You had him перевод на испанский
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You had him take the money, didn't you?
Le has hecho coger el dinero, ¿ verdad?
I mean, you had him lined up, but the bottle was sitting
Quiero decir, lo tenía a tiro, y la botella estaba puesta
Say you had him killed.
Digamos que lo había matado.
You had him kill Roger Bennett after he found out the truth about Chicago.
Hiciste que matara a Roger Bennett después de que descubriera la verdad sobre Chicago.
You had him killed him to make sure he didn't report what he knew up his chain of command.
Hizo que le matara para asegurarse de que no denunciara lo que sabía ante la cadena de mando.
Sidney took these when you had him spying on me.
Sidney me las tomó cuando lo tenías espiándome.
Victor had you pincushion him to divert suspicion away from himself and to create the woman that's hanging before me.
Víctor te lo sirvió en bandeja para desvíar las sospechas lejos de él y crear a la mujer que cuelga delante de mí.
Even after you had abandoned him, after he could have died for your transgressions, he was still concerned for you.
Incluso después de que tú lo abandonaste... de que pudo morir por tus trasgresiones... igual se preocupaba por ti.
Why didn't you just give him a chance? - Rayna? - In what world did it seem appropriate for you to tell our daughter that you had proposed marriage to me?
¿ Por qué no le diste una oportunidad? - ¿ Rayna?
You gave him what we had, what was private, what you had insisted for years was private.
Lo que teníamos, lo que era privado, lo que habías insistido por años fuera privado.
Well, if anybody other than Mike had walked in here the way he did, you would have shown him the tiniest bit of compassion.
Bueno, si alguien que no fuese sido Mike hubiese entrado aquí de la manera en que lo hizo, no le habrías mostrado la menor compasión.
Do you know how many HBOs that leech had my mother get him?
¿ Sabes cuántos canales HBO le ha conseguido mi madre a esa sanguijuela? Siete.
If I had that guy living in my basement, I think I'd mention him would you mention him?
Si yo tuviera a ese tío viviendo en mi sótano, creo que yo le mencionaría, ¿ tú le mencionarías?
You never had a chance to meet him, not even once?
¿ Nunca le ha visto, ni siquiera una vez?
- You had to tell him?
- Tenías que decirle?
You think she had him killed?
¿ Crees que ella lo haya matado?
I had to tell him where you were.
Tuve que decirle dónde estaban.
You should've taken him out when you had the chance a couple of days ago.
Deberías haberlo eliminado cuando tuvisteis la oportunidad hace un par de días.
Then once he's had time to think about it, you go back and convince him.
Entonces una vez que haya tenido tiempo de pensarlo, - regresas y lo convences.
You had a rich husband on the hook and you couldn't reel him in.
Tenías un esposo rico en el anzuelo y no pudiste recogerlo.
I had to stop him, Leila... before he did something that you and I couldn't fix.
Tenía que pararlo, Leila... antes de que hiciera algo que ni tú ni yo pudiéramos solucionar.
You wouldn't have even had a shot at the henhouse if it wasn't for him getting you out from under Tony Gianopolous.
Ni siquiera hubieses tenido una oportunidad en el gallinero de no ser por que el te sacó del control de Tony Gianopolous.
And you're the one who said you had to find a way to trust him with the truth.
Y tú fuiste la que dijo que tenías que hallar una manera de confiarle la verdad.
Did you know your brother had a restraining order against him being on this property... where's Sara?
¿ Sabía que su hermano tenía una orden de restricción contra él sobre esta propiedad? ¿ Dónde está Sara?
Thought you said you had this French fry where you wanted him, huh?
Pensé que habías dicho que tenías a este papa frita donde lo querías, ¿ no?
You just had to get to him first, didn't you?
Tenías que ir a verle primero, ¿ no?
If I'd told you, you would've fought him with everything you had.
Si te lo hubiese dicho, hubieras peleado con él con todas tus fuerzas.
I thought he had gone to grab something to eat and that's the last time you saw him?
Pensé que había ido a por algo de comer. ¿ Y fue la última vez que le viste?
You know, I thought it might give him some comfort, knowing that he had another mother.
Creí que eso podría consolarle un poco, el saber que tiene otra madre.
Nothing would have pleased me more than that you had spoken to him.
Nada me haría más feliz que el que hablaras con él.
You had a shot at Merlyn and you didn't kill him?
¿ Le disparaste a Merlyn y no lo mataste?
Well, he's... he's doing okay, but I need to get you and him back to the hospital,'cause this little guy has had a crazy day.
Bueno, él... está bien, pero necesito llevaros al hospital, porque este pequeño ha tenido un día de locos.
He told me he had information about Oliver Hughes and, you know, by the time I went to meet him...
Me dijo que tenía información sobre Oliver Hughes y, ya sabes, cuando me reuní con él...
You saw how much money he had on him and you caught up with him on the Marston Road and you killed him for it.
Usted vio la cantidad de dinero que llevaba encima. Luego de irse, lo alcanzó en Marston Road y lo mató.
You knew I had to go and see him.
Sabías que tenia que ir y verle.
If someone had told me when Olly was born, you're going to lose him, he's going to be taken from you... .. and you'll never know why... .. and you'll never see him again..... I'd still have had him.
Si alguien me hubiera dicho cuando Olly nació, vas a perderlo, te lo van a quitar... y nunca sabrás por qué... y nunca lo verás de nuevo... todavía lo tendría.
You hold this dream you had for him, and all the while, you're the one who couldn't follow through, and now you want to blame it on our son.
Usted lleva a cabo este sueño que tenía para él, y todo el tiempo, Usted es el único que no podía y apos ; t por seguir, y ahora quiere echarle la culpa a nuestro hijo.
Which is why I had you bring him down.
Que es la razón por la que te pedí que me le trajeras.
You guys had your whole Wonder Twins riff, and now you're giving him respect?
- Ustedes tuvieron todo su juego de palabras de los hermanos maravilla, ¿ y ahora le estás dando respeto?
- Sean, Charlie is your best friend, if something happens to him after you've had the chance to help him, you're going to blame yourself.
Sean, Charlie es tu mejor amigo si algo le pasa después de que tuviste la chance de ayudarlo te vas a culpar por ello.
I have to tell him that Tommy has been completely unruly, and that you had nothing murder trial to do.
Le diré que Tommy actúa por cuenta propia, que es ingobernable, y que tú no tienes nada que ver con el intento de asesinato.
And, because at some point, I would have had to have brought him home to meet you two.
Y, porque en algún momento, tendría que traerlo a casa para presentárselo a los dos.
- Yes. Because the Leonard Vance I knew was a vulnerable, confused man suffering from a mental illness, who - by the time you and the media had finished with him - had become a monster.
- Porque el Leonard Vance que yo conocía... era un hombre confuso, vulnerable y que sufría una enfermedad mental, que, entre ustedes y los medios, lo convirtieron en un monstruo.
You should have killed him when you had the chance.
Deberías haberle matado cuando tuviste la oportunidad.
Had you seen him before?
¿ Lo habías visto antes?
So you had sex with him.
Entonces tuviste relaciones con el.
Did you see him trying to pretend he already had friends on the playground?
¿ Has visto cómo ha intentado fingir que ya tiene amiguitos con los que jugar?
So you had to kill him?
- ¿ Y lo hizo matar?
Uh, well, that's kind of what I came here to talk to you about, actually, um... uh, he doesn't know yet, and I just woke up feeling like I had to tell him today, so I just was wondering if I could borrow your car, because mine'll never make it to Wyoming.
Bien, es más o menos por lo que he venido a hablar contigo, de hecho, aún no lo sabe, y simplemente me he despertado como si tuviera que decírselo hoy mismo así que me preguntaba si podrías dejarme tu coche,
You could have had him arrested.
Podrías haberlo arrestado.
We know you had to call the police to get him out of your own house.
Sabemos que tuvo que llamar a la policía para sacarle de su casa.
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had it 22
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had it 22