You took an oath перевод на испанский
139 параллельный перевод
- You took an oath!
- Lo has jurado.
The Exhausted Ruler said that if you took an oath, it would have to be broken for generations of centuries of hundreds of years.
El maestro dijo bien claro que este juramento no puede romperse mientras pertenezcamos a esa organización.
A little earlier in the day, you took an oath not to see her.
Hace un rato juraste que no la verías.
When I took this job it got under my skin. I took an oath... You took an oath the other night that you love me.
Cuando acepté este cargo juré que haría cumplir la ley.
You may recall you took an oath in the witness box...
Permítame recordarle que prestó juramento ante el tribunal.
You took an oath as an officer, the oath of duty.
Como oficial, juraste cumplir con tu deber.
And I know you took an oath to put me away for life.
Y sé que juró meterme entre rejas para siempre.
- holiness, you took an oath not to renounce any power or possession necessary to the survival of the Church.
- Santidad, hizo el juramento de no renunciar a ningún poder o posesión necesarios para la supervivencia de la lglesia.
You took an oath when you went to sperm school.
Hiciste un juramento en la escuela de esperma.
You took an oath on the crucifix not to desert me.
Juraste sobre el crucifijo que no me abandonarías.
You took an oath from me and put me into trouble.
Me hiciste hacer un juramento y me has metido en problemas.
Look, you took an oath to defend your clients to the best of your ability.
Escucha... Hiciste un juramento para defender a tus clientes lo mejor que pudieses.
You took an oath.
Ahora, ayúdeme.
You're more than an actor now. You took an oath. You're a manager.
Eres director, has prestado juramento al gobierno.
When you signed this form, you took an oath... no less important than that which you've taken today.
Cuando firmó esta hoja, prestó un juramento no menos importante que el que ha prestado hoy aquí.
- You took an oath.
- Hizo un juramento.
You took an oath, Mr. Cole.
Usted hizo un juramento, Sr. Cole.
You took an oath to defend the constitution and obey the orders of the officers appointed over you.
Juró defender la constitución y obedecer las órdenes de sus oficiales superiores.
"You took an oath, Doctor. I'm in agony." Danny's voice shot up to a hysterical grating whine.
"Nada". "Imposible, va contra la ley".
You took an oath, all of you.
Lo juraron, todos vosotros.
You took an oath if you recall when you first came to work for me.
Tú hiciste un juramento si lo recuerdas cuando recién empezaste a trabajar para mí.
You took an oath, didn't you?
Usted hizo un juramento ¿ No es así?
And you took an oath.
Estás bajo juramento.
You took an oath in the courtroom!
Usted tomó un juramento en la corte!
I thought you took an oath to fight crime?
Pensé que habías hecho un juramento de luchar contra el crimen.
You took an oath to defend your clients as best you can.
Hiciste un juramento para defender a tus clientes lo mejor que pudieses.
So if you remember that as a nurse, you took an oath to help others it'd be really nice.
y de esas 80 razones no se me ocurre ninguna de la que el bebé sea responsable, así que si recuerda que como enfermera juró ayudar a los necesitados, se lo agradecería.
You took an oath and you broke it.
Rompiste un juramento.
You told me you took an oath before God and your mother
Me dijiste que habías jurado ante Dios y tu madre...
You took an oath to uphold the law.
Hiciste un juramento de hacer respetar la ley.
You took an oath?
¿ Un juramento?
You took an oath by your mother..
Lo juraste por tu madre...
- You took an oath, Derek.
- Hiciste un juramento, Derek.
Under the law which you took an oath to uphold, that's murder.
Sobre la ley que juraron defender, Eso es asesinato.
You took an oath.
Hizo un juramento.
You took an oath to heal.
Juraste curar a la gente.
You took an oath, Gene.
Tomaste un juramento, Gene.
A law that the 12 of you took an oath to uphold.
Ustedes doce juraron hacer valer la ley.
Look, Stewie, you stood up before God and all your toys and you took an oath to stick it out when things got tough.
Mira, Stewie, te pusiste de pie ante Dios y todos tus juguetes y prometiste aguantar en momentos difíciles.
You took an oath.
Prestó juramento.
- You took an oath.
Hiciste un pacto.
For the term of my active life, I am bound by an oath I took when I was half the age of any of you here.
Por el resto de mi vida, me ata un juramento que hice... cuando tenía la mitad de edad de cualquiera de ustedes.
"Don't you forget, baby, I took an oath."
" No lo olvides, nena, hice un juramento.
When I joined, I took an oath of secrecy. I told you what you needed.
Cuando entré, prometí silencio. Le dije qué necesitaba.
In the Marine Corps, we took an oath that you were willing to die to save your buddy and you're willing to get shot up to save your buddies.
Las tropas de desembarco hicimos un juramento : Estabas dispuesto a morir por salvar a tu amigo y estabas dispuesto a ser herido para salvar a tus amigos.
But she took an oath to die for the Commonwealth's principles the same oath that you and I took.
Pero ella tomó el juramento de morir por los principios de la Mancomunidad... el mismo que tu y yo tomamos.
Were you not there when I first took an oath as Lady Death?
Tú estabas presente cuando hice el juramento como Lady Death.
You, adjurors, took an oath to uphold the law.
Ustedes, como jurados, juraron hacer valer la Ley.
I took an oath. - You took another oath. - This has nothing to do with you.
¿ Con quién salió?
I took an oath never to refuse you anything
Tome un juramento que nunca me negaría a nada.
I wanna help this boy as much as you do, but I took an oath to uphold the law.
Quiero ayudar a este chico tanto como tú pero hice un juramento de hacer respetar las leyes.
you took your time 70
you took everything from me 17
you took 32
you took it 81
you tell 24
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you talk too much 145
you took everything from me 17
you took 32
you took it 81
you tell 24
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you talk too much 145
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you take care of yourself 138
you think too much 36
you think you can handle that 27
you think you're so smart 30
you think i'm lying 56
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm joking 22
you think 2028
you think i'm stupid 121
you take care of yourself 138
you think too much 36
you think you can handle that 27
you think you're so smart 30
you think i'm lying 56
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm joking 22
you think 2028