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Did i say anything перевод на французский

406 параллельный перевод
Tell me, did I say anything?
Dites-moi, j'ai dit quelque chose?
- Did I say anything to...
- J'ai dit quelque chose...
- Did I say anything different? - All right.
- J'ai prétendu le contraire?
- Did I say anything else?
- Ai-je dis autre chose?
- Did I say anything wrong?
J'ai gaffé?
Did I say anything about a race, guys?
J'ai parlé d'une course les gars?
Did I say anything when that sponging cousin of yours was here? Smoking my best cigars? Eating like a pig?
Me suis-je plaint quand ton cousin fumait mes cigares et se goinfrait comme un porc chez moi?
Did I say anything about trouble?
Ai-je parlé d'ennuis?
Did I say anything improper?
Ai-je dit quelque chose de déplacé?
- Did I say anything?
- Je n'ai rien dit!
Did I say anything?
J'ai rien dit.
Did I say anything?
J'ai dit quelque chose?
Did I say anything you could use against me?
Ai-je dit quelque chose que tu pourras utiliser contre moi?
What did I say this time? Did I say anything wrong?
Qu'est-ce que j'ai dit?
What did I say? What did I say? Did I say anything?
Dis-le à ta mère que je n'ai rien dit!
Did I say anything?
Ai-je dit un mot?
- Did I say anything?
- Mais qu'est-ce que j'ai dit?
- Did I say anything?
- Qui t'a parlé?
Did I say anything?
J'ai dis quelque chose?
Did I say anything yesterday, when you said you'd lost 20,000 ptas? I thought you'd probably spent them on a prostitute. I did think it, but I didn't say anything.
Quand tu m'as dit avoir perdu 20 000 pesetas, j'ai pensé que tu les avais dépensées avec une pute, mais je n'ai rien dit, j'ai laissé passer.
Did I say anything about two?
T'as pas besoin d'en supporter deux!
Shoot, big fellow. Did you say I could have anything for my birthday that I wanted?
Tu as bien dit que je pouvais avoir tout ce que je voulais pour mon anniversaire?
I... I didn't say anything, did I?
Ai-je dit en avoir?
Hey, did Battle say anything about me after I left?
Battle a-t-il parlé de moi après mon départ?
I didn't say I didn't, I said I did. But now he won't want anything to do with me any more.
Il ne voudra plus rien avoir à faire avec moi maintenant.
- I didn't say anything, did I?
- Je n'ai rien dit.
You know I did not say anything when the cattle were stolen.
J'ai rien dit quand on a volé le bétail ni quand on a négocié les chevaux en ville.
I did not say anything more.
Ne dis plus rien.
I'll say anything. I'll say that I did it. I'll not have that...
Je dirai que c'est moi, n'importe quoi!
I did not say anything more.
Je n'ai rien dit de plus.
But when he did, I was too frightened to say anything.
Quand c'est arrivé, j'ai eu trop peur de dire quoi que ce soit.
Clemmons, I didn't say anything about Menzies being broken into, did I?
Clemmons, je n'ai pas parlé de vol, n'est-ce pas?
What I wanted to say is, if anything did happen to you, I'd die.
Ce que je voulais dire, c'est que s'il vous arrivait quelque chose, j'en mourrais.
I wouldn't want anything I'd said to make you feel tethered. - But I did want to say that...
Je ne voudrais pas que tu te sentes "attachée", mais je voulais te dire que...
I know that. But I mean Bruna. Did he say anything about her?
ça, je sais... mais il t'a pas parlé de Bruna?
I Ididn't expect any different. I didn't expect him to say anything except what he did.
Je m'attendais à ce qu'il me dise ça.
Really? I did ten years say anything.
J'aime bien t'entendre parler de cette façon-là.
I did feel how important it was to you and you didn't say anything.
Je sentais que c'était important pour toi et tu n'as rien dit.
I did anything I needed to do. They say the winner is always right, don't they?
N'importe quoi, pourvu que je m'en sorte.
I didn't say anything. Did you hear me say...
Ce sont toutes de bonnes filles ici?
Did I ever say anything about your secretary?
Je t'ai déjà dit quelque chose au sujet de ta secrétaire?
Did Kinnear say anything about me after I left the other night?
Est-ce que Kinnear a dit quelque chose après mon départ, l'autre soir?
The people I was staying with left for Paris this morning. I wouldn't have come now, except that you did say if I needed anything, anytime...
Je suis venu parce que... tu m'as dit que si j'avais besoin de toi n'importe quand...
Nobody got hurt but the guy that was supposed to get hurt... and nobody on anything I ever did ended up on death row... which is more than I can say for some I know.
Personne n'a été touché, sauf celui qui était supposé l'être, et quand je m'en occupe, les types ne finissent pas sur la chaise, et je peux pas en dire autant pour tout le monde.
Lieutenant, I realize it isn't my place to say anything, but why did you tell him he wasn't the suspect? To throw him off his guard?
Je ne voudrais pas me mêler de l'enquête mais pourquoi dire qu'il n'est pas suspect?
I didn't say anything about friends, did I?
Je n'ai pas parlé d'amis, si?
Did he say I was to give you anything for telling me this? Because I won't.
S'il a dit que je devais vous payer, pas question!
When you did come, I was so happy I couldn't say anything.
Quand tu es arrivée, c'était trop de bonheur. Je suis restée sans voix.
I already did it and that did not give anything. does that say something to you?
Je l'ai déjà fait et ça n'a rien donné. Est-ce que ça vous dit quelque chose?
- I didn't say anything, did I?
Je te dis rien.
- Don't say I never did anything for you. - Thank you.
Tu ne diras pas que...

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