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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ H ] / He's coming out

He's coming out перевод на французский

585 параллельный перевод
Little Champ is now coming right out in front. He's out to win!
Little Champ est maintenant en tête.
He's coming right out.
Il arrive.
He's coming to chase you out of the place!
Pour vous chasser!
I never know whether he's coming out or going in.
Je ne sais jamais s'il sort ou s'il entre.
- Brown? Oh, yes. He go out one hour ago, but he's coming back.
Brown est parti, mais il va revenir.
I'll just go out and see if he's coming.
Je vais voir s'il arrive.
He's figuring on coming out here to marry you?
Il va venir et vous épouser?
After all his working up north and wandering around the country... coming back and talking about people's rights... and how everybody ought to be decent. Now for all his fine talk, he's out there in the dining room... with one of those girls.
Apres avoir travaille dans le Nord et voyage par tout le pays... avoir fait de grands discours sur les droits... et sermonne tout le monde sur l'honnetete... voila qu'il est ici dans la salle a manger... avec l'une de ces filles.
He's a-coming out for good.
Il va s'en sortir.
- You mean he's coming out now?
- Il va sortir maintenant?
- I wonder how he's coming out.
- Je me demande quand il ressortira.
I was coming out of Huntsinger's, he was coming in.
Je sortais de chez Hunt...
Rocklin said if you don't come out, he's coming in here to tear you apart.
Rocklin dit que si tu ne sors pas, il va venir ici pour te réduire en bouillie.
He's... Well, he's like a man who's coming out of the darkness into the light. And, well, Hollenius wants to put him back into the darkness.
A peine est-il sorti des ténèbres pour entrer dans la lumière, que Hollenius l'y replonge.
That's it, He's coming out.
Ça y est. Il sort.
Find out what time he's coming by.
Tâchez de savoir quand il viendra.
He's coming out of it, Doctor.
Il se réveille, docteur.
He's coming out with guts on his hands.
Il va sortir, les mains sanglantes!
He's coming into the home stretch. He's okay out of the north turn.
C'est la dernière ligne droite, à la sortie du virage nord.
I don't know what Mr. Andersen's going to say, when he finds out Frank isn't coming in today.
Que va dire M. Anderson quand il apprendra que Frank est absent?
All right, let the dice go. And he's coming out.
Les dés sont jetés.
I've been too busy collecting animals. He's coming out now.
J'ai collectionné d'autres animaux.
They're here, they're going to destroy us. He's coming out of it.
Ils vont nous détruire...
A friend of mine cut me out of a big deal, and he's got this coming to him.
Un ami m'a joué un tour et il n'a que ce qu'il mérite.
He's coming out.
Il sort.
He's coming out as soon as we get the ranch house rebuilt.
Il viendra dès que la maison sera finie.
He played at her daughter's coming-out party.
M. Reisman a joué au bal de débutante de sa fille.
He's coming out of it now, sir, heading about 080 degrees.
II en sort, direction environ 080 degrés.
When's he coming out?
Sérieusement. Quand revient-il?
All right, Doc, get it off your chest. Tell me he's gone out of town and he ain't coming back.
Ne tourne pas autour du pot.
- Watch out, he's coming.
- Attention, le voilà.
He's coming out of it.
Il revient à lui.
He's the marines coming to bail me out.
Il vient me renflouer.
- 484 heures, 36 minutes.
Il brûle ses montures pour venir à nous.
Miller's coming tonight. Find out where he's staying.
Trouvez-moi dans quel hôtel il réside.
Mother, he's coming in, and you're going out.
Maman, il va entrer et tu vas sortir.
Within six months of coming out, he's on his way to the president's palace.
Et 6 mois après, il se dirige vers la présidence.
But that's all the time we've got to find out whether he's coming or not.
Il ne nous reste peut-être plus beaucoup de temps.
Georges told me he saw Ballon coming out of Maria's window after the shooting.
Georges a vu Ballon sortir par la fenêtre de Maria après les coups de feu.
Look out, he's coming for us!
Regarde, il vient sur nous!
I need to talk to you. Watch out. He's coming.
Il va venir, dans 3 minutes.
The minister of health — What's his name? He found eels coming out of his sink.
Le Ministre de la Santé a trouvé des anguilles dans son lavabo.
Watch out! He's coming!
Attention, il arrive.
He has a new book coming out and we'll be handling the promotion and his lecture tour.
Il va publier un livre et on s'occupe de la promotion du livre et de sa tournée.
He's coming to get us out of this.
Il va venir nous sortir de là.
He's coming out for a point.
Pour un point.
My wife's brother's coming from out of town and to my wife, he's of national importance.
Le frère de ma femme arrive aujourd'hui et, à ses yeux, sa visite est d'une importance nationale.
Look out, he's coming over.
I find your husband dead in my room as he's coming out of his?
Je trouve votre mari mort dans ma chambre. Et simultanément, il sort de la sienne.
Come to think of it, he was a few feet from Miss Lagrange's door. He might've been coming out.
Cet homme, qui n'était qu'à 3 mètres de la porte de Mlle Lagrange, pouvait bien sortir de chez elle.

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