pata de pollo en la boca.
People are not just gonna stick around and let some white boy move product on their turf.
La gente no va a quedarse quieta y a dejar que un tío blanco mueva mercancía en su terreno.
We always have clean sheets and shirts but it would've been cooler with her in white gown and high heels and people coming in, lying on the sofa and telling her stuff about their life.
Está bien, siempre tiene ropa limpia, pero hubiera molado aún más con una blusa y zapatos de tacón y que la gente viniera a tumbarse en el sofá a contarle sus vidas.
Gross. Sick people sometimes look gray or cloudy white.
La gente enferma a veces se ven grises o blanco nublado.
The people in that book, they--they said they saw, like, a light, a great white light, and they all had to walk towards it.
La gente en ese libro, ellos--ellos dicen que ven, como una luz, una gran luz blanca, y ellos caminan hacia ella.
If you take a bunch of white middle-class kids who are in their pajamies, what's gonna happen is when these people get hit, they freak out.
Si tomas un grupo de chicos blancos de clase media en pijamas, lo que va a suceder es que cuando estas personas sean golpeadas de verdad, se asustaran.
Well, if you feel that my letting people know I'm not white... is making an unnecessary fuss,
Bueno, si usted siente que mi forma que la gente sepa que no soy blanca... está haciendo un escándalo innecesario,
Start pulling all the stop and frisks we passed over earlier'cause people were too white, too cuddly or whatever.
Que comiencen a detener a todos los que omitimos antes... porque eran muy blancos, muy adorables o lo que sea.
Sometimes I can see them clearly yet sometimes they look very strange not even like people, but more like a white mist.
A veces los veo claramente, aunque a veces lucen extraños ni siquiera como gente, sino como niebla blanca.
MARTELL : And there's a similarity to the beings being reported as tall, pale-skinned, white hair, which is not indigenous to the dark-skinned, dark-haired people found in that region, but does match many of the South American descriptions
Existe una similitud con los seres que se describen como altos, de piel pálida, pelo blanco, que no son indígenas de piel oscura, y gente de cabellos oscuros que se encuentran en esa región, pero coincide con
I don't care if people are black white, old, one, everyone's won this game... gay, straight, whatever.
No me importa si la gente es negra, blanca, de edad, joven. Todos han ganado este juego. Gays, heterosexuales, ¡ lo que sea!
First off, tell me the feeling that you feel when you are up there in the DJ booth, and you see all these crazy people in white dancing to your tunes.
Primero que nada, dime la sensación de que se siente cuando estás ahí arriba en la cabina del DJ, y ves a toda esta gente loca de blanco bailar sus canciones.
All of these people in their white robes, bald heads, going round, hitting the Indian bells... just trying to, at times, record all of them with them not necessarily keeping still all the time,
Toda esa gente con togas blancas, rapados tocando esas campanillas indias... Teníamos que grabarles a todos, no necesariamente juntos y trajimos algunos instrumentos para grabarlos.
The same reason a poor black woman risked life and limb, partnering with white and black people alike to bring my ancestors to freedom on the Underground Railroad.
Por la misma razón, por la que una mujer pobre y negra, arriesgaría la vida y la integridad física, al asociarse con personas de raza blanca y negras por igual para traer a mis antepasados a la libertad en el Ferrocarril Subterráneo.
You kick her pasty, white ass so hard, so that she and her stupid husband can never wreak havoc on poor, innocent people like me ever again.
Patéale su trasero blanco, tan duro, para que ella y su estúpido marido, nunca puedan causar más estragos a la gente inocente como yo, nunca más.
Survived four other young people in the White House event
Sobreviví a cuatro jóvenes de otros en caso de la Casa Blanca
And a lot of the people who had been his biggest financial backers in texas, They followed him right to the white house. So he kept going.
Mucha gente que lo había financiado en Texas lo siguió directo a la Casa Blanca.
people 5151
people like me 81
people don't change 46
people of earth 28
people screaming 74
people change 205
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people like me 81
people don't change 46
people of earth 28
people screaming 74
people change 205
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people are dying 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people go 25
people are dying 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people go 25