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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ H ] / He's coming here

He's coming here перевод на французский

530 параллельный перевод
He's coming in here.
Il vient.
- He's coming up here, Eddie.
Il monte ici, Eddie.
He's clever, and he's jealous, and he's coming here.
Il est jaloux! Il va venir...
What you think Columbo do, when he's coming here in 1492,
5avez-vous ce qu'il a dit en débarquant ici en 1492?
The warden's coming here, ain't he?
Le directeur vient?
He's coming down here.
Il arrive.
Since you were born, he's been coming here with that one hope in mind.
Depuis ta naissance, il avait cette seule idée en tête quand il quittait le village.
He's coming here today for the first time.
Il vient pour la premiêre fois.
He's coming here. He's coming here to visit us!
Il vient nous rendre visite!
- He's coming here?
Il vient ici?
Lord Burnstead. He's coming. Here.
Lord Burnstead va venir.
There's a peach of a player up at Fort Smith who was coming here... but he wanted us to pay him.
Il y a tout un joueur à Fort Smith qui voulait venir jouer ici... mais il a exigé qu'on le paye.
But he's coming here to meet me.
C'est moi qu'il vient voir!
Oh, sure he's not coming here.
Il ne viendra pas. Et vous savez pourquoi?
Maybe he's coming here to kill you.
Il vient peut-être te tuer.
He's coming up here with his lawyer tonight.
Il vient ce soir avec son avocat.
- What's he coming over here for?
- Pourquoi vient-il ici?
He wouldn't think of coming in here for candy if he hadn't been a good boy.
Il ne viendrait pas ici s'il n'avait pas été bien sage.
- He's coming up here.
Je t'ai trouvé un commanditaire.
What's it doing here if he's not coming back?
Qu'est-ce qu'il fait ici?
- He's coming here again.
- Il vient vous chercher.
He's been coming here like this ever since he was that high.
Il vient ici depuis qu'il peut marcher.
Hinkle was here and he's coming back.
Hinkle est passé, il va revenir.
He ain't coming here no more. He's on his honeymoon, he is.
Il ne viendra plus ici, il est en lune de miel, pour sûr.
He's figuring on coming out here to marry you?
Il va venir et vous épouser?
A man is coming here, a Major. He's going to ask you a lot of questions about your little daughter.
Un major va venir et te poser des questions sur ta petite fille.
He's coming here!
Il vient ici!
I tell you now, whoever shot Larry Kinkaid ain't coming back here for you to fuddle with your lawyer's tricks for six months and then be let off because Davies or some other whiny old woman claim he ain't bad at heart.
Ne comptez pas qu'on vous ramène celui qui a tué Larry Kinkaid... pour qu'après vos petites procédures de 6 mois... on le voit relâché parce que Davies dit que c'est pas un mauvais bougre.
'Cause he's coming here tonight, in about 15 minutes. With the cops right behind him.
D'autant plus qu'il sera ici dans 15 mn avec les flics aux fesses.
He's so used to coming here.
Il est toujours venu ici.
Johnny's coming to the house and Rosemary my daughter not here when he arrives.
Johnny qui arrive et Rosemary, ma fille, qui n'est pas là
Rocklin said if you don't come out, he's coming in here to tear you apart.
Rocklin dit que si tu ne sors pas, il va venir ici pour te réduire en bouillie.
- It's about Bert. He's coming here tonight. - He is?
- Bert m'a dit qu'il passerait plus tard.
He's coming up here.
Il monte.
He's got a lot of gall, coming back here.
Il a du culot de revenir ici.
He says if she don't come back... he's coming here tomorrow morning... bright and early and get her.
Si elle ne vient pas... demain matin... il viendra la chercher.
When he's not here by six, he's not coming.
Oui, s'il n'est pas là à 18 heures...
The other one was our suitcase but Frank's bought a lot of things since he's been here and I told him he could have it in exchange for the pay he had coming.
Frank s'est acheté des choses depuis qu'il est ici. Je lui ai laissé la valise... en échange de sa paie de 3 jours.
He's coming. He'll be right here.
II arrive.
Well, he's coming up here on a new rap.
II est de retour!
That isn't unreasonable, Father, but you can't do that unless he's coming here.
Ce n'est pas fou. Mais vous ne pouvez le faire, que s'il vient ici.
Looks he's coming in here.
Il s'amène par ici.
Maybe he ain't coming here, Boss. Maybe... Maybe he's trying something else.
Peut-être qu'il essaie autre chose.
He's coming over here.
Il vient ici. Allez.
Just that he's coming here.
Ils savent juste qu'il doit venir.
But for Walter the bad part is the waiting for the thing that happen Soon it's coming He'll be glad when it's finally here
Mais pour Walter la mauvaise partie est d'attendre que ça passe et cela arrivera bientôt il sera content quand ce sera enfin là.
I wonder what he's coming here for?
Pourquoi vient-il ici?
There's plenty people around here think he's got a comeuppance coming.
Il va le payer cher.
So he's coming over here, huh?
Alors comme ça, il vient ici?
He's coming in. Here.
Il vient par ici.
I'm afraid he's coming here officially.
Il vient... officiellement.

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