As a child перевод на французский
2,881 параллельный перевод
- I memorized this path as a child.
J'ai appris par coeur ce chemin étant enfant.
The person who Choi Seon Young fought with in front of the officetel, perhaps it was the person who was adopted and disowned before you... were adopted into the Haeshin household as a child.
peut-être était-ce la personne qui avait été adoptée et reniée avant vous... ils ont adopté un enfant dans la famille Haeshin
But it's not like I was never hugged as a child or anything.
Ce n'est pas comme si je n'avais jamais reçu d'affection.
He taught them to me as a child.
Il me les enseignait.
He was dropped on his head as a child.
Il a été larguée sur sa tête comme un enfant.
I heard the same stories you did as a child. Gods in living in the clouds and Titans buried in rocks...
Honnêtement, j'ai entendu la même histoire que toi quand j'étais enfant, les dieux vivant dans les nuages, les Titans enterrés dans les rochers...
I saw the world as a child again.
J'ai revu le monde comme un enfant.
Did you drink much as a child?
Et toi, tu buvais beaucoup, enfant?
As a child I looked like the Polish sky.
Enfant, j'aimais regarder le ciel polonais.
And as a child you can hardly go back on your decisions.
Quand on est jeune, c'est très difficile de revenir sur ses décisions.
But I took too long for me as a child.
J'ai trop longtemps prétendu être jeune.
Did you sleepwalk as a child?
Vous en avez fait, dans votre enfance?
He had a revenge fantasy as a child, and now he's making it happen.
Il avait un désir de vengeance enfant qu'il vit maintenant.
I had one as a child.
Je les ai goûtées quand j'étais petit.
- I enjoyed Westerns as a child.
- J'aimais les westerns, petite.
As a child, Miss "Saheb" would walk to school.
Enfant, mademoiselle "Sahib" marchait pour aller à l'école.
I'm telling you, man, not having a father as a child, man scarred me in more ways than I can count.
Je vous assure, ne pas avoir de père a laissé des cicatrices.
My father taught me archery as a child.
Quand j'étais petit, mon père m'a appris le tir à l'arc.
No, I mean, she still has her mother and she wasn't experimented on as a child.
Non, je veux dire, elle n'a pas perdu sa mère et on n'a pas fait d'expériences sur elle quand elle était enfant.
What were you like as a child?
Comment étais-tu, petit?
You also have the right to an attorney so he can tell you how you weren't hugged enough as a child.
- Vous avez aussi droit à un avocat qui vous dira que vous n'étiez pas assez embrassé étant enfant.
Do you remember me as a child?
Tu te souviens de moi enfant?
That's you as a child.
C'est toi enfant.
As a child I was hunting with my dad. 50 years ago, but I remember it still.
Au cours d'une partie de chasse avec mon père. Même 50 ans plus tard, je m'en souviens.
Even as a child... I never told her how much I loved her.
Depuis que je suis enfant, je n'ai jamais su lui dire comme je l'aimais.
For deep within the forest In a hidden tower. Gothel raised the child as her own.
C'est dans une tour cachée au cœur de la forêt que Gothel l'élevait comme sa fille.
Have you never considered Tae Seong's feelings? He doesn't share a drop of blood with me and he's not my husband's child, so why do I have to care for him?
N'as-tu jamais pensé aux sentiments de Tae Seong? alors pourquoi est-ce que je devrais me soucier de lui?
Do you know? After you were kicked out, it was very difficult for me too and I felt really confused. Even though I knew that you, as a small child, haven't deceived us,
Est-ce que vous savez? et je me sentais vraiment confuse.
Think of the child as a sort of computer. You know computers, right?
Imagine que l'enfant est un ordinateur.
You did this when you were a child.
- Tu as fait ça quand tu étais enfant.
Even for a small child, you sound like an idiot.
Même pour une gamine, tu as l'air idiote.
- Has affected the environment of the game. In this house if you really want to have a child. He will have to be quiet, Farah.
Si tu veux une vraie voix d'enfant dans cette maison, tu n'as qu'à m'en faire un.
I'm sure that even a child can understand that in an operation as complex as Christmas there's always an insignificant margin of error which is you.
Même un enfant peut comprendre qu'une opération aussi complexe que Noël comprend toujours une marge d'erreur ridicule, et c'est toi.
You're never started smoking, because you are a child remained.
Tu n'as jamais fumé parce que tu es resté un enfant.
Just grow a mustache and lure a child into your van.
Tu as l'air d'un pédophile. Il ne manque que la moustache.
Well, well, thou hast a careful father, child.
Va, Va, mon enfant, tu as un excellent père!
For example, the extraordinary procedure she devised as a small child, where she would sit on one heel, attempt to defecate and at the same time try to prevent herself from defecating.
Par exemple, cette incroyable procédure qu'elle avait imaginé, enfant, en s'asseyant sur une hanche, afin de déféquer et en même temps d'essayer de s'empêcher de déféquer.
And please, speak as you might to a young child or a golden retriever.
Et je vous en prie, parlez comme si... vous vous adressiez à un enfant ou à un golden retriever.
- You have a child with that man!
- Tu as eu un enfant avec cet homme.
That's the reason why you never had a child!
C'est la raison pour laquelle tu n'as jamais eu d'enfants!
As a law-enforcement officer I've seen firsthand the deep hurt and devastation that fatherlessness brings in a child's life.
Comme officier de police, j'ai vu les ravages et les souffrances causés par l'absence du père.
You got off so fucking lucky today and you still are behaving like a bratty child.
Tu as eu de la chance et tu te comportes toujours comme un sale morveux.
Yes, I've needed, especially as the child The whole trip has sung.
- Me détendre, oui. Surtout qu'il n'a pas cessé de chanter tout au long du chemin.
I'm not a child. And I'm not listening.
Je suis pas un enfant, t'as rien à me dire.
Maybe you have a child.
Tu as des enfants?
Do you have a child?
Est ce que tu as des enfants?
Today we'll be presented with a new course work engineered to boost State exam performance, as mandated by "No child had left behind".
On va vous présenter une nouvelle méthode pour améliorer les résultats aux examens, comme le demande "À chaque enfant sa chance".
A collective delusion has been experienced here, a child moving through the house as if there were no walls or floors.
Une hallucination collective a eu lieu ici. Un enfant se déplaçant comme s'il n'y avait ni murs ni sols.
Why would you take a child as payment?
Pourquoi prendre un enfant?
I know you had said that you were okay with not being able to have a child.
Tu as dit que tu t'étais fait à l'idée de ne pas avoir d'enfant.
So I'll leave you in peace, or as much as you can get with a newborn child.
Je vous laisse en paix. Du moins, si votre nouveau-né vous en laisse un peu.
as always 696
as a matter of fact 1864
as a result 233
as a reward 26
as a rule 74
as a friend 236
as a man 62
as a team 51
as a spy 29
as agreed 52
as a matter of fact 1864
as a result 233
as a reward 26
as a rule 74
as a friend 236
as a man 62
as a team 51
as a spy 29
as agreed 52
as a mother 43
as a couple 32
as an adult 26
as a 74
as am i 139
as a parent 25
as are we 19
as a woman 81
as a family 98
as a gift 25
as a couple 32
as an adult 26
as a 74
as am i 139
as a parent 25
as are we 19
as a woman 81
as a family 98
as a gift 25
as an actor 22
as an artist 17
as are you 63
as a boy 50
as a joke 40
as a precaution 31
as a cop 35
as a person 27
as a father 46
as a scientist 41
as an artist 17
as are you 63
as a boy 50
as a joke 40
as a precaution 31
as a cop 35
as a person 27
as a father 46
as a scientist 41