His b перевод на французский
590 параллельный перевод
We found his body in B-50.
On a trouvé son corps dans la B-50.
Yeah, I know the difference, and I don't give a Grade A husband a Grade B egg for his breakfast.
Oui. Je sais faire la différence. Et je ne donne pas à un mari de classe "A" des œufs de classe "B" pour son petit-déjeuner.
He'll conduct himself like a soldier in the gun turret of his B-17,
Il se conduira en soldat dans son B-17,
My husband was with the BBC. Those are copies of his broadcasts.
Mon mari travaillait pour la B.B.C. Ce sont des copies de ses émissions.
- B.J. sends his best to you landlubbers.
- BJ vous salue.
( Attorney ) I will introduce exhibit B, a doctor's report on the plaintiff's condition showing damage to the lumbar region of the spine, with nerve damage, resulting in partial paralysis to the left side of his body.
Voici la pièce à conviction B, un rapport du médecin sur l'état de santé du plaignant faisant ressortir des lésions lombaires et nerveuses entraînant une paralysie partielle du côté gauche.
Thomas B. Reynolds and his wife.
Thomas B. Reynolds et sa femme.
( Tom ) Bassington curls his lips foolishly and crosses to left.
BONNE NUIT BASSINGTON Comédie en 3 actes environ avec une fin tragique Par Thomas B. Chambers
From His Excellency Field Marshall the Earl of Raglan, K.C.B. commanding.
" Son Excellence Field Marshal, le Comte de Raglan.
" J. B. Allenbury and his attractive daughter, Connie, are sailing...
" J. B. Allenbury et sa somptueuse fille, Connie, partent demain
And I hereby decree that until what time if any, that I return the Scarecrow, by virtue of his highly superior brains shall rule in my stead assisted by the Tin Man, by virtue of his magnificent heart and the Lion, by virtue of his courage.
Je décrète que'yusqdé men retour, si tant est que je revienne, l'Epouvantail, en vertu de sa cervelle, régnera é ma place, assisté par le Bflcheron-en-Fer-Blanc en vertu de son coeur, et par le Lion, en vertu de son courage.
He hid out in these rooms for nearly six months, from cops, G-men and his own gang.
Il est demeuré ici pendant prés de six mois, caché de la police, du F.B.I. et de sa propre bande.
Now suppose an unmentionable worm, whose initials are D.B., was trying to use that to shove his way into the White House?
Imaginons maintenant qu'un ver de terre, dont les initiales sont D.B, profite de cette histoire pour arriver à la Maison Blanche.
It'll hit them so hard that in the future... not a man in this state will move a steer out of his own backyard.
On va frapper si fort, qu'à l'avenir personne n'osera sortir un bœuf de son jardin.
- Did you give Baby his vitamin B?
Il a eu sa vitamine B?
He wakes up, brushes his teeth, hikes out to the ballpark hits the ball, hikes back to the hotel room reads the funny papers, gargles, and goes to bed.
Il se réveille, se lave les dents, marche jusqu'au terrain, frappe la balle, revient à l'hôtel à pied, lit les B.D. Des journaux, se gargarise et se couche.
Plan B. Each man will deal with his own billet. If persuasion fails, use force.
Chaque homme s'occupe de son hôte, quitte à utiliser la force.
Ran a cigar store over at Avenue B, according to stuff in his wallet.
Il avait un magasin de cigares avenue B, d'après le contenu de son portefeuille.
Look, the only guy who would wear this would be a grade B idiot... on his way to the fireman's picnic.
La seule personne qui porterait ça serait l'idiot du coin sur le chemin du pique-nique des pompiers.
If anybody on the field or off the field tries to engage you in conversation as to why you're here, no matter how innocently, I want you to get his name and give it to me and I'll turn it over to the FBI.
Si quelqu'un, sur ou en dehors de la base, tient à savoir pourquoi vous êtes ici, même si c'est demandé innocemment, vous devez me donner son nom et je le transmettrai au F.B.I.
We better get his fingerprints and turn them over to the F.B.I.
Relevons ses empreintes et alertons le fbi.
They did not know that Dietrich's little shortwave radio... had a limited range... and that all his messages were beamed... to a secret F.B.I. long-range radio station not far away.
Ils ignorent encore que la radio à ondes courtes de Dietrich a une portée limitée et que leurs messages sont renvoyés à une station de radio du FBI à longue portée non loin de là.
There had to be more than three of us, and we couldn't have the vicar and his wife... because, A, they're dreary, and, B, they wouldn't have approved at all.
On ne pouvait inviter le vicaire et sa femme. Ils n'auraient pas apprécié du tout.
Like cos his old man was JB Sykes he had more rights than other guys.
Tout ça parce que son vieux est J.B. Sykes, ça lui donne tous les droits sur nous.
In a police lineup in Center City... a suspect named Robert Danker, picked up by the F.B.I.... was identified by several bank clerks as the killer of Frank Malloy... and by David Jannings as the murderer of his wife.
Un nommé Robert Danker, arrêté par le FBI est identifié comme étant l'assassin de Frank Malloy et comme celui d'Helen Jannings.
The cops check his record through the F.B.I. Then I get it.
Les flics demandent son casier au FBI et on me le passe.
Just a movie writer with a couple of B pictures to his credit.
Un petit scénariste qui avait fait une ou deux séries B.
If the light were better, you could see that in his left hand, J.B.'s holding my good watch... and in his right hand, a large rock capable of enormous destruction.
Avec plus de lumière, tu verrais dans sa main gauche, ma belle montre... et dans sa main droite, un gros caillou qui peut la casser.
I suggest that you bring J.B. Back after dark... as otherwise, the neighbors, who have been celebrating his loss... may do you a harm.
"Je vous suggère de rapporter J.B. à la nuit tombée"... "car les voisins, qui ont célébrés sa perte"... "pourraient vous faire du tort".
He took his cracks at Germany in B-17s, finally wound up with a B-29 squad into Okinawa.
Il a combattu contre l'Allemagne dans un B-17, puis il a terminé avec un B-29 à Okinawa.
Mr. Elinson was an FBI agent on vacation with his wife and two children.
Ellinson était un agent du F.B.I. en vacances avec les siens.
'Tonight Only B. Goodman and his Orchestra.'
"Ce Soir Seulement B. Goodman et son Orchestre".
No crusader after perils, his courage was one of the great staples of the ship, like beef or flour there when required, and not to be foolishly wasted.
Pas en quête de périls, son courage était capital sur le bateau, tout comme le bœuf ou la farine. Là quand il le fallait, et pas bêtement gaspillé.
Par exemple, si le défunt a toujours ambitionné d'être maire, il réalisera son rêve ici.
Il s'agit de James B.W. Bevis.
Vous l'aurez compris, James B.W. Bevis est un original dans son petit monde débordant d'optimisme.
James B.W. Bevis vit dans un monde de magie.
James B.W. Bevis, spécimen unique au XXe siècle, qui arpente sa propre Quatrième dimension.
Fine thing, some two-bit operator sends for me in his upholstered boxcar and first thing you know, I'm being hauled all over the country like a side of beef.
Un escroc à quatre sous m'envoie chercher dans un fourgon et je me retrouve trimballé à travers le pays comme un quartier de bœuf.
He had seen to it that his wavelength was outside the operating limits of O.B.l.T.
Il avait fait en sorte que sa fréquence soit hors des limites de l'O.B.I.T.
About 35 minutes ago, Gen. Jack Ripper, the commanding general of Burpelson Air Force Base, issued an order to his 34 B-52's which were airborne at the time, as part of a special exercise called Operation Dropkick.
Il y a environ 35 minutes, le général Jack Ripper, commandant en chef de la base aérienne de Burpelson, a lancé un ordre à ses 34 B-52, qui étaient alors en vol, - - suite à un exercice spécial baptisé Opération Dropkick.
Now, before he records that song... his lawyers are gonna send us a contract... standard royalties, a set a copy... but we hold out... because if we can get another of our songs... on the other side of the record, that doubles our royalties.
Avant que cette chanson soit enregistrée... ses avocats vont envoyer un contrat- - concernant les droits d'auteur- - mais nous attendrons car si nous pouvons en caser une autre... sur la face B, nous doublerons les droits d'auteur.
... Son of a B... until it comes out of your mouth maledictions against the blessed Sacrament and his putative mother!
... Fils d'un B... jusqu'à ce qu'il sort de la bouche Malédictions contre le Saint-Sacrement Et sa mère putative!
I hung onto his horns, and that fool steer ran a mile... me flapping like laundry in a high wind.
J'étais accroché à ses cornes et cet imbécile de bœuf courait. Je battais comme du linge séchant par grand vent.
Suppose that man A... has in his possession the will of dying man B... by which A could inherit all of B's fortune.
Supposons que "A" posséde le testament de "B" mourant, assurant à "A" la grosse fortune de "B".
- Nothing like his old man. - Why you S.O.B.
Le fils de pute.
also i would like to point out that the balpa spokesman who complained about aeronautical inaccuracies was himself wearing a captain's hat whereas he only had lieutenant's stripes on the sleeves of his jacket.
aussi, je voudrais préciser que le porte-parole de l'A.P.B qui se plaignait tout à l'heure d'inexactitudes aéronautiques portait lui-même une casquette de capitaine alors qu'il n'avait que des galons de lieutenant sur les manches de sa veste.
And he and his wife took off for moscow. Three days later, the third department arrested polakov,
Mais là-bas, le K.G.B. l'arrêta avec toute sa famille.
The launching sites for the B-2 bombs are all in his area.
Les bases de lancement des B-2 sont dans son secteur.
"A wants to kill B. Drives B to a remote house and has him call his wife in city."
A veut tuer B. " Conduit B dans une maison isolée et lui dit d'appeler sa femme en ville.
But figure "A" can't keep his hands off of figure "B," because she's got such a great figure.
- D'ogre? Pourquoi? - Laisse tomber.
his brother 146
his best friend 29
his birthday 23
his body 44
his brain 16
his blood 35
his business 16
bebe 93
but why 1666
bronte 61
his best friend 29
his birthday 23
his body 44
his brain 16
his blood 35
his business 16
bebe 93
but why 1666
bronte 61