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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ K ] / Kansas city

Kansas city перевод на французский

675 параллельный перевод
- Now, here's what happened. Kansas City Dutch, that's the guy I get these 20s from, is blowing town tonight.
Kansas City Dutch, qui m'a forgué les billets, quitte la ville ce soir.
No, I was working on the Kansas City Star in those days.
Non. J'écrivais pour le Kansas City Star.
The Gay Nineties unit calling from Kansas City.
C'est Kansas City.
Western Laundries installed it in all their Kansas City and St. Louis plants.
Les Blanchisseries de l'Ouest se sont équipées à Kansas City et St.
He got a cold in Vancouver, still had it in Kansas City and couldn't sing, so I...
Il a attrapé un rhume à Vancouver et il ne pouvait plus chanter, alors je...
Say, what happened to that woman who was kidnapped in Kansas City?
Qu'est devenue cette femme qui avait été enlevée à Kansas City?
- Six of them. They got a hideout in Kansas City.
6 sont dans une planque à Kansas City.
- Oh, you got a trip to Kansas City.
- Un voyage à Kansas City!
You know, this reminds me of an experience I had in Kansas City.
Cela me rappelle une de mes expériences à Kansas City.
All the way from Kansas City.
Venant de la ville de Kansas.
Nick was sober in Kansas City.
Nick n'a pas bu à Kansas City.
Some of the men are coming from Boston. Some as far as Kansas City.
Il y a des gens de Boston et même de Kansas City.
That fella Kent reminds me of a friend of mine in Kansas City.
Ce Kent me rappelle un copain a moi, a Kansas City.
No one in Kansas City, Kansas, sets a better table than my dear wife Violet.
Personne à Kansas City ne cuisine comme ma chère épouse.
He's an easterner from Kansas City, Missouri.
Il est de Kansas City, Missouri.
Kansas City, Kansas, brother.
Kansas City, Kansas, mon frère.
I want to reach the bosom of my dear family, in Kansas City, Kansas as quickly as possible.
Pour me retrouver au sein de ma famille, à Kansas City, au plus tôt.
If you ever come to Kansas City, Kansas, I want you to come to see us.
Si vous passez à Kansas City, venez nous voir.
Johnny and I did a specialty act in a musical show in Kansas City. We did three minutes in one.
Johnny et moi, on a fait un numéro spécial de 3 min à Kansas City.
Beat it for Kansas City and stay there for when I wanna get you.
Tire-toi à Kansas City, et restes-y jusqu'à ce que je te recontacte.
We'll get married, shove off for Kansas, where I got Willie the Knife planted.
Nous nous marierons et partirons à Kansas City où Willie m'attend.
You never heard about Kidd's arrangement in Kansas City? - No.
Vous ne savez pas ce qui s ´ est passé à Kansas City?
- You mean Kansas City, sir.
- Vous voulez dire Kansas City.
- Oh, Kansas City.
- Kansas City.
Moonlight in Bermuda, moonlight in Kansas City. Moonlight in Weehawken.
Clair de lune aux bermudes, à kansas city, à weehawken.
- Kansas City?
Kansas City?
K. K. Maybe K for Kansas City, 25,000. They got some big bookies there.
"K"... "K" pour Kansas City, 25 000 dollars de paris, là-bas.
Buy the kid here a few clothes and meet me in Kansas City.
Donnez des habits à la petite.
Someplace near the station. I'm going the hard way.
Je vais à Kansas City par mes propres moyens.
You'll get to Kansas City just as soon.
Vous arriverez à Kansas City aussi vite.
Operator, I was talking with Kansas City.
Mademoiselle... j'étais en ligne avec Kansas City.
It's one of them dang Kansas City jobs.
C'est le boulot d'un type de Kansas City.
Maybe, but not in the same way you looked at me that first night in Kansas City.
Mais pas comme tu m'as regardé le premier soir à Kansas City.
Won't Kansas City be surprised?
C'est Kansas City qui sera surpris.
Now send the same message to Mr. and Mrs. Perry Livingston Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt and my mother in Kansas City.
Envoyez le même message à M. Et Mme Perry Livingston, à Mme Vanderbilt, et à ma mère à Kansas City.
A guy in Kansas City is taking them off our hands.
Un type de Kansas City va nous en débarrasser.
Sit around in some officer's club in Kansas City?
Je deviendrais fou à me tourner les pouces!
Uh, and her parents? Oh, yes. How does the big Kansas City butcher like New York?
Le boucher de Kansas City se plaît à New York?
It says right here... "thick Kansas City steak."
C'est écrit noir sur blanc.
I've wanted to meet you ever since we got on the train at Kansas City.
J'ai eu envie de vous connaître dès Kansas City.
It's a brand-new dance that's all the rage way back East in Kansas City.
C'est le dernier cri! Ça fait fureur à Kansas City!
New chair gets in next week from Kansas City, Kansas.
J'attends un fauteuil neuf la semaine prochaine. De Kansas City, Kansas.
There are some fixings I brought here from kansas city.
J'ai fait venir des choses de Kansas City.
It also synchronizes the clocks in this building... with those in the secondary printing plants... in Kansas City and San Francisco... and in the 43 foreign bureaus of the Janoth organization.
Elle synchronise aussi les horloges de ce bâtiment... avec celles des imprimeries annexes... de Kansas City et de San Francisco... et celles des 43 bureaux étrangers de l'organisation Janoth.
I met a girl in Kansas City.
J'ai rencontré une fille à Kansas City.
Last year those entertainers from Kansas City, St. Louis
Ces artistes de Kansas City et St. Louis...
- Waiting for you in Kansas City, Missouri.
A Kansas City.
Roy, box 1510, Kansas City, Missouri. - Is that right?
Roy, boîte 1510, Kansas City, Missouri.
A friend's holding them for me in Kansas City.
Un ami me les garde à Kansas City.
I sentence you to 31 days in the city jail but I'll suspend 30 days of that sentence if you give me your word that as soon as you get out tomorrow you'll go back to your folks in Kansas.
Je vous condamne à 31 jours de prison, mais dont 30 avec sursis si vous me donnez votre parole de rejoindre dès demain matin votre famille dans le Kansas.
They're all going on to Wichita and Kansas City.
Ils continuent tous sur Wichita et Kansas City.

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