Dollar question перевод на французский
124 параллельный перевод
That, as we say back in the States, is the 64 dollar question.
C'est au moins une question à 1000 francs.
I don't know what the 64 million dollar question was, but he's got the answer.
Je ne sais pas ce qu'elle lui a demandé, mais il avait la réponse.
You mean the 64,000 dollar question?
Tu veux dire la grande question?
Here's the million-dollar question :
Voilà la question à un million.
Oh, the million dollar question. What goes on inside others'heads.
La question à 1 million :
But you want to know the answer to the million dollar question.
Mais vous vouliez la réponse à la question à 1 million. Vous l'avez maintenant?
That's the million-dollar question.
C'est la grande question.
Well, that's the sixty - four thousand dollar question.
Et bien, c'est la question à soixante quatre mille dolars.
So I assume the million-dollar question is how?
La question à un million de dollars, c'est : "Comment?"
That's the million dollar question.
- C'est la question pour le million.
Omar White is the million dollar question.
Omar White est un grand mystère.
- You don't need to ask the 64,000-dollar question.
Pas besoin de lui poser la question à 64 000 $.
The answer to the million-dollar question.
La réponse à la question jackpot.
And the million-dollar question :
Et la question cruciale :
"64,000 Dollar Question" brings in over 90,000 in sponsors and it costs one-third of what youdo.
Sixty-Four Thousand Dollar Question rapporte 80000 en sponsoring et ne coûte que le tiers de la vôtre.
Which brings us to the hundred dollar question.
Ce qui nous amène à la question à 100 dollars.
That is the million dollar question.
C'est la question à un million de dollars.
Well, that's the million-dollar question, isn't it?
La question à un million de dollars.
Million dollar question, right?
La question à un million de dollars, hein?
The million-dollar question.
La question à un million de dollars.
That's the million-dollar question, isn't it?
C'est la question à un million, hein?
That's the million-dollar question.
C'est la question à un million.
That's the billion-dollar question.
C'est la question à un milliard.
The million-dollar question.
La question à mille dollars : pourquoi se disputaient-ils?
- That's the billion dollar question.
- C'est la question à un milliard.
Now, that's the million dollar question.
Voilà la question à un million de dollars.
So, million-dollar question..
Alors, la question à un million de dollars...
Million-dollar question :
Question à un million :
Well, that's the million-dollar question.
Ça, c'est la question à 1 million de dollars.
Uh, that is the million-dollar question, isn't it?
C'est la question à un million de dollars.
Million-dollar question... is it enough for dean to flip?
1 000 000 $, assez pour faire basculer Dean?
I like what you're saying, so let's just go straight to the million-dollar question :
J'aime ce que vous dites, donc question à un million de dollars :
All right, so that's the million-dollar question.
D'accord, donc voilà la question à un million.
Yeah, Angie just asked me the million dollar question.
Angie me posait la question à un million.
- That's the million-dollar question.
C'est la question à bon point
I can show you a way to turn the question mark into a dollar sign.
Je peux rajeunir la chose et faire que ça rapporte.
I think you'd better get back to that part about the dollar sign.
Précisez la question "rapport".
I have a question. Who here would like a peek at a multimillion-dollar jewellery collection?
Question : qui aimerait jeter un coup d'œil sur des bijoux de plusieurs millions de dollars?
And it's not about the money. It's not about a dollar.
C'est pas la question d'un dollar.
Thank God. Is there anything I can do? Yeah, well, that is a 64 million dollar question, isn't it, darling?
On prendrait un verre, on achèterait des trucs, on prendrait un verre, déjeuner chez Costes, shopping, un petit verre, shopping,
the million dollar question...
Que vas-tu faire?
Now, apart from the fact that she's my daughter... this is a question I'm asking you as executive vice president... in charge of surveillance and security for a multibillion-dollar corporation.
A part du fait que c'est ma fille... c'est une question que je te pose en tant que vice-président directeur... responsable de la sécurité d'une entreprise de plusieurs milliards.
At the conclusion of this trial... when it finally comes down to a dollar amount... I'll be asking you to be legislators... and come back with a number that says to the defendant... J and all car manufacturers make your vehicles safe.
À la fin de ce procès... quand il sera finalement question d'établir un montant en dollars... je vous demanderai d'être des législateurs... et de donner un chiffre qui dira à l'accusé... et à tous les constructeurs automobiles, "faites des véhicules sûrs".
Would you pay a dollar to have your fortune told by a dog?
Ta question aussi est déplacée... Paieriez-vous un chien qui prédit l'avenir?
But he'd do that before he'd give them crackers one damn dollar.
Pas question de filer 1 $ aux ploucs blancs du Sud.
What, are you gonna question every dollar I give you?
Tu vas enquêter sur chaque billet?
Your million-dollar technique, answering a question with a question. Well, it ain't gonna fly this time.
Votre technique de répondre à une question par une question ne va pas marcher cette fois-ci.
Susie, i have one question for you, and if you can answer yes to this question, I will give you my million-dollar vote.
Susie, j'ai une question pour toi, et si tu peux y répondre "oui", je te donnerai mon vote à un million.
That's the million dollar question.
C'est la question à un million de dollars.
That's the million-dollar mystery.
C'est la question à un million de dollars.
Will you ask her what a question mark wedged between two dollar signs means?
Demande-lui ce qu'est un point d'interrogation entre 2 signes dollars?
question 535
questions 370
questioning 24
question mark 65
question is 362
question number one 20
question for you 31
question two 29
question one 39
dollars 691
questions 370
questioning 24
question mark 65
question is 362
question number one 20
question for you 31
question two 29
question one 39
dollars 691