He's my family перевод на французский
384 параллельный перевод
He's the only son of a very powerful family which claims to support my rule.
L'unique descendant d'une puissante famille qui proclame son ralliement.
It's because my brother and Gerald Hunter. He's the family solicitor. He insist on my going and I don't want to.
Mon frère et Jerrold Hunter, notre avoué, insistent pour que j'y aille.
Mr. Stephen Haines. He's a very old friend of my family.
M. Stephen Haines, un vieil ami de la famille.
Look, buster, I know where my grandfather is, he's in the family plot where he belongs.
Écoute, mon gars, je sais où se trouve mon grand-père, il est enterré dans la concession familiale.
Hey, what's gotten into my family?
Hé, quelle mouche a piqué ma famille?
He's not from a distinguished family, as you may wish from my husband.
Il ne vient pas d'une bonne famille.
He's my family.
Il est ma famille.
He kept on about my uncle's death and the curse on the family, and... I asked if he was trying to frighten me and told him to mind his business.
Il a continué à parler de la mort de mon oncle et de la malédiction, j'ai demandé s'il voulait m'effrayer et lui ai dit de se mêler de ses oignons.
He's my brother and he belongs to this family as much as I do. He has as much right to everything I have.
On va mettre ça sur le compte de la colère.
And he hated him because he married into nobility, which was my family.
Et il le haïssait parce qu'il s'était allié à la noblesse en m'épousant.
My grandfather was a clergyman, and he'd have been very angry to have thought any of his family had taken up with Molly Seagrim's leavings.
Mon grand-pére était ministre du culte et aurait été en colére si quelqu'un de sa famille avait pris les restes de Molly Seagrim.
By keeping me here, he brought shame upon my family and, at first, I tried to kill myself to spare my father's honor.
En me gardant ici, il a amené la honte sur ma famille. D'abord j'ai essayé de me tuer pour sauver l'honneur de mon père.
I was born while Mother was visiting in Saint Paul but the family doctor was from Minneapolis and that's where he registered my birth.
Je suis née quand ma mère visitait Saint Paul, mais le médecin de famille était de Minneapolis et c'est là qu'il a enregistré ma naissance.
He's not a friend of my family.
Ce n'est pas un ami de ma famille.
And he's such a pleasure to do business with that I have decided from now on to make Hinkley's the family store for my entire family.
C'est un tel plaisir de faire affaire avec lui que j'ai décidé de faire du magasin Hinkley le magasin de ma famille.
In my opinion, we're talking about a madman who put his life and his family's on the line out of revenge. Or he's decided to take control and this was his debut.
À mon avis, c'est soit l'acte d'un fou qui risque sa vie et celles de ses proches pour cinq générations, soit celui d'un prétendant au pouvoir, et c'était son premier coup d'éclat.
He's the biggest fool in my family.
C'est le plus bête de la famille.
He's part of my family.
Il fait partie de ma famille.
Had he not intervened, my family would still be alive.
S'il s'était pas interposé, ils seraient peut-être vivants.
The Sanchez family will say to the judge he's not my father and that the heritage isn't mine.
Les Sanchez diront au juge que c'était pas mon père, que je n'ai pas à hériter.
Vittorio's my man he's from a distinguished family in Orvieto
Vittorio est mon homme. Il est d'une famille distingué d'Orvieto.
It's funny. My future Mother-in-law's family knows him, too. He once delivered their player piano.
- C'est drôle parce que... dans la Sainte-Famille enfin, chez ma future belle-mère, on le connaissait aussi.
And if he were the cursed Indian who soiled my family's honour?
S'il était cet lndien maudit qui a souillé mon sang?
But one day, to my very great surprise, he began to talk to me about his family. My singular gift of observation introduction may have come from my grandmother, who was a sister of Bernais, the French artist.
Mon talent singulier pour l'observation et la déduction vient peut-être de ma grand-mère, sœur de Vernet, le peintre français.
- But my brother, he's my only family.
- Mon frère est ma seule famille.
My cousin, Terry, joined the fire department. He's the black sheep of the family.
Mon cousin Terry est pompier, c'est la brebis galeuse.
- He's got my family.
- Il a ma famille.
Hey, want to come back to my place and look at my family tree? ( chuckling ) Oscar's the name.
Hé, vous voulez venir chez moi, je vous présenterais ma famille d'arbres? Mon nom c'est Oscar.
He said my family's in danger.
Il a dit que ma famille était en danger.
You tell your brother... he messes with me, he messes with my whole family!
Qui s'en prend à moi s'en prend à ma famille!
He's called it "My Family And Other Animals."
Il l'a appelé Ma Famille et Autres Animaux.
When your mother and I started going steady, he asked for information from Rome about me and my family... through the police force.
Quand ta mère et moi s'est fiancés, il demandait des informations à Rome sur moi et ma famille... par les forces de police.
So he's threatening my family and my friends unless I do his dirty work.
Je devais faire quelque chose. Quelque chose que je pensais important, mais il se trouve que je ne suis pas très bon à ça.
And he's been harassing my family.
Il harcèle ma famille.
Nobody in my family overreacts. " And then he came up with this totally absurd story... this completely outrageous lie, and I'm looking at him... and I'm thinking," This man's a liar! "
"- dans la famille." Ensuite il me sort une histoire absurde, une odieuse calomnie.
In my family's presence, he ceases to be my lover.
En presence de ma famille, il n'est plus mon amant.
Does he have to marry into her family? As if my marriage into my wife's family wasn't enough!
Son vieux l'a fait, ça suffit pas?
He's my family, mestre.
C'est ma famille, monsieur.
Neglected by his family, my father would sit on the shore, and, as he's told me : "conjure up the worlds that were on the other side, and what I'd do in them."
Négligé par sa famille, mon pêre s'asseyait sur le rivage et, comme il disait, il imaginait sa place dans un monde qui n'était pas le sien.
That's why he dragged my God-father's family to death
Tout est clair.
He's got my family hostage.
Il a pris ma famille en otage.
If he lives, it means the end of our family! The end of my beloved sons!
S'il vit, c'est la... fin de notre famille, de toi de tes frêres que j'aime tant!
He's my family.
Yoshihito... c'est ma famille...
And my stepbrother Scott, who's very smart... but he's in trouble with the family because he's a Republican... which made my stepfather have a stroke, since we're Democrats.
Mon demi-frère Scott, brillant sujet en bisbille avec la famille parce qu'il est Républicain. ça a filé un choc à beau-papa, vu qu'on est Démocrates.
Oh, I know exactly what he wants... to overthrow my family's government and to reinstate himself as the Autarch.
Je sais ce qu'il veut faire : Renverser le gouvernement et à nouveau s'autoproclamer autarque.
He's after my family.
C'est à ma famille qu'il en veut.
- Well, he's part of my family too!
- Eh bien, il fait partie de ma famille aussi!
If I'd endured what he's endured... If I'd seen my father gunned down in front of my family... I'd be carrying a gun, too, but I wouldn't be wearing a badge.
si j'avais endurer ce qu'il a enduré... si à l'âge de 8 ans j'avais vu mon père tuer sous les yeux de ma famille je porterai une arme moi aussi.
Well, my guess would be they threatened to kill his family if he didn't cooperate.
Lls ont dû menacer de tuer sa famille s'il ne coopérait pas.
You know? He's a genius of my family.
C'est le génie de la famille.
At this time I'd like to extend my deepest sympathies to the secretary's family and to the nation and to the people that he so faithfully and proudly served.
J'aimerais faire part de ma plus profonde sympathie à sa famille... à la nation et au peuple qu'il a si loyalement et si fièrement servis.
he's my uncle 44
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he's my husband 167
he's my brother 335
he's my baby 20
he's my best friend 106
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he's my dad 94
he's my man 22
he's my hero 20
he's my friend 298
he's my father 168
he's my little brother 20
he's my boyfriend 93
he's my nephew 35
he's my partner 54
he's my son 345
he's my responsibility 17
he's my ex 34
he's my 53
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he's my little brother 20
he's my boyfriend 93
he's my nephew 35
he's my partner 54
he's my son 345
he's my responsibility 17
he's my ex 34
he's my 53
he's my patient 35
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he's my lawyer 20
he's my kid 16
my family 595
family 1231
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family comes first 25
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he's my lawyer 20
he's my kid 16
my family 595
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19