His brain перевод на французский
2,362 параллельный перевод
Even though the shark adrenaline had completely taken over his brain... there was still one thing that could get through to the old Randy :
Même si l'adrénaline de requin l'avait totalement transformé, l'ancien Randy fut touché par quelque chose :
Randy didn't hear me since his brain was kinda swollen at the time... but my words did have an effect on someone.
Randy ne m'entendit pas car son cerveau avait pris un coup, mais quelqu'un d'autre m'avait compris.
It damaged the part of his brain that controls speech.
Elle a endommagé la partie du cerveau qui contrôle le langage.
However, I believe the electrical shock aggravated an underlying arterial weakness in his brain, and that led to a haemorrhagic stroke.
Cependant, je crois que le choc électrique a aggravé une faiblesse artérielle dormante dans son cerveau, et ça a mené à une attaque cérébrale.
His brain MRI showed narrowing in the blood vessels leading up from the neck.
L'IRM montre une constriction des vaisseaux de la nuque.
A clot in his brain could kill one of them without affecting the other.
Un caillot au cerveau peut tuer un hémisphère sans affecter l'autre.
I think his brain is half bionic.
Son cerveau serait mi-bionique.
They rewired his brain or something.
Ils lui avaient déréglé son cerveau, je crois.
He's bleeding in his brain?
Une hémorragie au cerveau?
The herniation is putting pressure on his brain.
- L'hémorragie compresse son cerveau.
It's likely that other parts of his brain
Il semble que d'autres parties de son cerveau
- He's hemorrhaginginto his brain stem.
- l'hemorragie dans le tronc cérébrale.
He squashed his brain.
Compression cérébrale.
His brain has been replaced by blood.
Le sang a envahi son cerveau. C'est fini.
The EEG confirmed his brain function has ceased.
L'EEG a confirmé qu'il n'y a plus aucune fonction cérébrale.
That's because Terry Karrens doesn't use that part of his brain, and that'd be where you find stored such things as empathy, compassion, an aversion to disemboweling puppies.
C'est parce que Terry Karrens n'utilise pas cette partie de son cerveau, là où sont stockées les choses comme l'empathie, la compassion, le refus d'éventrer des chiots.
Um... the black crystalline structure is present throughout his body, including tiny concentrations in the limbic area of his brain which controls emotions.
Euh... les cristaux noirs sont présents dans son corps, et il y a des petits morceaux dans la partie limbique de son cerveau partie qui contrôle les émotions.
A cluster of tangled blood vessels in his brain, what's causing the bleeding.
Un amas de vaisseaux sanguins dans le cerveau.
And I assume the gelatin is his brain?
Et j'imagine que la gélatine est son cerveau?
His head shook so hard, it broke his brain?
Sa tête a été tellement secouée que cela lui a broyé le cerveau?
Then I realized that I could attach the chip to an EEG net and the signal would reach his brain.
Puis j'ai pensé à placer la puce sur un casque EEG. Le signal atteint ainsi le cerveau.
The pressure on his brain is still not coming down.
La pression ne baisse pas.
We gotta relieve the pressure, or his brain can herniate.
- On risque une hernie cérébrale.
The pressure in his skull's too high. If we don't reduce it, it could irrevocably damage his brain.
La pression dans son crâne peut causer des lésions cérébrales.
It's not just his brain.
C'est pas juste cérébral.
House wants to thread a catheter through his brain, which could cause a vasospasm, give steroids, which could spread infection all over the place, because it could be.
House veut passer un cathéter dans le cerveau, au risque d'un vasospasme, et le mettre sous corticoïdes, ce qui peut étendre l'infection.
- We're going to crash his brain.
- On va court-circuiter son cerveau.
This device will wipe his brain of all thought, for a short period.
Cet appareil empêchera toute pensée pendant un court instant.
In short, he believes that his brain condition... has rendered him incapable of hitting the broad side of a barn with his firearm.
En bref, il croit que l'état de son cerveau... le rend incapable de toucher une porte de grange avec son arme.
I can be objective about his brain, and he can't.
Je peux être objective à propos de son cerveau et il ne peut pas.
Dean, I'm sure Troy will sign up for football if and when some accident damages the part of his brain that feels pride.
Je suis sûr que Troy s'engagera, si un accident abîme son cerveau dans la zone de la fierté.
To go into his brain, find him in his unconscious,
J'aimerais, mais il faut vraiment que je reste avec Julia.
That part of his brain is done, irreparable.
Cette partie de son cerveau est foutue.
It's like his brain is a football team and I've got this whole new set of brilliant plays, but it doesn't matter because the quarterback's in jail for dog fighting. Yeah.
C'est comme si son cerveau était une équipe de football et que j'avais un tas de nouvelles stratégies géniales, mais que le quart-arrière était en prison pour avoir maltraité des animaux.
And it's not like his brain can run the Wildcat formation.
Et ce n'est pas comme si son cerveau maîtrisait l'attaque Wildcat.
His brain's shutting down.
Son cerveau s'éteint.
- His brain is completely reorganizing.
- Son cerveau se réorganise entièrement.
And according to his medical records, he has bullet fragments lodged in the temporal lobe of his brain.
Selon son dossier médical, il a des fragments de balle dans son lobe temporal.
And his heart is controlling his brain.
Son coeur qui contrôle son cerveau.
I would trade my normal brain for his brain for one of those egg rolls.
J'échangerais mon cerveau contre le sien pour un pâté impérial.
It's... it's a lesion on his brain.
Une lésion au cerveau.
You'd better burn his brain, sniper one.
Envoie-lui une balle dans la cervelle, tireur numéro 1.
It's a lesion on his brain.
Une liaison au cerveau.
That son of a bitch sucked out my brain and planted all his own babies in there.
Ce fils de pute m'a lavé le cerveau et y a planté ses propres idées.
He's on his way up to cat scan so we can get a better idea of what we're up against... brain damage, spinal cord injury,
On lui fait passer un scanner pour identifier le problème. Traumatisme crânien, lésion de la moelle épinière, hémorragie interne, etc.
It's got to be floating around in his comical little brain { \ somewhere. *, right? }.
Tu le trouveras dans son petit cerveau de comique.
Once Victor's brain stopped working, so did his lungs and heart. But he was fine.
Une fois que le cerveau de Victor a cessé de fonctionner, ses poumons et son coeur aussi.
The multiple impacts crushed his skull and drove bone fragments into the brain, causing catastrophic hemorrhaging.
- Tout à fait. Les multiples coups lui ont écrasé la boîte crânienne et des fragments du crâne ont pénétré dans le cerveau, causant une hémorragie fatale.
Mmm. Perhaps the brain tumor forced him to confront his own mortality.
Peut-être que la tumeur l'a forcé à confronter sa propre mortalité.
And now my brain is starting to feel like his.
Je commence à sentir mon cerveau comme le sien.
Alpha mapped his entire brain.
Alpha a fait le schéma de son cerveau.
brain 227
brains 203
brainiac 28
brainstorm 21
brain freeze 19
brainy 41
brainer 146
brain tumor 25
brain damage 30
brained 21
brains 203
brainiac 28
brainstorm 21
brain freeze 19
brainy 41
brainer 146
brain tumor 25
brain damage 30
brained 21