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His girlfriend перевод на французский

3,603 параллельный перевод
Benjamin gave them to his girlfriend and said he had back-up of some photos.
Benjamin a donné les clés à Sally en disant qu'il avait un backup des photos du Jutland.
'Cause I'm not his girlfriend. And I'm gonna kick him to the curb once I've used his body like a moisturizer sample. Hey-yo!
Je suis pas sa copine, et je le jetterai à la poubelle une fois que j'aurai utilisé son corps comme crème hydratante.
Of course, because I Look at the pictures of Justin Bieber and dream of being his girlfriend.
Évidemment que tu peux, parce que... J'aime regarder les photos de Justin Bieber et rêve d'être sa petite amie secrète!
He thinks you're his girlfriend.
Il pense que vous êtes sa petite copine.
So, Randy lied to his girlfriend about where he got the car.
Donc, Randy a menti à sa petite amie sur où il a eu la voiture.
Despite what Kersey told his girlfriend, he did not fly out this morning.
Malgré ce qu'il a dit à sa petite amie, il n'a pas pris de vol ce matin.
His girlfriend!
Sa petite amie!
His girlfriend just moved to Montana.
Sa petite amie vient de déménager dans le Montana.
Didn't his girlfriend just move away?
Sa petite amie ne vient-elle pas de déménager?
According to the landlady, he was gonna move in with his girlfriend.
Selon la propriétaire, il allait emménager avec sa petite amie.
I heard over at the bar that he, uh, applied for an apartment two days ago, wanted to move in with his girlfriend.
J'ai entendu dire au bar que il avait fait une demande pour un appartement il y a deux jours, et voulait emménager avec sa petite-amie.
Nicholas's mom said that his girlfriend broke up with him.
La mère de Nicolas a dit que sa copine avait rompu avec lui.
Well, if she was his girlfriend, wouldn't she know?
Et bien, si c'était sa copine, elle ne devrait pas être au courant?
Well, his girlfriend said he was complaining about all the maintenance work he had to do.
Et bien, sa copine disait qu'il se plaignait à propos de toute la maintenance qu'il avait à faire.
Joseph of Nazareth would not be chuckling at his girlfriend.
Joseph de Nazareth ne glousserait pas avec sa petite-amie.
The first male was abducted alone, the second was with his girlfriend.
Le 1er homme a été enlevé seul, le second avec sa petite amie.
His girlfriend stormed into the office last Friday, hollered at him in front of everyone.
Sa copine est entrée dans le bureau comme une tornade vendredi dernier, en lui hurlant dessus devant tout le monde.
No enemies have surfaced yet, But I'm about to have some face time with his girlfriend.
Aucun ennemi n'a encore fait surface, mais je m'apprête à avoir un face-à-face avec sa petite amie.
Jake is with his girlfriend and her 17 kids, so it's just you and me, kiddo.
Jake est avec sa petite amie et son fils de 17ans, donc c'est juste toi et moi, fiston.
- Is she his girlfriend?
- C'est sa nénette.
I told you how he made it for his girlfriend before she went away... Or moved.
Il l'avait faite pour sa petite amie avant qu'elle ne parte ou ne déménage.
He was going to take his girlfriend to Italy for their one-year anniversary and I said... if it was me, I would have chosen...
Il voulait amener une fille en Italie pour anniversaire de relation, et j'ai dit a sa place, je choisirais...
My husband's brother and his girlfriend... they died in a car accident when Alex was about 6.
Le frère de mon mari et son amie sont morts dans un accident de voiture quand Alex avait environ 6 ans.
- Sure. So, when he got his girlfriend pregnant, her uncle offered him an assistant basketball coaching job at St. Mark's,
Quand sa copine est tombée enceinte, son oncle l'a pris comme coach de basket à St Mark.
I banged his girlfriend.
- Je me suis tapé sa nana.
- I knocked her up. His girlfriend.
Je l'ai mise en cloque.
You either fucked his girlfriend or you didn't.
Ou t'as baisé sa petite amie ou t'as pas baisé sa petite amie.
So is his girlfriend.
Comme sa copine.
Very simple. I'm certain that Strangio, coming home unexpectedly, caught his girlfriend in flagrante with someone else.
- Et dans les autres? - Il y a "l'incompatibilité" des rentrées...
I love this first one from Roger to his girlfriend.
J'adore la première, envoyée par Roger à sa copine.
You were his girlfriend?
Vous étiez sa petite amie?
- This is my son and his girlfriend.
- C'est mon fils et sa petite amie.
That is his girlfriend, Lindsey.
C'est sa petite amie, Lindsey.
He thought it was his girlfriend's.
Il croyait qu'il était à sa copine.
And this is his girlfriend, Erika.
Et voici sa copine, Erika.
Frankly, I think Ron Howard just wants to get a movie for his girlfriend.
Franchement, je crois que Ron Howard veut juste trouver un film pour sa copine.
- That was surprising. Michael admitted he had a rival for his girlfriend. -...
- C'était surprenant.
Gob had come far in the year since his girlfriend, was less than an hour from turning 18.
Gob avait fait beaucoup de chemin depuis son aventure avec une fille qui s'approchait de ses 18 ans.
He sorta got a letter from his girlfriend.
Il a reçu une lettre de sa copine.
Your sister's his girlfriend?
Ta sœur est sa petite amie?
Does anybody actually know he's here for killing his girlfriend?
Quelqu'un sait au moins qui il est, car il a tué sa petite amie?
He let his business partner-slash... girlfriend-slash-psycho bitch walk all over him.
Il a laissé sa partenaire d'affaire petite amie psycho lui marcher dessus.
Well, if Hall can tear himself away from his new girlfriend.
Eh bien, si Hall peut se détacher de sa nouvelle copine.
Yes, they're boyfriend and girlfriend, but sometimes Kermit wants to put his little frog penis into her pig vagina.
Oui, ils sont copain et copine mais parfois, Kermit veut mettre son petit penis grenouille dans son vagin cochon.
Right. Okay, well, can you find her and tell her that her ex-husband is playing a show tonight and his new girlfriend is gonna be there, so if she wants to show up, it's 8 : 00 p.m. Oh.
Pouvez-vous la trouver et lui dire que son ex-mari joue avec son groupe ce soir et que sa nouvelle copine y sera, donc si elle veut s'y pointer,
Yeah, I just never thought I'd see the day I'd be running a hotel for my brother... or having breakfast with his cop girlfriend.
Ouais, seulement je ne pensais pas qu'un jour je me verrais en train de gérer un hôtel pour mon frère... ou prendre le petit-déjeuner avec sa copine flic.
His fat ass reminds me of my first girlfriend.
Son gros cul me rappelle ma première petite amie.
No, there's no such thing as almost fucking his girlfriend.
- Non, tu peux pas avoir presque baisé sa petite amie.
This is his new girlfriend, Pam.
Sa nouvelle copine, Pam.
Shopping's what I thought you did in Paris with your boyfriend's money while you're waiting for him to wake up from being taken down by his skanky, slutty, Russian biatch ex-girlfriend.
le shopping, c'est pas ce qu'on fait... à Paris? Avec l'argent de son amoureux? En attendant... qu'il se remette de sa soirée assommante avec cette grosse pétasse d'ex-petite amie...?
Well, he declared bankruptcy before the divorce so I get to help him pay off his debt while he lives there in Key West with his new girlfriend.
En fait, il a déclaré faillite avant le divorce. Je dois donc l'aider à payer ses dettes pendant qu'il vit à Key West avec sa nouvelle copine

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