Back soon перевод на французский
6,598 параллельный перевод
Susannah, I'll be back soon!
- Je reviendrai vite!
Resu | ts'| | be back soon.
On aura les résultats bientôt.
Hi. Are you coming back soon?
Tu reviens bientôt?
We'll be back soon.
Nous reviendrons bientôt.
I hope he comes back soon.
J'espère qu'il reviendra vite.
- He'll be back soon.
- Il reviendra bientôt.
- Lunch. But she'll be back soon, so I'd hurry.
Mais elle va revenir bientôt, donc fais vite.
Should be getting the bodies back soon.
Il devrait rapatrier les corps bientôt.
I'll be back soon.
Je reviens vite.
I'll delay your resignation, so come back soon.
J'ai différé ta démission, alors reviens vite.
Come back soon.
Revenez vite.
Come back soon.
Reviens bientôt.
You know, when I said come back soon,
Tu sais, quand je t'ai dit de revenir bientôt,
We'll be back soon.
On reviendra vite.
I'll be back as soon as it's over.
Je reviendrai dès que ce sera fini.
That's why you're back so soon.
Voilà pourquoi t'es déjà rentré.
Take down the first few and the other cowards will back off soon enough.
Abattez les quelques premiers et les autres peureux reculeront vite fait.
Well, I'm sure it'll all come back to me soon.
Je suis certaine que ça me reviendra vite.
Tell you what, as soon as we get this whole "end of the world" thing sorted out and get Irisa back to normal, not only am I gonna pay you back, with interest, but I'm gonna take you out and get you good and drunk.
Je vais te dire. Dès qu'on aura réglé ce truc de "jusqu'au bout du monde", qu'Irisa sera redevenue normal, non seulement je te rembourserai avec les intérêts, mais en plus on sortira pour se saouler.
Oh, you'll feel fine as soon as you get back in this dress.
Oh, tu te sentiras mieux dès que tu seras de nouveau dans ta robe.
I'll be on my way back to the city soon.
Je serais bientôt de retour en ville.
Trisha, as soon as we find our mother, you can have your car back, and we'll be on our way.
Trisha, dès qu'on retrouvera notre mère, vous pourrez reprendre votre voiture, et on s'en ira.
Oh, and Jessica wanted to see you as soon as you got back.
Oh, et Jessica voulait te voir. dès que tu serais de retour.
As soon as we were back on our feet, we were gonna transition to a republic.
Dès que nous serions rétablis, nous rétablierions une République.
Thank you, and, uh, also... ahem... I know a lot of you were worried about this little guy, but we found him safe and sound, and as soon as the dance is over, I am personally gonna be delivering him back to the manger, so... that... ahem... there's that.
Merci, et, aussi, je sais que beaucoup d'entre vous s'inquiétaient pour ce petit gars, mais on l'a trouvé sain et sauf, et dès que la danse sera terminée, j'irai en personne
As soon as we're done here, we'll take him back to his pops.
Dès qu'on en aura fini ici, on le ramène à son père.
Dr. Lindstrom recommended one for me and for Maddie too as soon as I get her back, so...
Dr. Lindstrom m'en a recommandé un. et pour Maddie dès que je la récupère, donc...
Call me back as soon as you can.
Rappelle-moi aussi vite que tu peux.
Grosvenor will go round with you as soon as she's back from the ironmonger's.
- dès que elle sera rentrée.
As soon as I had the upper hand, I put two in the back of his head.
Dès que j'ai eu le dessus, je lui ai mis deux balles derrière sa tête.
I must escape Castle Leoch on my own and get back to the stones as soon as possible, or die trying.
Je dois m'enfuir de Castle Leoch par moi même et retourner aux pierres dès que possible, ou mourir en essayant.
So as soon as you turn your back, he's gonna put two in your head and keep all the money for himself.
Donc dès que tu lui tourneras le dos, il en mettra deux dans ta tête et gardera tout l'argent pour lui.
You'll be back with us soon.
Tu seras de retour avec nous bientôt.
As soon as you tell him, I got to go back, and no one but you will remember me.
plus tôt tu lui dis, et plus tôt je devrais y retourner. et personne à part toi ne se souviendra de moi.
How'bout I tell my cousin you pulled a gun on me, and as soon as Pulpo's back from the hospital, he slits his throat, and guess whose throat is next?
Tu veux que je lui dise que t'as pointé un flingue sur moi? Dès que Pulpo reviendra de l'hosto, il lui tranchera la gorge, et devine qui sera le prochain?
- Hey, man, what the hell you doing back so soon, huh?
Hey, qu'est-ce qui te prend de revenir si tôt?
As soon as my dad took that shot at the Overlord he would've run back to the bunker when the building went down.
Dès que mon père a tiré sur cet Overlord, il a dû courir jusqu'au bunker quand le bâtiment s'est effondré.
And pretty soon, there's things we can't get back.
Et assez vite, il y a des choses qui nous échappent.
I'll get this back to you as soon as I've watched it.
Je vous la rendrais aussi vite que je l'aurai visionné.
Uh, we're gonna be heading back pretty soon.
On va bientôt rentrer.
I-I'll be back with her as soon as we can manage.
Je serais de retour avec elle aussi vite que possible.
As soon as the lorry's away from the docks, the cocaine's taken out and the paracetamol's put back in.
Dès que le camion est loin des docks, la cocaïne est enlevée et le paracétamol est remis.
Ugh... As soon as I get back from the psych floor.
Dès que je reviens de phsychologie.
Doesn't sound like she's coming back any time soon.
On dirait qu'elle ne va pas revenir de si tôt.
It's taking time for her to get her back on her feet, but she'll get there soon enough.
Il lui faut du temps pour se remettre sur pied, mais elle ira bientôt mieux.
We want Molina home, safe and sound, and then God willing, be back on the job as soon as possible.
On veut Molina chez lui, sain et sauf, et dès que possible, de retour au boulot.
As soon as the witness testifies against Gabe, he's gonna be behind bars and then he'll be off my back and Agent Knox can push this exoneration through.
Dès que le témoin aura témoigné contre Gabe, il sera mis derrière les barreaux et il ne sera plus sur mon dos et l'agent Knox pourra pousser cette exonération.
Look, I can get you back when I can, which, I swear to God, will be soon.
Ecoute, je donne ça dès que je peux, et je te le jure, ça sera très bientôt
Yes, I would appreciate a call back from the chief, as soon as he can.
Oui, j'apprécierais que le responsable me rappelle dès que possible.
He'll call as soon as he gets back.
Il va nous appeler dès son retour.
We'll call you back as soon as we know.
On te rappelle dés qu'on sait.
soon 2051
sooner 34
soong 17
sooner than you think 21
sooner or later 669
sooner rather than later 23
soon after 36
sooner the better 24
soon enough 99
back the fuck up 47
sooner 34
soong 17
sooner than you think 21
sooner or later 669
sooner rather than later 23
soon after 36
sooner the better 24
soon enough 99
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188
back in business 17
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188
back in business 17
back to school 26
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back in 260
back me up on this 16
back door 80
back in the day 245
back me up here 53
back down 43
back here 146
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back in 260
back me up on this 16
back door 80
back in the day 245
back me up here 53
back down 43
back here 146