If you did that перевод на французский
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No. I would really be upset with you if you did that.
Je serais très énervé si c'était le cas.
Hi, um... so kitty did that interview this morning, and the times sent some of her quotes over, and they were just wondering if you'd care to comment.
Salut. Kitty a fait une interview pour le Times, ce matin. Ils demandent si tu veux commenter ce qu'elle a dit.
I'm telling you, I'm a bigger menace trying to put this thing in while I'm driving than I would be if I just did it without it, and besides that, I'm already here.
Je suis une plus grande menace à essayer de brancher ce machin, que si je t'appelais sans casque. - Et puis, je suis arrivée. - Tant mieux.
I believe you, miss Blair. And if I didn't, that means Dan Humphrey did.
Et si je ne l'ai pas fait, ça veut dire que c'est Dan Humphrey.
If That's All, Then Why Did You Feel The Need To Lie To Me Just Now?
Alors pourquoi est-ce que tu as ressenti le besoin de me mentir à l'instant?
" Remember that time that you asked me if I had ever felt the way Roger did?
" Tu te rappelles quand tu m'as demandé si je m'étais déjà senti comme Roger?
Actually, would you mind if I did that?
Ça vous dérange si je le fais?
If anything did happen to him, it's important to remember that neither you or I is the one's that did it.
Si quoi que ce soit lui arrivait, il faudra se souvenir que ni vous, ni moi, ne l'avons fait.
You know, I think your father wired the car the way he did...'cause I think he thought... if he was the only one who could fix it, that we'd always need him.
Tu sais, je pense que ton père a imaginé cette installation électrique... parce qu'il pensait qu'il serait le seul... à pouvoir la réparer et qu'on aurait donc toujours besoin de lui.
So if you weren't having a good time why did I get a message that said "something terrific happened"?
Si tu t'amusais pas, pourquoi ton message parlait d'un "truc fantastique"?
Anyway, the point is that I am sad, and I miss you, and I bitterly regret what I did, and it would be very, very nice if you called or, in fact, if we could see each other.
Bref, le fait est... que je suis triste. Et tu me manques. Et je regrette amèrement ce que j'ai fait.
I did specify that they shouldn't leave it if you weren't home, and I will be suing.
Je leur avais dit de ne pas livrer en ton absence. Je leur ferai un procès.
But if you think that you could forgive her for what she did then I guess you deserve to have her back.
Mais si tu penses que tu aurais pu lui pardonner alors tu mérites sûrement de la récupérer.
Hari, if you think back to that time 18 months ago, how did you feel?
Hari, quand tu repenses à ce moment, il y a 18 mois, comment te sens tu?
Because you know that if you did do that, you would just be doing to somebody else what your father did to you.
Parce que tu sais que si tu le fait, tu feras juste à quelqu'un d'autre ce que ton père t'a fait.
He wants to sell you something, he gives something away. So, if he gave you that gun, what did he sell to you?
Donc, s'il vous a donné l'arme, que vous a-t-il vendu?
Did he tell you that if you'd let him go, he'd take care of Roy?
Et il vous a donné cette arme.
Enfants, on nous a appris qu'il était mal de faire quelque chose de mal, et que si vous faisiez quelque chose de bien, vous étiez récompensé.
If you knew that, why did you introduce her to me?
Si tu le savais, pourquoi tu me l'as présentée?
I mean, even if you were accurate about any of this, you still haven't suggested that I actually did anything, have you?
Même si vous aviez en partie raison, vous n'avez pas suggéré que j'ai fait quoi que ce soit. N'est-ce pas?
If you hadn't done what you did, that man would have gotten up the next morning, gone to that diner and snuffed out all those lives.
Si tu n'avais pas fait ce que tu as fait, cet homme, le lendemain, serait allé au restaurant, et aurait tué tous ces gens.
Did you actually think that if you gave me enough information about criminals we weren't able to catch, that I would let you two keep murdering people?
Vous pensiez vraiment qu'en me donnant des informations sur des criminels en cavale, je vous laisserais continuer à tuer des gens?
Allison, i can see that you're torturing yourself about this, But even if you did do what you think you might ve done, It would have clearly been in self-defense.
Allison, vous vous tourmentez avec ça, mais même si vous avez fait ce que vous croyez avoir fait, ça aurait clairement été de la légitime défense.
Then I did a little research and I learned that my concerns were, yeah, unfounded if you get my meaning.
Alors j'ai fait quelques recherches et j'ai appris que mes inquiétudes étaient, - - sans fondement si vous voyez ce que je veux dire.
I mean I think as someone in your profession, you could probably understand that if we did this interview and no one saw it, then, poof, it doesn't matter.
Je raisonne comme quelqu'un de votre profession, vous pouvez comprendre que si nous faisions cette interview sans personne pour la voir, alors, pouf, aucun intérêt.
I am sorry I did not tell you this was a possibility but ultimately I couldn't accept the fact that I was the reason you were no longer part of your family and if we never see each other again,
je regrette de ne pas t'avoir dit cette possibilité mais, essentiellement, je ne pouvais pas accepter d'être la raison pour laquelle tu ne pourrais plus faire partie de ta famille.
Ellie believes that you have done that you did for the Roark me and if this is'true, not potro'never forgive.
Ellie pense que ce que tu as fait à Roark était pour moi. Et si c'est vrai, je ne me le pardonnerai jamais.
if she kicked one day sooner, you woulda been sittin'pretty trust me, i did that math.
Si elle avait crevé hier, tu t'en serais bien tirée. Crois-moi, j'y ai pensé.
I'm just saying that if you did, you'd be our prime suspect.
Mais que, a fortiori, vous seriez notre 1er suspect.
Wait, if I did, would that make you mad?
Ça t'énerverait?
If you're asking me if I knew that going in, I did not.
Si tu veux tout savoir, je n'étais pas au courant.
If I did capitulate, do you honestly believe that the Cabal
{ \ pos ( 192,220 ) } Si je capitulais, tu penses que la Cabale
If i find out that you said or did anything To push that poor kid over the edge, I'm gonna make it my life's work
Si je découvre que vous êtes responsable pour cet enfant, je ferai tout pour que vous ne mettiez plus le pied ici.
If you come with me now, I won't ask what you did to that poor woman... To make her throw up like that.
Si vous venez, j'oublierai ce que vous avez fait à cette pauvre femme pour la faire vomir comme ça.
Listen, if there's anything that I did that made this harder for you, I'm sorry.
Si j'ai fait quoi que ce soit pour aggraver les choses, pardonne-moi.
Heather, it occurs t that even if I did want to hang out with you, wouldn't it just be me with the father of your baby anyour baby?
Heather, je viens de penser que même si je voulais traîner avec toi, ça ne serait pas moi, avec le père de ton bébé et ton bébé?
If she did agree to move, you're gonna leave Ashley here and never see her again? I figured that Ashley would come up on the weekends, and that maybe later on, she would move in with us if she wanted, if you wanted. No.
Si elle acceptait, tu laisserais Ashley ici sans jamais la revoir?
Did you know that sheep are so dumb that If the lead sheep jumps the cliff The rest of the flock will follow?
Tu sais que les moutons sont si stupides que si le chef saute d'une falaise, tout le troupeau le suit?
If I buy it in the sandbox, you call my folks, tell'em I did my job, you tell'em that I was...
Si je ne m'en sors pas, préviens mes parents, dis-leur que j'ai fait mon boulot, que j'étais...
Now could you imagine what would happen if I did that kind of shoddy work in my business?
Tu imagines si je faisais ça à mon travail?
You're the one who fought as hard as you did to get where you are now and you're the one who never gave up on yourself so if you wanna make this whole thing go away, then you do that and I won't speak of it again.
C'est toi qui t'es battu pour être là où tu es et c'est toi qui n'as jamais renoncé, alors si tu veux qu'on oublie cette histoire, fais ce que tu veux. Je n'en reparlerai plus jamais.
What if Trevor did that to you?
Et si Trevor t'avait fait ça?
You know, I did the same thing. Well, it was Rutgers, not Brown. But I got in and I realized that if I didn't pursue music, I'd never do it.
C'était pas Brown mais Rutgers, j'y suis allé, et j'ai compris que si je ne continuais pas la musique, je ne le ferais jamais.
But I was afraid That if we let her back into our lives she'd just Disappoint you again like she did so many times When you were a little girl.
Mais je craignais qu'en la laissant revenir dans notre vie, elle te décevrais encore, comme elle l'a fait si souvent quand tu étais petite.
No, I did not do it with him, if that's what you're asking.
Non je ne l'ai pas fait avec lui, si c'est que tu demandes.
Did you know that if you weighed every living thing on planet earth, a quarter of that biomass would be just ants?
Tu savais que si on pesait chaque créature vivante sur Terre, un quart de cette biomasse, ce serait juste les fourmis?
If you did it, that's okay.
Si c'est vous, c'est pas grave.
Henry's doing an autopsy right now. We're gonna have a lot more information after that. But if you can walk us through everything that you did.
On en saura plus après l'autopsie faite par Henry, mais dites-nous tout ce que vous avez fait.
I mean, if you're leaving to get away from something that you did, or she did, or both of you did...
Si c'est un truc que vous avez fait, vous, elle, ou tous les deux, je comprends votre envie de fuir.
So breeding doesn't mean you're pretty, and even if it did... that was wrong!
"Noble" ne signifie pas "belle". Et même si c'était le cas, c'était malvenu.
If I did that, I'd have to thank you for doing things like killing bugs or supporting me.
Sinon je devrais te remercier de faire des trucs comme tuer des bestioles ou m'entretenir.
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you like 1152
if you don't eat 20
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you like 1152
if you don't eat 20
if you don't 701
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you can't 87
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you can't 87