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You had me at перевод на испанский

1,360 параллельный перевод
- You had me at hello.
- Me conseguiste con el hola.
You had me at the beer part, but you lost me at root.
Me conquístate con lo de cerveza pero no con lo de malta
You had me at avatar.
me tenías con el avatar.
You had me at "free blanket."
¿ Nos estas regalando una manta gratis?
You had me at goldenrod.
Me has convencido con la vara de oro.
You had me at the nipples
Me tendría a mis pechos
G, you had me at "hello."
Siempre he sido tuya.
You had me at hello.
Me convenciste con el "hola".
You had me at "dicks fuck assholes."
Me tuviste desde, "Las pingas joden a los culos".
I hurt you, and I had to spend hours on a stinky bus... next to a guy that was spitting into a can... thinking about all the minutes going by that I wasn't at your graduation... and they were hurting you... because it was so selfish of this person who wasn't me to do what she did.
Te herí, y tuve que pasar muchas horas en un autobús apestoso... junto a un tipo que escupía en una lata... pensando en los minutos que pasaban sin estar en tu graduación... y eso te hacía daño... porque esa persona, que no soy yo, fue tan egoísta para hacer lo que hizo.
And then I realized that I was really angry at myself... for being so blind that I didn't see that you had been back on that shit again, for getting you strung out on it in the first place.
Y luego me di cuenta de que realmente estaba enojado conmigo mismo... por estar tan ciego y no ver que habías retomado esa mierda, por haberte hecho adicto a ella en primer lugar.
My God, Sabrina, you had better tell me you had laser eye surgery and they accidentally severed the muscle that holds that lid up, because you did not just wink at me.
Dios mío, Sabrina, espero que te hayan operado el ojo... y que te hayan dañado sin querer el músculo del párpado, porque no me has guiñado el ojo.
You know, it seems to me that I haven't had a kiss from my husband in I don't know, at least six hours.
Sabes, parece que no he recibido un beso de mi esposo en no sé, ¿ al menos seis horas?
You had me down at the BO the other night.
Me engañaste en BO la otra noche.
You had me at "comfort."
Me convenció con comodidad
I might have had a future at that place if you'd just give me half a chance. Let's get a move on, saddlebag!
Podría tener futuro si me diera la oportunidad.
At one point, I even convinced myself that life was all one big, zany sex comedy... and you had switched keys with the lead to use his swinging pad to snare me.
En un momento hasta me convencí de que la vida era una loca comedia romántica y que habías cambiado la llave con el protagonista para seducirme.
Then, when you realized that you had finally met your match... I would have at last gained the respect... that would make you wanna marry me first and seduce me later.
Y cuando te dieras cuenta de que finalmente encontraste tu rival yo habría ganado por fin el respeto que haría que quisieras casarte conmigo primero y seducirme después.
- Because, honey, you do not want to deal with me until I've had my day at the beauty parlor.
- Porque, cariño espera a verme luego del salón de belleza.
He had the feeling that at the time you were somewhere far away.
Me dijo que tenía la impresión, que Ud. se encontraba muy distante.
I figured I had to wait for you to come back. One day, you would knock at my door and you would let it all out.
Me dije que debería esperar a que volvieras que un día, vendrías a tocar a mi puerta, y me lo contarías todo.
When I saw you at the hospital I had doubts, but I kept it to myself
Cuando te vi en el hospital... tuve algunas dudas, pero me las reservé para mí.
You should've at least had some respect for me
Si al menos me hubieras tenido algo de respeto.
You know how dry my mouth gets when I'm diving, I wanted to put them in the dive bag, but you had them, so I stuffed them in here at the last minute.
¿ Viste qué seca se me pone la boca cuando buceo? Quise ponerlos en la bolsa, y la tenías tú, así que me los metí aquí a último momento.
You had no problem calling me Ruhama at the cafe.
No tenía problemas en llamarme Ruhama en el café.
I guess I had never noticed. Because when I come here, it's to do my job. Which I was pretty good at until you came here and sabotaged me.
No me había fijado porque vengo aquí a trabajar y soy muy bueno, pero tú tenías que venir a sabotearme.
And at the rally, when we shook hands... you had a vision of me doing something bad... and now you want to make it right.
Y en el mitin, cuando estrechamos nuestras manos usted me vio haciendo algo malo y ahora quiere revertir la situación.
- Well you were really mad at me when I wanted to go see Colin but you had no problem with me going to see Ephram's piano recital.
- Te enojaste mucho conmigo cuando quise ir a ver a Colin, pero no te importó que fuera al recital de piano de Ephram.
When I woke up I thought there'd be something. A note a card some small gesture signifying that you had at least heard what I was saying to you.
Esta mañana pensé que habría una nota, una tarjeta algún gesto que me dijera que oíste lo que te decía.
Back on Osiris you probably had nurses and debutantes crawling all over you but down here at the bottom of the barrel, it's just me
En Osciris probablemente tenías enfermeras... y jovencitas acechándote... pero aquí no te queda de otra. sólo estoy yo. No.
Oh, not at all. I simply wondered if you or your men had spotted anything.
Me preguntaba si usted o su gente notó algo.
Now, at one point in my life, you saying a couch that I carefully picked out and had to pay off over eight months is terrible might've hurt my feelings, but not anymore.
Bueno, en otro momento de mi vida, si me hubieras dicho que el sofá Que había escogido con cuidado y que tengo de pagar durante 8 meses Era horrible, esto habría podido herirme, pero ahora
Now, after having had a good look at you, it's pretty obvious to me what the diagnosis is.
Bueno, después de verte, el diagnóstico es obvio.
Right, you said you had another TV you wanted me to look at.
Bueno. ¿ Quería que viera otra tele?
Si tuvieras algún cerebro, nunca me habrías dejado marchar.
Don't get me wrong. You had me worried there was gonna be a bunch of young Dr Coxes roaming the halls, calling me Bobbo, shaving my genitals when I pass out at the Christmas party.
No me malinterpretes, me preocupaba... que un puñado de jóvenes doctores Cox anduviera rondando por ahí, insultándome y afeitándome los genitales al desmayarme en la fiesta de Navidad.
The only thing that gives me comfort, you guys, is while I'm at home, staring at the ceiling, just wishing I had someone to talk to, is knowing none of you idiots realise how lucky you are.
De verdad, lo único que me consuela... es que cuando estoy en casa, mirando al techo, y deseando tener algo de compañía, es saber que son tan idiotas que no saben qué suerte tienen.
No, he didn't send me... we were just talking, you know... and then he told about this hostessing job and... I had nothing better to do at that time so...
No, no me "envió"... sólo hablábamos, ya sabes... y me contó sobre este trabajo y... no tenía nada mejor que hacer...
If you have any trouble of the kind you had at Horserød - - I'd like you to come to me.
Si tiene algún problema como los que tuvo en Horserød... me gustaría que venga a verme.
" We lost because of that goal, but I felt like a winner after years of loving you in silence, here at last was a sign that you had noticed me.
Perdimos por culpa de ese gol. Pero yo marché triunfal hacia los vestuarios. Era la primera señal, luego de largos años de amarla en silencio, que usted se daba por enterada de mi existencia.
You guys had me at blood and semen.
Yo estaba dispuesto a dar sangre y semen.
You touched me on the shoulder and you looked at me, and the way you looked at me, I could tell you knew what had passed between us.
Me tocaste el hombro y me miraste y por la forma que miraste, podría decir que sabías lo que había pasado.
No, I had a great time at the beach with you.
Pero, pero que dices, si me lo he pasado genial en la playa, contigo.
You know, five years ago, if I had to make a list of impossible things that could never happen, you performing a coup de gréce on me by busting a cap in my crown would've been right at the top of the list.
Sabes, cinco años atrás, si hubiera tenido que hacer una lista con cosas que nunca pasarían... tú dándome un tiro de gracia poniendo una bala en mi cabeza... hubiera estado en primer lugar de esa lista.
Would he were gelded that had it, for my part, since you do take it, love, so much at heart.
Debería estar castrado, en lo que a mí me concierne desde que lo quieres, amor, con el corazón.
How you can climb out of your bed at dawn when you've had 3 or 4 hours sleep at most But then you see, that's the difference between you and me
Cómo consigues levantarte después de haber dormido cuatro horas... pero esa es la diferencia entre tú y yo :
You know, I mean, even I'd had a go at her.
Tú sabes, me refiero a que incluso yo me le había lanzado.
I had a great childhood mother sweet you gaze at me and laugh but I still see a tear
He tenido una gran niñez dulce madre me contemplas y ries pero aún veo una lágrima
Of course I'm angry at you, because you've never had anything but contempt for me.
Por supuesto que estoy enojado con vos, porque vos nunca has... sentido nada más que conformidad por mí.
And basically, in one form or another, you know... had the gun at my head and in my mouth... and up against my head for the next 3 or 4 hours.
Y básicamente, de una forma u otra, me apuntaba con la pistola, a la cabeza, a la boca... a la cabeza otra vez, así durante 3 o 4 horas...
What are you laughing at motherfucker? How you had that little blondie! No, he got me when I waSn't looking, that little motherfucker.
De qué te ríes culiao papito cómo te tenía la rucia no, me pillo pajareando, igual Io tenía cagado si!

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