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Hoorah перевод на французский

46 параллельный перевод
Hoorah for the magicians!
Hourrah pour le magicien!
Hoorah for the dancer!
Merveilleux, vive la danseuse! Vive la danseuse!
Oh, sure, good for him, and hoorah for two years in the penitentiary.
Bien sûr! Et bravo pour les deux ans de prison!
Let's say "hello" to them and then get going. Hoorah!
Saluons-les et ensuite, filons.
Hoorah for the Confederacy! Hoorah!
Vivent les Confédérés.
- Hoorah for General... what's his name?
Vive le général...
a good amount of'em was no more than hoorah girls,..... but the way I look at it a woman's a woman.
Bon, la plupart d'entre elles ne sont que des cocottes, mais, pour moi, une femme est une femme.
Hoorah for me!
Hourra pour moi!
"Hip-hip... hoorah"?
Hip hip hip!
'Hoorah for the principle, as the moneylender said when he wouldn't renew the bill,'observed Mr. Weller, who was clearing away breakfast.
"Vivent les principes, disait l'usurier... " refusant de proroger sa traite... "observa M. Weller, qui débarrassait la table."
Hoorah, sir.
Hourra, mon lieutenant.
- Hoorah, sir.
- Hourra!
Ride down, jump on the train, hoorah the money, head back to the cathouse, all right?
On saute dans le train, on rafle le pognon et on fonce au boxon.
- Hoorah! Where did Mr. McNamara learn to row?
Où M. McNamara a-t-il appris à ramer?
This kid got a little bit on him and now he's goin'to Disneyland for his last hoorah.
Un gamin s'en est pris un petit peu et maintenant, on réalise sa dernière volonté d'aller à Disneyland.
Few of us got tired of the hoorah... down at the Owls'Club and bought it.
Avec des amis, on s'est lassés du bruit du Owl's Club et on l'a acheté.
Men : Hoorah!
Hoorah! Thankyou, ladies and gentlemen.
Merci, mesdames et messieurs.
Hoorah, sir.
Hourra, chef.
Hoorah that, motherfucker.
Bien dit, enculé.
The last hoorah.
Le dernier hoorah *. ( * Expression d'enthousiasme chez les Marines )
Um, but Kyle, I hate to admit it, but I'm actually glad you're here. You're the biggest badass I know. Hoorah!
Ça me gêne de l'admettre, mais je suis content que tu sois là.
- Well, this is it, the last hoorah Of Megan and Abby Graves.
C'est le dernier discours de Megan et Abby Graves.
- Hourra.
Like some kind of sick last hoorah.
Un chant du cygne, version barjo.
- Kevin, no. What, as some sort of last hoorah?
Un baroud d'honneur?
All of us in the pool, saying hoorah.
Tout le monde dans la piscine, ça fera du baroud.
Maybe the last one that says hoorah is it.
Et le dernier baroud a gagné.
You feel like one last hoorah before I'm stateside?
Un dernier baroud d'honneur avant que je sois rapatrié?
- Hoorah!
- Hourra!
Hoorah motherfucker.
Hurra fils de pute.
Come on, this is a hoorah, Stud.
Allez, c'est cool, mec.
- Hourrah.
Hoorah. Lerk, that was amazing!
C'était génial, Farfelette!
Hoorah! Justice is served.
Où m'emmenez-vous?
Ça fait du bien à l'estomac.
- Well, this is it, the last hoorah
* the animals went two by two * * hoorah hoorah I don't wanna go anywhere.
Je ne veux aller nulle part.
hooray 513

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