As you probably know перевод на французский
410 параллельный перевод
- She has a temper, as you probably know.
- Elle a du caractère, vous devez le savoir.
Mr. Drew, as you probably know, is not overly wealthy at the moment.
M. Drew, comme vous savez, n'est pas très fortuné en ce moment.
I spend more than that in a month and I have never been too particular where it came from, as you probably know.
J'en dépense davantage en un mois, sans me soucier de qui me les donne.
But as you probably know from those documents...
Mais comme indiquent ces documents...
Bubonic plague, as you probably know, is spread by the rat flea, which is why we watch all ships and ports.
Presque, M. le Maire. La peste bubonique est propagée par les rats. Nous surveillons les navires.
As you probably know, we returned to San Francisco to get a new radar.
Nous sommes revenus à San Francisco pour prendre un nouveau radar.
As you probably know, our city has suffered disaster.
Comme vous le savez probablement. notre ville a connu un désastre,
As you probably know only six of these are known to exist.
Comme vous le savez, il n'en existe que six exemplaires.
Such things are common among drug addicts, as you probably know.
Ces choses arrivent chez les drogués, vous vous en doutez.
Well, now, as you probably know,
Comme vous le savez sans doute,
As you probably know, Toddler Time has been... what shall we say, a wee bit disappointing.
Comme vous le savez, l'émission Toddler Time a été... dirons-nous un peu décevante.
But as you probably know, Lynn and I are concerned about Stan.
Mais comme vous le savez, Stan nous pose quelques problèmes.
As you probably know I am the president and chairman of the board of the Burning Oak Country Club.
Comme vous le savez sûrement, je suis le président et le directeur du conseil du Burning Oak Country Club.
Umbs, as you probably know... are very small people- - quarrelsome, peaceful, jealous and kind... cowardly, brave, happy and sad... as man-children have been since the dawn of time.
Les Umbs, comme vous le savez peut-être... sont de petite taille, ils sont querelleurs, pacifiques, jaloux et bons, poltrons, braves, heureux et tristes... comme tous les hommes-enfants depuis que le temps est temps.
Yeah, we're just hell on wheels, as you probably know.
Oui, je n'ai pas d'égal, tu le sais.
Mrs. Popchik, as you probably know, the eye is the second most sensitive organ in the human body.
Madame Popchik, comme vous le savez probablement, L'oeil est le deuxième organe le plus sensible de tout le corps.
As you probably know, we're the favorites to win the Cannonball... and I was wondering if one of you or both of you... might like to ride in the winning vehicle.
Comme vous le savez probablement, c'est nous les favoris du Boulet de Canon... et je me demandais si l'une de vous, ou les deux... aimeriez monter dans le véhicule gagnant.
As you probably know, we're... we're the favorites to... be the winning racers tomorrow... in the Cannonball... Race, which is gonna be poured...
Comme vous le savez probablement, on est... on est les favoris... pour être les gagnants demain... dans le Boulet de Canon... la course, qui va être versée...
O _ icially, as you probably know, I represent the School Inspectors.
Officiellement, comme vous devez le savoir, Je représente les inspecteurs d'école.
Now, as you probably know, Captain Dugan is retiring.
Comme vous le savez, l'inspecteur Dugan prend sa retraite.
As you probably know, I am chairman of the crisis commission, which was established in the early days of the epidemic as advisories to the government.
Comme vous le savez probablement, je suis le président du comité de crise, qui a été établi aux premiers jours de l'épidémie pour conseiller le gouvernement.
As you probably know, your Dad paid me a visit the other day at my museum.
Comme vous le savez, votre père m'a rendu visite au musée l'autre jour.
As you probably know, the person stops bleeding when the heart stops.
Comme vous le savez, la personne arrête de saigner quand le coeur cesse de battre.
You probably don't know there's an old blue law that classifies a racing form as gambling paraphernalia.
Il y a une vieille loi qui dit qu'un bulletin de course constitue une forme de jeu.
I know you've known men before me. Probably more than one.
Je sais que tu as connu d'autres hommes avant moi.
Oh, yes? I'm the brother of Robert Treat Bradford... whom you probably know as Brad Roberts.
Je suis le frère de Robert Treat Bradford, que vous connaissez sous le nom de Brad Roberts.
I know it sounds as crazy as a loon. You probably think I'm the one that's crazy.
Je sais que cela paraît dément, et tu dois croire que je le suis.
You probably know what you're doing, but be careful.
Tu as l'air sûr de toi, mais sois prudent.
I'd still like to know what was in those letters. If I did, I'd probably know you as well as you know me.
Si j'avais lu ces lettres, je te connaîtrais comme tu me connais.
And the people, well, maybe they dress a little differently or talk a little differently here but underneath they're the same as your next-door neighbor, and you probably know them all, the cop on the beat, the kid selling papers,
Les gens d'ici, s'habillant ou s'exprimant un peu différemment, ressembleront toujours à vos voisins et vous les reconnaîtrez tous :
What do you know about anything? You probably had your bread buttered on both sides since the day you were born.
Tu n'as jamais dû manquer de rien.
The long and short of it is, I think that probably you're entitled to know what you can expect from me just as I'm entitled to know what I can expect from you.
Il est juste que vous sachiez ce que vous pouvez attendre de moi... Et moi, ce que je puis attendre de vous.
I guess it's occurred to you, the Germans probably know about all this stuff by now.
Tu as dû te dire que les Allemands sont au courant de tout ça maintenant.
And as you also probably know we don't just take anybody into the club.
Et, vous le savez aussi, on n'accepte pas n'importe qui dans ce club.
Did you find... You know, you found that's probably similar to yourself?
Est-ce que tu as le même sentiment?
You probably know her as Liz.
Tu dois la connaître sous le nom de Liz.
You probably know as much about possession as most priests.
Vous en savez autant que bien des prêtres.
As you all probably know... we've had eight deaths in the last three days.
Vous le savez sans doute tous, il y a eu huit décès ces trois derniers jours.
- Excuse me. - I know you probably don't smoke, but do you have a cigarette?
Tu ne fumes sûrement pas, mais as-tu une cigarette?
You probably saw them at the KMart, you know.
Tu les as probablement vus chez Kmart.
But you know, it's probably just as well... because I am a wild bull when I lose my temper.
Mais vous savez, c'est probablement aussi bien... parce que je suis comme un taureau sauvage, quand je perds mon calme.
And probably had to go to bed with women you didn't know.
Et tu as peut-être été forcé de coucher avec des inconnues.
- The duty of assistance. - You probably know, Captain that among those you kindly define as refugees there are professional assassins
Vous devez le savoir commandant... que derrière ceux que vous appelez gentiment "réfugiés"... se cachent des professionnels du crime...
You know, you're probably right, Larry.
Tu as peut-être raison, Larry.
You probably killed him, you know.
Tu as dû le tuer.
The other one you probably know as Mama Celeste.
L'autre, c'est Mme Hut.
Well, I know you caught something... because you're probably the best dang fisherman around here.
T'as dû en prendre un parce qu'il n'y a pas de meilleur pêcheur dans le coin.
You know, you gotta give her credit. After you dumped her, she went out and found herself probably the most interesting date...
Il faut reconnaître que, dès que tu l'as larguée, elle a réussi à se dégoter un cavalier de premier choix...
You know, you and me are probably the only two people under 60 in the whole of Hadleyville County, so we might as well make the best of it.
Vous et moi, nous sommes les seuls adultes de moins de 60 ans par ici, on ferait mieux d'être amis.
As you know, we are fortunate enough to have on board with us, Mr. Hercule Poirot, who is probably known to you all as a man who has wide experience in such matters.
Nous avons la chance d'avoir parmi nous M. Hercule Poirot, qui est réputé pour son immense expérience... dans de telles affaires.
You probably know him as John Mitchell.
Il vous a dit qu'il s'appelait John Mitchell.
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as you know 1680
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