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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ H ] / He was right here

He was right here перевод на французский

415 параллельный перевод
He was right here laughing at us.
Il était là et il riait de nous.
He was right here, in my house pretending he loved me like a son.
Il était déjá dans ma maison. Il prétendait qu'il m'aimait comme son pére.
What lengths I went to to find an archangel... and he was right here all along.
J'en ai bavé pour trouver l'archange alors qu'il était devant mon nez.
- He was right here. Oh, yeah?
Je croyais que je devais faire de la libre association.
He was right here a minute ago.
Il n'est plus là?
I mean, he was right here in the Commissioner's office when it happened.
Il était ici quand c'est arrivé.
Well, I ran for the door, and he was right here in front of me.
J'ai couru vers la porte et il était juste devant moi.
He was right here.
Il était à cette place.
My date. He was right here.
- Le garçon avec qui je sortais, il était là.
"He was here, right here."
"Ll était ici, juste là."
- I was just telling her, miss... right here, in front of me very eyes, his friend... his best pal, as you might rightly call him, takes out a pair of handcuffs, and snap, snap, and he's a prisoner.
Je lui racontais, Là, devant mes yeux, son ami, son meilleur ami, comme on pourrait dire, a sorti une paire de menottes et clic, clac, il lui les a mises.
The man who was in here with me. Is he all right?
Le gars qui était ici avec moi.
He was in here right afterJase left, and I got rid of him.
Il était ici après que Jase est parti et je me suis débarrassée de lui.
Now, Frankenstein would have severed the spinal cord here, but I'm not certain that he was right.
Frankenstein aurait coupé la moelle épinière ici... mais je ne suis pas certain qu'il aurait eu raison.
He was a radio technician right here in our dispatch office.
C'était un technicien de radio qui travaillait ici.
Oh, he is? Well, the last time I was here, He chased me right into the lake.
La dernière fois, il m'a course jusque dans le lac.
His name is Antonio Luis Ferrer and he was born right here in Havana.
Il s'appelle Antonio Luis Ferrer et il est né ici, à la Havane.
- Look I know that Phillips came here yesterday. And right after he left, he was pushed out of a sixth storey window.
Je sais qu'il est venu ici avant qu'on le pousse dans le vide.
The scalpels were lying right here on the instrument table, and all he had to do was...
Les scalpels étaient posés là. Il suffisait...
He was tied up right off the end of the dock here this morning.
Voiture 17... Le bateau était amarré là ce matin.
He says that our man, Nomaka, was here, all right. He was in a very disturbed state of mind.
Nomaka est venu au temple dans un état d'esprit bien troublé.
He was coming right here from -
Il est venu ici tout droit de...
He was coming right here and then meeting me in the bar.
Il devait venir ici et me rejoindre au bar.
He's alive. He was standing right here looking at me.
Il est vivant, il me regardait!
He looked a lot like you, too. Except his tooth was broken, about right here.
Il te ressemblait... mais il avait cette dent-là cassée.
Lamarca, that's right. He was here the first half of the summer.
Il est resté ici jusqu'en août.
Alright, even if he was right, why aren't we better off trying to fight our way through 200 miles than sitting around here waiting to be slaughtered like a bunch of sheep?
Meme s'il avait raison, pourquoi ne pastenter une percée, plutôt que d'attendre ici comme des moutons?
Si il avait été bien, il ne l'aurais pas laissée ici.
Juste là, dans ce lit.
He told me that I was a traitor to the country, and suddenly, he jabbed me right here.
Il m'a dit que j'étais un traître à la patrie, et soudain, il m'a frappé ici.
He was locked in here. All right.
Ca ne nous aide pas beaucoup.
He was born right here.
Il est né dans cette maison.
- Was he any help? Well, I couldn't tackle him right off about the murder, but it strikes me he must have been here when Lander was killed.
C'est faux, il avait une clé.
The inspector who came here yesterday told me. He was kidnapped right at your door.
C'est l'inspecteur qui est venu ici hier, vous savez celui qui s'est fait emballé en sortant.
I was standing right over here when you said it, and I was standing right out there on those front steps when he walked up the horse, grabbed a hunk of mane,
J'étais là quand vous l'avez dit et j'étais en haut des marches quand il a rejoint sa monture, empoigné sa crinière,
He was drown right here.
Il s'est noyé, ici.
Yes, he was in here all right, Vicki.
Oui, il était bien ici, Vicki.
Well, he was here. Right here.
Il était là, exactement.
Holliday was gonna be first, but'ccording to you he's in New Mexico, but you're right here.
Je devais commencer par Holliday, mais d'après toi, il est au Nouveau-Mexique, et toi, t'es là.
I wish he was here right now.
Mais j'aimerais qu'il soit la.
He was up here all right.
Il était là.
He was lying right here.
Il était juste ici.
While I was doing time for illegal tattooing he threw himself off the dock and drowned, right here.
J'étais alors en prison, condamnée pour tatouage. Il s'est noyé.
One of your men... I believe it was the gardener... he said it was all right if I waited here.
Un de vos hommes, le jardinier, je crois, m'a dit que je pouvais attendre ici.
Anyway, he was sitting right here... and I broke down and just cried... and hung up on him.
Alors qu'il était là, je suis tombée en larmes, et je lui ai raccroché au nez.
They just hung this thing on me... when that young Marshal Duncan was killed. You know he was whipped to death right here in this street.
quand le jeune Marshall Duncan a été fouetté à mort, ici, dans cette rue.
I wonder why he came down here for a workout right when he was supposed to leave to get married?
Pourquoi est-il venu faire du sport alors qu'il partait à son mariage?
Konig ain't here right now, but there's a lot of evidence that says he was.
Tout semble prouver que Konig est passé par là.
That's the way most people thought of him around here And they were right You know, he's given me an allowance ever since I was 14 and my folks died
Mais la Californie fonctionne sur la communauté des biens.
I think that whoever he was going to meet, he was going to meet right here on the museum grounds.
Il devait rencontrer cette personne dans ce musée.
"Nobody" will ever get me out of here alive " With that proved to be right, as he so often was
Dirigées contre ce qu'il y a de meilleur en nous, l'obéissance et la subordination, la liberté de servir et de commander, vertus du soldat, de la technique, de la philosophie.

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