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You sold it перевод на испанский

967 параллельный перевод
Or have you sold it to somebody?
¿ O se la has vendido a alguien?
I'm afraid you wouldn't get what it was worth if you sold it now.
Me temo que no harías un buen negocio si vendieras ahora.
You sold it this afternoon.
Usted las vendió esta tarde.
Suppose they knew the value of that mine when you sold it at a giveaway price....?
¿ Supone que sabían el valor de la mina cuando la vendiste a precio de saldo?
- Have you sold it to him?
- ¿ Se lo ha vendido a él.?
What? You sold it?
¡ Vendida!
You sold it?
La has vendido.
Perhaps you sold it to him.
Quizá se lo vendiste tú.
You sold it, and you got no right!
No tenías derecho a venderlo.
Corky, if you can't sell that to nobody else, you sold it to yourself.
Corky, si no consigues vendérseIo a nadie, véndeteIo a ti mismo.
Because you haven't got a plane. You told me so yourself. You sold it.
Porque has vendido tu avión.
You wrote it, you sold it.
Usted lo escribió, usted lo vendió.
Your beautiful hair. You sold it.
Jo, has vendido tu maravilloso pelo.
Have you sold it yet?
- No empieces. - ¿ Lo vendiste?
Hillcrist told us when he sold the land to you that it was on condition that we and the others shouldn't be turned out.
Usted compró las tierras del señor Hillcrist con la condición de no echar a los arrendatarios.
You can open it any time you want... and that's how much I'm sold on that kid.
Puedes abrirla cuando quieras. Porque creo en ese muchacho. ¿ Sí?
Listen, you go back and tell that firm of yours that they sold me something good, and they just found it out.
- Escucha. Regresa y dile a tu compañía que me vendieron un naranjal bueno... y acaban de darse cuenta.
When we sold you that land, we did it in good faith.
Cuando te vendí la propiedad lo hicimos, de buena fe...
I hear you sold all your rental houses to do it.
He oído decir que ha vendido todos sus inmuebles para hacerlo.
- Who sold it to you?
- ¿ Quién te lo vendió?
You know, I'm sorry I sold your father that field, since I saw you heaving those stones around in it.
Lamento haberle vendido el terreno a su padre... porque la veo cargando esas piedras.
You see, the necklace that you sold mademoiselle is really very beautiful but too expensive for us, and I'm afraid we'll have to return it.
Verá, el collar que usted le vendió a mademoiselle es muy hermoso... pero demasiado caro para nosotros, y me temo que tenemos que devolverlo.
Would it help if you sold something of mine?
¿ Quiere que venda alguna cosa mía para ayudarle?
You bought that railroad through a dummy corporation... and sold it back to your own Mid-Southern at a $ 10-million profit.
Lo compró mediante una empresa fantasma... y se lo vendió a su Mid-Southern con una ganancia de 10 millones.
I sold it to you a year ago.
Te lo vendí hace un año.
I've just come back from South America where I've seen men, women and kids... killed with guns that you made and sold. It was terrible.
En América del Sur he visto matar a hombres, mujeres y niños con las armas que tú fabricas y vendes.
Your father seems to like it. You know, it was the deer that sold me.
Fue el ciervo lo que me convenció.
I'm thinking that probably the remedy you sold is better than mine. Hasten to apply it.
Estoy seguro de que se dará cuenta de lo delicado de mi posición.
Those sketches, I've sold them, I've got the cheque right here in my hand, and you should see it, it's beautiful!
Cariño, los dibujos, ¡ los he vendido! Tengo el cheque en la mano. Tendrías que verlo, es precioso.
You sold your soul to the Poles and must die for it.
Has vendido tu alma a los polacos y debes morir por ello.
It takes a lot of courage to kill for the first time, Albert. Once you've sold your soul to the Devil it becomes easier. Much easier.
Matar por primera vez es difícil, pero cuando vendes tu alma al diablo, es más fácil.
I nearly got it, Bill... but we've sold it back to you for £ 50,000.
Casi la tuve, Bill, pero te la revendimos por 50.000 libras.
And you just stay out of the house until it's sold.
Aléjate de la casa hasta que se venda.
Jeff didn't wanna mention it, but he's already sold you three orders.
Si, buenas noches, Jug.
Oh, I was so afraid you'd sold it.
Temía que lo hubiera vendido.
- When you take Hell, It will not help you... I have always thought that die... without having sold. Then my soul will have all eternity!
- Cuando se lo lleve el Infierno, No le servirá para nada : siempre he pensado que moriría... sin haberlo vendido. ¡ Entonces mi alma padecerá toda la eternidad!
Joe, when you've sold a chap something... and you've taken his brass, and you've spent it... then done is done.
Joe, si le vendes algo a alguien, aceptas su dinero y lo gastas, lo hecho, hecho está.
It is men like you who have sold their people to men like him.
Hombres como usted que se venden a hombres como ellos.
Since you don't use your piano anymore, we thought you wouldn't mind if we sold it.
Entonces, ahora que ya no usas el piano, hemos pensado que no te molestaría demasiado que lo vendiera, ¿ eh?
If that story were true you could have sold it.
Si fuera cierto, podría haberla vendido en el mercado abierto.
- Is it true, Miss Dolly, you sold all your jewels?
- ¿ Es cierto que vendió sus joyas?
it's sold out, I tell you.
Les digo que está completo.
You don't have to sell the ring to me, mister, it's already sold.
No tiene que venderme el anillo, señor, ya lo compré.
It's no use unless you all get on the witness stand and swear that you never sold these cattle.
No servirá de nada si no subís al estrado y juráis que nunca vendisteis ese ganado.
It's those guaranteed seeds i sold you.
- Son las semillas que te vendí.
We sold it to you, but let me see... 8 years ago.
La conozco, claro. Se la vendimos a usted hace ocho años.
Why? I sketched you the other day and sold it.
- He vendido un boceto de ti.
I told you, they just sold it.
- La ha encontrado. Se lo habíamos dicho.
- You told me you had sold it.
- Me dijiste que lo habías vendido.
No, sorry, you did tell me you had sold it.. .. and that you grossed 400,000 lire.
No perdona, me dijiste que lo habías vendido y habías sacado 400.000 liras.
What did it all come to, all this stuff of going to Nice... and the tickets you bought to South America and later sold?
¿ En qué acabó todo el asunto de irte a Niza... y de los pasajes que compraste a Sudamérica y que luego vendiste?

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