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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ H ] / He's coming back

He's coming back перевод на французский

1,351 параллельный перевод
- Yes and he's coming back, so...
- Oui et il va revenir, alors...
He's never coming back.
Il sortira jamais.
- When's he coming back?
- Quand reprend-il le boulot?
You know, he says he's coming straight back, but he can't resist a rope line.
Il dit qu'il rentre tout de suite mais il ne résiste pas à un bain de foule.
I was with him. He's coming back.
J'étais avec lui, il revient.
He's coming back.
Il revient.
Maybe he's still waiting for us... because he thinks that we're coming back.
Peut-être qu'il nous attend encore Parce qu'il pense que nous allons revenir.
He's never coming back!
Il reviendra jamais. Jamais!
He's not coming back.
Il ne se remet pas.
He's coming back.
Il revient!
We all want him back, Sammy, but he's not coming back.
On le veut tous, Sammy, mais il ne reviendra pas.
He's coming back!
Il revient!
I heard him - he's coming back!
Je l'ai entendu. Il reviendra.
He's coming back?
Il rentre?
I heard he's coming back
J'ai entendu dire qu'il revenait.
He's coming back when?
Il revient quand?
It's been over a month and he hasn't said when he's coming back.
Déjà plus d'un mois et il ne m'a pas dit quand il revenait.
Damn it! Damn it! Why does everybody think that he's not coming back?
Pourquoi tout le monde pense qu'il ne reviendra pas?
He's coming back.
Il rentre.
He's not coming back.
Il ne reviendra pas.
Yeah, and it's like he just keeps on coming back for more.
Oui et on dirait qu'il en redemande.
He's not coming back, and I don't want him to either.
Il ne reviendra plus et je ne veux pas qu'il revienne.
And she actually thinks he's coming back.
Elle pense qu'il va revenir.
He's not coming back, Lois.
Il ne reviendra pas.
He knows we're in trouble and he's coming back to help us!
Il sait que nous avons des ennuis et il revient nous aider!
Tell them Supreme Allah is coming back, he's coming back strong.
T'entends? Dis-leur qu'il va revenir et en pleine forme.
Funny, he said so long like he was never coming back.
C'est marrant, il a dit ça comme s'il allait pas revenir.
- He's coming back!
- Son état s'améliore.
- He's not coming back!
- Il ne revient pas!
He's coming back. - Hi.
La dualité, tu vois?
- He's coming back!
- Aie, il revient!
He's gone. He won't be coming back any time soon.
Il ne reprendra pas ses sens avant longtemps.
- He's not coming back this time.
- On le perd pour de bon!
- He's coming back!
- Il revient!
He's not coming back, B.
Il reviendra pas.
Sgt. Babitch is here. He's coming around the back.
Hé mon poulet, grouille-toi, le sergent Babitch est ici, il monte par derrière.
He's not coming back, Astrid.
Il ne reviendra pas, Astrid.
He's not coming back, Ma.
Il ne reviendra pas.
He's really gone. He's never coming back.
Il ne reviendra pas.
He's coming right back.
Il revient.
He "s gone and he" s never coming back.
II est parti et il ne reviendra plus jamais.
- Mom, he's coming back.
- Maman, il revient.
- He's not coming back.
- Il ne reviendra pas.
What did you say that for? Now he's coming back!
T'aurais pas dû dire ça.
- He's not coming back.
- Il restera dans le coma.
that's wylie, like, as in wile e. coyote- - is he coming back?
Il va revenir? Sûrement.
Mr. Stein is back and he's coming this way
Devine qui vient de sortir de l'ascenseur. M. Stein est de retour et il vient par ici.
He's not coming back.
Il ne revient pas.
I don't think he's coming back to the lab for a while, though.
Je crois qu'on n'est pas près de le revoir au labo, cela dit.
It's pity if he's coming back
C'est dommage qu'il revienne.
He's coming back.
Il va venir.

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