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You loved it перевод на испанский

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Before your accident, jamie, and you loved it.
Antes del accidente, Jamie. Y te encantaba.
Would work out for the best. You loved it, didn't you?
Lo resolvería mejor te encantó, verdad?
I'll throw a party. But you gotta admit, you loved it... when they let you drive the speedboat when they were dragging'the lake.
De acuerdo, haré una fiesta, pero tienes que admitir que te encantó cuando te dejaron manejar la lancha rápida cuando estaban dragando el lago.
- I'm sorry, I know you loved it.
Lo lamento, sé cuanto te gustaba.
You loved it.
Le encantó.
You loved it!
Te encantaba.
It's like I told you all night long, Eric, I never loved you.
Ya te he lo he dicho toda la noche, Eric, nunca te amé.
Excuse me for saying this, Jill, but the way you talk about Auerbach, It kinda sounds like you loved him.
Disculpa por decir esto, Jill, pero por como hablas de Auerbach, suena como si lo amabas.
Did you say that you loved me because you thought that that's what I wanted to hear at the time, or it was exciting?
Has dicho que me querías porque es lo que quería escuchar o porque era emocionante.
Yes, yes, she loved you, yes. She loved me and you took me away and it killed her.
Me amaba, me alejaste de ella y eso la mató.
I used to live in the city and I loved deer then because I was liberal and in the city and I'd see deer when you drive out with your friends out to the country and you see a deer and everybody is like, " Turn off the car, don't scare it, it's just so beautiful, look at the beautiful deer, look how he looks around it's just so mysterious and beautiful.
Solia vivir en la ciudad y amaba a los venados entonces. Porque vivia en la ciudad. Y si veias un venado cuando ibas manejando por el campo con tu amigos decis :
I still loved it.Being with you.
Aún me gusta, estar contigo.
I don't even think it was for the money. It was just... you know, he loved to be able to say to people, " I can get you this,
Creo que ni siquiera era por el dinero, sino para poder decirle a la gente :
I needed to prove it to her. That you loved her.
Necesitaba probárselo.
You loved it.
Te encantó.
Outside the hospital when you told me that you loved me... did you say that because you meant it,
Fuera del hospital cuando tu dijiste que me querias... ¿ Lo dijiste porque lo sientes,
I'd Loved To Explain It To You, But I'm Afraid You'll Think Less Of Me, But When She Told Me She Was Into Me,
Me encantaría explicártelo, pero me temo que pensarás mal de mí, pero cuando me dijo que estaba dentro mío, no pude resistirme y quizá sentirme un poquito culpable porque sé que es algo sexual, pero, al diablo.
I mean, why is it that we all need to be loved, but then when somebody finally says, "I love you," people just run scared.
Es decir, ¿ por qué todos tenemos la necesidad de ser amados, pero luego cuando alguien finalmente dice "te amo", la gente sólo corre asustada?
It's the dress you loved from Maxfield.
Es el vestido que te encantó en Maxfield.
They listened to your CD and they loved it and they don't want you to play the fest.
Escucharon el cd y les encantó Y no quieren que toquéis - ¿ Qué?
And it's because they have that backup love from their parents That no matter what they do, They know that they're still gonna be loved, you know?
Eso es porque los apoya el amor de sus padres que, sin importar lo que hagan, saben que los amarán de todos modos.
If you loved anna, you need to know who did it, jake, no matter who that person is.
No tengo novia, no aún. Tal vez si tú quisieras disculparte...
"He said he loved you, but you're not ready to say it back yet" sex.
Sexo de te dijo que te ama pero no estás lista para decirle lo mismo.
You knew Feynman? Really easy guy to fool, and loved every minute of it.
En realidad es un tipo fácil de burlar, y amé cada minuto de ello.
You gave it to Nate the first time you said you loved him.
Se lo diste a Nate la primera vez que le dijiste que lo amabas.
You asked me if it was somebody I loved, what I would do?
Me preguntaste que si fuera alguien que yo amara, ¿ qué haría?
Uh, it says here that you don't have a loved one In the domino, ms.
Aqui dice que tu no tienes un ser querido en el dominó, srita.
I loved you, and just because we broke up, doesn't mean I can just turn it off like that.
Yo te amaba, y el simple hecho de que hayamos terminado, No quiere decir que pueda dar vuelta la cara así como así.
You know, the first time I told Serena I loved her it was terrifying.
Sabes, la primera vez que le dije a Serena que la amaba fue muy atemorizante.
What is it with you people, always wanting to be loved?
¿ Por qué la gente siempre quiere que la amen?
Find what you loved about it and start there.
Encuentra lo que te gustaba de ella, y empieza desde ahí.
If it's all one God, how come they get to be loved and you don't?
¿ Si hay un Dios, cómo llegan ellos a ser amados y usted no?
It will not be important your memories but memories live to those you loved.
Lo que importa no son tus recuerdos, sino los recuerdos que viven en quienes te amaron.
But it is clear to me now that I have always loved you.
Pero ahora tengo claro que siempre le he amado.
You owe it to the people you loved to keep going.
Debes seguir adelante por la gente que querías.
When she spoke to me, it was clear that she loved you and knew that you loved her.
Cuando habló conmigo, estaba claro que te quería y que sabía que tú la querías.
How stupid you must think me not to have seen that it was you that I loved all along.
¡ Qué tonto debes pensar que he sido por no haber visto que era a ti a quien quería todo este tiempo.
So you just do it for all the people that you loved.
Así que harás esto por toda la gente a la que amabas.
So you just do it for all the people that you loved. OK?
Así que, sólo hazlo por toda la gente que amaste ¿ de acuerdo?
If you loved me, you'd do it with me.
Si me quisieras, lo harías.
If he loved her, believe me, you would have felt it.
Si él la amara, créeme, lo habrías sentido.
There was a time when I wouldn't have felt it so much, you saying that you loved somebody else!
Antes no habría sentido tanto que me dijeras que amabas a otra.
I know what it's like, you know, to have a loved one suffering.
Yo sé lo que es ver sufrir a un ser querido.
You can only pass it on to your loved ones.
Sólo puedes pasárselos a tus seres queridos.
I have loved all those whom you loved and given you children though it has pleased God to take them away.
He amado a todos los que usted ama y le he dado niños aunque Dios ha querido quitárnoslos.
Have you ever had to talk to the person you loved most tell them it's gonna be all right, when you know it's not?
¿ Has tenido que hablar con la persona que más amas y decirle que todo va a salir bien cuando no es cierto?
For what it's worth I loved your mother, and I love you.
Si te sirve de algo amé a tu madre y te amo a ti.
Well, as soon as he got into, like, the old town proper, and he saw the canals and the bridges and, you know, the swans and that, well, he just fucking loved it then.
Pero en cuanto entramos en el casco antiguo y vio los canales, los puentes y los bonitos cisnes y todo eso, creo que le encantó.
It's true. I think she may have even loved you.
Es verdad y hasta creo que te ama.
And I'm proud of you because it shows that you're not happy being just an ordinary friend and loved one.
Y me enorgullece, porque demuestra que no te basta con ser una simple amiga y persona amada.
No, it's my fault. I'm sorry for thinking you could have loved a loser like me. I don't love you. I adore you.
Soy yo el que debo disculparme Pense que podrias enamorarte de un vago pero te adoro

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