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Guilty as charged перевод на французский

289 параллельный перевод
We find the defendant guilty as charged.
L'accusé est coupable des faits reprochés.
The gentleman stands guilty as charged.
Ce monsieur est reconnu coupable.
We find the defendant guilty as charged.
L'accusé est coupable de meurtre.
You will be found guilty as charged and you will be executed.
Vous serez déclarés coupables et exécutés.
Of course, I'm going to ask you for a verdict of guilty as charged.
Je vous demanderai un verdict de culpabilité.
L'accusé, Chu Chu Ramirez, est-il coupable ou non coupable?
Guilty as charged.
Je plaide coupable.
And I'm sure, ladies and gentlemen, when you have heard and seen the people's witnesses, you will only be able to bring back one verdict, and that will be "guilty as charged."
Je suis sûr que lorsque vous aurez... entendu les témoins... Vous ne pourrez rendre qu'un seul verdict : "Coupable en tous points".
Bertram Cates is found guilty as charged.
Bertram Cates est jugé coupable.
And I assure you that when you have heard the evidence of the two girls between them, you will see that you've no alternative but to find the accused guilty as charged.
Et je vous assure que lorsque vous aurez entendu le témoignage des deux filles, qui se recoupe vous verrez que vous n'aurez d'autre alternative que de trouver l'accusé coupable des faits qu'on lui reproche.
Only to say if he's guilty as charged.
mais seulement dire s'il est coupable.
Vincenzo Pisciotta, aka Mpompo and Salvatore Passatempo guilty as charged of the massacre of May 1st, 1947, at Portella della Ginestra.
Vincenzo Pisciotta, dit'Pompo'et Salvatore Passatempo, coupables du massacre perpétré le 1er mai 1947 à Portella della Ginestra.
We find the defendant guilty as charged.
Nous déclarons l'accusé coupable des faits qui lui sont reprochés.
I must also vote guilty as charged.
Je vote également coupable.
Court hereby declares the prisoner guilty as charged.
La cour déclare le prisonnier coupable.
Jay Louis Wagner... are guilty as charged.
Jay Louis Wagner... êtes reconnu coupable.
Considering the arguments presented by both counsel and after deliberation I find the defendants guilty as charged.
Après avoir considéré les faits présentés par les 2 parties... et après délibération sérieuse... je déclare les accusés coupables.
Under the circumstances of this ruling, I have no alternative but to withdraw my plea of "Not guilty" and to plead Mrs. Papadakis "Guilty as charged."
Devant la décision du tribunal, il ne me reste qu'à renoncer à plaider non coupable. Je plaiderai coupable.
I am guilty as charged.
Je suis coupable.
I feel like I should say, "Guilty as charged."
- J'ai envie de dire, "je plaide coupable". - Dites ce que vous voulez.
Guilty as charged. Would you like to know what they call me?
Savez-vous comment elles m'appellent?
Guilty as charged, Marshal.
Je plaide coupable, marshal.
Guilty as charged.
Je suis coupable.
Guilty as charged, Your Honor.
- Oui. Je plaide coupable, votre honneur.
Having been found guilty as charged, I hereby sentence you to meet...
Ayant été déclarés coupables des accusations... je vous condamne à rencontrer...
Guilty as charged, officer.
Coupable, officier.
Guilty as charged, sir.
Où sont les menottes?
It is the determination of this court that the prisoners are guilty as charged.
La conviction de la Cour est que les prévenus sont coupables des charges énoncées.
On the charge of conduct unbecoming a United States Marine... the members find the accused guilty as charged.
Pour l ´ inculpation de faute grave de la part d ´ un marine... les membres déclarent les accusés coupables.
Under the circumstances, I find the accused... guilty as charged... and convict her on the charge and sentence her to death
Dans ces circonstances, je déclare l'accusée coupable des charges retenues et la condamne à la peine de mort.
- Guilty as charged.
- Coupables.
We find you guilty as charged and sentence you to 1 6 months with effect as of now.
Le tribunal vous déclare coupable des faits qui vous sont reprochés et, en répression, vous condamne à la peine de 16 mois de prison, et ordonne votre maintien en détention.
- Guilty as charged.
Je plaide coupable.
The video you have just seen is prima facie evidence that the defendant is guilty as charged.
Cet enregistrement est un commencement de preuve de la culpabilité de l'accusé.
guilty as charged.
Mr. Brown, based on your confession, you are found guilty as charged.
Suite à vos aveux, vous êtes déclaré coupable.
Well, if this means opening your door to those in need - those in pain - caring for them, listening to them, applying a cold cloth until a fever breaks - if this is practicing medicine, if this is treating a patient... then I am guilty as charged, sir.
Si cela veut dire ouvrir sa porte aux necessiteux, aux souffrants, s'interesser a eux, Ies ecouter, veiller a ce que leur fievre baisse, si ça, c'est pratiquer et soigner, alors je suis coupable.
Uh, yeah. Guilty as charged.
Oui, je plaide coupable.
Guilty as charged.
- Guilty as charged, my friend.
- Coupable.
Hearken to your verdict as it stands recorded. You find the defendant not guilty of the offense... as charged in the indictment.
Votre verdict... déclare l'accusée... non coupable... du chef d'accusation.
Bertram Cates, this court has found you guilty of violating public act volume 37, statute 31428, as charged.
Bertram Cates, la Cour vous déclare coupable d'avoir violé la loi publique volume 37, article 31 428.
Guilty.. as charged!
Il est déclaré coupable!
Guilty. As charged.
" Private Arthur James Gardner you've been found guilty as charged of the crime of murder.
Je ne... 2ème Classe James Gardiner, vous avez été reconnu coupable de meurtre.
Guilty, as charged. "
"We, the jury, in the above entitled action, having found the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree as charged in count one of the indictment do now fix the penalty as death."
"Nous, le jury, dans l'affaire sus-mentionnée, déclarons l'accusé... coupable de meurtre au 1er degré... conformément au 1er chef d'inculpation... et le condamnons à la peine de mort."
The court finds you guilty of murder as charged.
Le tribunal vous déclare donc coupable.
Guilty as charged.
- Touché.
- Guilty as charged.
- Je plaide coupable.
- Guilty as charged.
Coupables des faits.

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