You might think перевод на испанский
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All right, all right, some of you might think that art is drawing pictures of sheep in fields and boring sunsets.
Está bien, está bien, algunos piensan que el arte es dibujar ovejas en campos y aburridas puestas de sol.
Twice as much as you might think.
El doble de lo que imagináis.
I hoped you might stay here, that you might think of this as home.
Esperaba que tal vez podrías quedar aquí... que podrías pensar que este es tu hogar.
Not as many as you might think.
No tantos como podrías pensar.
I'd elaborate, but you might think it's a little too boring.
Me elaborar, pero es posible que Creo que es un poco demasiado aburrido.
You think there might be other guys digging up other cables, waiting for a signal to cut them all at once?
¿ Crees que podría haber otros hombres excavando otros cables... esperando una señal para cortarlos todos a la vez?
Might be sooner than you think.
Puede que antes de lo que piensas.
I think the people are gonna like that, but I think you might have some problems with the beltway.
Creo que la gente es que va así, pero creo que es posible que tenga algunos problemas con la circunvalación.
Do you think Pernell might be able to change his plans?
¿ Crees que Pernell sería capaz de cambiar sus planes?
Did they find anything that you think might help us figure out why she was murdered?
¿ Encontraron algo que pudiera ayudarnos a averiguar por qué la mataron?
- I think you might be right.
- Quizás tengas razón.
I want you to think about some of the possible advantages that being single might have and make a list.
Quiero que piensen en algunas de las posibles ventajas que podría tener estar solos y que hagan una lista.
I'm representing someone I think you might know.
Represento a alguien que creo que podría conocer.
Look, I think you might be right about Cammy.
Mira, creo que podrías tener razón sobre Cammy.
You think you might be able to go back to school tomorrow?
¿ Crees que serás capaz de regresar mañana a la escuela?
Alicia, I think we might have something for you.
Alicia, creo que podríamos tener algo para ti.
Do you think if it hadn't happened, the accident, that things might be different with us?
¿ Crees que si no hubiera sucedido... el accidente, las cosas podrían ser diferente entre nosotros?
Do you really think you might find out if there's any life after death?
¿ Realmente crees que podrías descubrir si hay alguna vida luego de la muerte?
I think you're curious about what you might find...
Creo que tiene curiosidad por lo que podría encontrar...
I think you might have wasted Ivan's money.
Creo que puedes haber desperdiciado el dinero de Ivan.
I think it might be worth it for you to go to the church and see for yourself.
Creo que podría valer la pena que vaya a la iglesia y lo vea por sí misma.
You don't think Ava might think twice about accepting your charity if she knew what you believed about her son?
¿ No cree que Anna podría pensarlo dos veces antes de aceptar su caridad... si supiera lo que cree sobre su hijo?
To tell you the truth, I think she might have superpowers.
Para decirte la verdad, creo que podría tener superpoderes.
So you think that he might be... Out there somewhere?
¿ Así que cree que podría estar... por ahí en algún lugar?
Something is happening to me, and I think you might know what it is.
Algo está pasándome, y creo que podría saber qué es.
Never had much use for men... But I'm starting to think I might have some for you.
Nunca usé mucho a los hombres pero creo que eh encontrado el uso perfecto para tí.
You may say whatever words you think your God might like.
Puede decir cualquier palabras que creas a Dios le gustarán.
Look, I know you have trouble with these kinds of things, but I think it might be good for you to say goodbye to Liam.
Mira, se que tienes problemas con este tipo de cosas, pero creo que podría ser bueno para ti que dijeras adiós a Liam.
You think there may be a lesson in that that might apply to you?
¿ Crees que puede haber una lección en la que que podrían aplicarse a su caso?
- You think it might be Karakurt?
- ¿ Crees que podría ser Karakurt?
Because if we start talking, I might tell you how little I think about you.
Porque si empezamos a hablar, igual te digo lo mal que pienso de ti.
I might tell you how pathetic I think you are.
Podría decirte lo patético que creo que eres.
I might tell you how everyone at the station laughs at you, how they don't respect you and how neither do I, so I don't think it's a good idea.
Podría decirte cómo todos en la comisaría se ríen de ti, cómo ellos no te respetan y cómo yo tampoco, así que no pienso que sea una buena idea.
I think you might be a relative of mine.
Creo que usted podría ser pariente mío.
I'm trying to trace my family history and I think... you might be part of it.
Estoy investigando la historia de mi familia y creo... que usted podría formar parte de ella.
Ah. So you think he might have seen it in a film. Maybe.
- Crees que pudo verla en una película.
You think it's wise, when a citizen of a foreign government... a government with whom we are trying to curry favor... points out that you might have made a mistake, to lecture him about whose sun it is?
¿ Crees que es inteligente, cuando un ciudadano de un gobierno extranjero... un gobierno con el que estamos intentando ganarnos el favor... apunte que podrías haber cometido un error, por sermonearle de quién es el sol?
Do you think maybe she might've kind of wanted that on the down low?
¿ No crees que quizá ella quería que fuera discreta con eso?
You don't think that might explain her withdrawn behaviour?
¿ No cree que eso explicaría su comportamiento introvertido?
I think it might be wise for you not to be the one to scrutinise Smith's mail, until your matters before the police are settled.
Creo que sería inteligente que no sea usted quien lea el correo de Smith, hasta que sus asuntos con la policía estén resueltos.
Callie tells me that you're looking for your brother, you think he might be missing. Does he have a name?
Callie me dice que estás buscando a tu hermano, que piensas que está perdido. ¿ Tiene nombre?
Hey, Ms Westfall, I think you might be interested in this.
Sra. Westfall, creo que esto le interesará.
Do you think there might be a deficit in me that needs correcting?
¿ Crees que puede haber un déficit en mí que es necesario corregir?
I mean, do you think there might be something wrong with me?
Quiero decir, ¿ crees que podría haber algo malo en mí?
People might think you and knuckle nuts are screwing.
La gente podría pensar - que te estás tirando al tontito.
- You think he might be here?
- ¿ Crees que pueda estar aquí?
I think you might need to slow down a little.
Creo que tendrías que bajar un poco el pistón.
Don't you think the affair might affect his career?
¿ No cree que la aventura podría afectar su carrera?
If you don't, I'll be forced to kill everyone I think you might have told.
Si no lo haces, me veré obligada a matar a todos con los que crea que has podido hablar.
I think you might be on to something.
Creo que pretendes algo.
Well, it might be fair, but it's a little insane, don't you think?
Bueno, puede ser que sea justo, pero es un poco loco, ¿ no te parece?
you might like it 24
you might be right 102
you might as well 26
you might be surprised 25
you might say 135
you might have 18
you might say that 33
you might want to 27
you might 132
you might learn something 35
you might be right 102
you might as well 26
you might be surprised 25
you might say 135
you might have 18
you might say that 33
you might want to 27
you might 132
you might learn something 35
you might ask 17
you might just make it 23
you might need this 21
you might not 20
you might have to 16
you might be 35
you might need it 24
you might want to see this 26
you might just make it after all 22
you might as well know 16
you might just make it 23
you might need this 21
you might not 20
you might have to 16
you might be 35
you might need it 24
you might want to see this 26
you might just make it after all 22
you might as well know 16
think 1581
thinking 451
thinks 21
think positive 41
thinking of you 30
think about it 2390
thinking about you 18
think fast 106
thinking about it 70
think it over 186
thinking 451
thinks 21
think positive 41
thinking of you 30
think about it 2390
thinking about you 18
think fast 106
thinking about it 70
think it over 186
think about this 117
think about that 140
think about something else 16
think it through 42
think carefully 51
think of something 72
think nothing of it 57
think about what 40
think of something else 28
think about what i said 29
think about that 140
think about something else 16
think it through 42
think carefully 51
think of something 72
think nothing of it 57
think about what 40
think of something else 28
think about what i said 29