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You're wrong there перевод на испанский

402 параллельный перевод
There you're wrong again.
¡ Otro error!
You're wrong there, Jane.
Te equivocas, Jane.
There you are. You're wrong.
Ahí tiene, se equivoca.
Oh, I think you're wrong there, old chap.
Creo que se equivoca, amigo.
- You're wrong. He's up there.
- No, está arriba aún.
You're wrong to think there couldn't be anything between them.
Se equivoca al pensar que no puede haber nada entre ellos.
You're wrong there, Harry.
Te equivocas.
- Now there you're wrong for I'd try to take it from you.
- Ahí te equivocas yo trataría de quitártelo.
Now, there's where you're wrong.
Ahí es dónde te equivocas.
No, you're wrong there.
No, te equivocas.
now, there's where you're wrong. I knew a redheaded girl by the name -
Ahí te equivocas, conocí a una pelirroja que se llamaba..
There's something wrong and you're unhappy.
Algo va mal y no eres feliz.
Oh, you're wrong There, colonel.
El campeón inglés de ajedrez.
There are things you do without thinking, that don't feel like you're doing wrong.
Son cosas que uno hace sin pensarlas, sin tener la impresión de estar haciendo algo malo.
You're so wrong. There you are, never fails.
Está equivocado.
You're wrong there.
Se equivoca.
Oh, no, you're wrong there, Wes.
- Estás equivocado, Wes.
You're smart Cummins but there's just one thing wrong with your reasoning.
Es usted inteligente, Cummins,... pero hay algo incorrecto en su razonamiento.
There's nothing wrong with the way you're counting.
No estás contando mal.
There must be some way you can prove they're wrong.
Tiene cheques a mi nombre, registros de nóminas,... todo trucado, pero convincente. Debe de haber alguna forma en la que puedas probar que están equivocados.
That's where you're wrong, Giovanni - there are others.
En eso se equivoca, Giovanni. Sí que hay otro lado.
Well, there's nothing wrong with it but as long as you're investing in drapes for a room like this, why, you should have a cheerful pattern.
Nada, pero ya que hacéis semejante gasto, deberíais poner una tela mas lucida.
Nope, you're wrong there, little maid!
Pues no, se equivoca
There you're wrong.
En eso se equivocan.
When you're not there, it's all wrong.
Cuando no estás, las cosas van mal.
You're quite wrong there, Mr. Crabtree.
Se equivoca, Sr. Crabtree.
You're wrong, you know, you're wrong, but there's something wrong here there's something that's been overlooked.
Se equivoca, sabe, se equivoca. Algo está mal. - Algo ha pasado por alto.
But you're wrong about going down there now.
Pero se equivoca saliendo ahora.
You're not far wrong, I was raised there.
No está muy descaminado, me crié allí.
You fight the army, it'll run right over you, and there's nothing you can do about it,'cause they're right, and you're wrong.
Si le peleas al ejército, te aplastará sin más remedio. Porque ellos tienen la razón y tú no.
There you're wrong, Lieutenant.
Ahí esta el problema teniente.
There's where you're wrong.
Ahí es donde te equivocas.
I've told you there's nothing wrong, except that I'm in a hurry and you're taking up my time.
Ya le he dicho que no me pasa nada, excepto que tengo prisa y me está entreteniendo.
You're in the wrong, and that's all there is to it.
Ibas mal y ya está.
There's nothing wrong with hating evil, but you're sacrificing innocent bystanders.
Odie el mal si quiere, pero sacrificar a gente inocente...
You're wrong there...
Ahí se equivoca...
I'm afraid you're barking up the wrong tree there, mister.
Me temo que se equivoca, jefe.
There's nothing wrong with me! You're the one that's changed, that's why I won't touch you!
¡ Pero que fiebre, que bronquitis, no me pasa nada, eres tú la que estás cambiada, por eso no te toco!
There you're completely wrong. Women like reliable values.
Ahí está totalmente equivocado, ellas quieren valores seguros.
You know chickens as well as I do, and when they won't eat, there's something wrong with what they're being fed.
Sabes de gallinas tanto como yo, y no quieren comer. Hay algún problema con el pienso.
That's just where you're wrong... She's no help there.
No resulta de ninguna ayuda.
You're very different. There... there's something wrong.
Bien, ¿ cómo es eso, cariño?
You're quite wrong there.
Te equivocas de pleno.
You're wrong if you think all you have to do is to just sit there.
Pero te equivocas si crees que lo único que tendrás que hacer es estar sentado.
You're sure there's nothing wrong? Of course I'm sure.
- ¿ Seguro que todo está b ¡ en?
You're wrong there.
- Espero que no le haya dado el dinero
- I think you're wrong there
- Para nada.
There's nothing wrong if you Samantha and you're good together.
No hay nada de malo en que tú y Samanta os sintáis bien juntos.
Since you're home I've been thinking - there's something wrong with him.
Puesto que estás en casa he estado pensando - hay algo malo con él. No es feliz.
You're wrong there.
Eres injusto
yeah.. I suppose I'm afraid you're in the wrong place for that hoo... then there is a place correct there are several, security people specializes in training dogs esoty insurance may help
si.. eso supongo me temo que estas en el lugar equivocado para eso hoo... entonces hay un lugar correcto no hay varios, gente de seguridad especializada en entrenar perros estoy seguro que podran ayudarte pero no quiero uno solo quiero una manada

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