Knowing him перевод на французский
815 параллельный перевод
Since knowing him and since following the truth... old habits have slipped from my body.
Depuis que je le connais et depuis que je suis la vérité, mes vieilles habitudes se sont dissipées.
There's somebody that just knowing him... has made me realize what a stuffed shirt you are.
Un autre m'a fait réaliser quel jobard tu es!
Not knowing him or even what he looks like makes him seem such a strange person.
Ne pas le connatire, ne pas même savoir ø quoi il ressemble le rend si étrange.
He wants that person other than knowing him.
Il veut que personne d'autre que lui le sache.
I don't think anyone can fail to be better and nobler kinder, for knowing him.
Ceux qui l'auront connu n'en seront que meilleurs et plus généreux.
The killer had to be someone who could hate Samuels without knowing him. Who could hate him enough to kill him, under the right circumstances.
Le tueur pouvait haïiïr Samuels sans le connaître, suffisamment pour le tuer, si l'occasion se présentait.
Naturally, knowing him and all.
Comme je le connaissais et tout.
Knowing him as I do, well, frankly, I don't think we ought to place any reliance at all on his judgment about anything.
Le connaissant comme je le connais, je pense que nous ne devrions pas faire confiance à ce qu'il dit.
Knowing him, he had only good things to say.
je le connais... il n'a pas dû vous dire beaucoup de mal.
" Knowing Dad as I do, I'd not advise you to displease him, or tease him. No, no!
Connaissant papa, je vous conseille vivement de ne pas le contredire et de ne pas l'embêter, non, non!
Your father destroyed the scroll, knowing that it would cost him his life.
Votre père a détruit le parchemin, sachant qu'il lui coûterait la vie.
Without him knowing who you are, of course.
Sans qu'il vous reconnaisse, bien sûr.
That man, knowing that he was caught dead to rights... and with prison staring him in the face, took the only way out.
Cet homme, voyant qu'il était découvert et redoutant la prison, a opté pour la seule solution.
Just knowing that you and Curly have found happiness here, that'll make him happy.
Savoir que vous avez toutes deux trouvé le bonheur le rendra heureux.
I took Terry knowing all about him.
Je l'ai épousé en connaissance de cause.
For in knowing your love, I have known him.
Parce qu'en connaissant ton amour, je L'ai connu, Lui.
It's just being near him all the time, and - and knowing how he feels about somebody else, and he looks at her the way you want him to look at you.
C'est d'être à ses côtés tout le temps, et de savoir ce qu'il ressent pour une autre. Il la regarde comme j'aimerais tant qu'il me regarde.
I told you once that knowing millionaires like him spoiled you.
Je t'ai dit qu'un millionnaire dans son style te changerait.
How could you, Ned, knowing the way she loves him?
Comment oses-tu, sachant à quel point elle l'aime?
But can he wait minute by minute... second perhaps by second knowing exact moment explosion will send him to join his ancestors?
Mais peut-il attendre minute par minute... seconde peut-être par seconde... connaissant moment exact où la bombe l'enverra chez ses ancêtres?
Knowing Captain Lewis and self about to find son... lady cleverly led us to him... knowing at same time she was planning to lock us in tomb.
Sachant que capitaine Lewis et moi allions trouver fils... elle nous y a habilement conduits... sachant en même temps qu'elle nous enfermerait dans tombeau.
Not be so lonesome, knowing his name's there with him.
Il sera moins seul avec son nom à côté de lui.
We are not in the way of knowing what Mr. Bingley likes since we're not to meet him!
Nous ne le saurons jamais sans le rencontrer.
Slowly, they began to fear him and then to hate him without really knowing why.
Et, petit à petit, ils se mirent à le craindre, puis à le haïr... sans jamais vraiment savoir pourquoi.
I gave him the best, knowing he is German and would take it anyway.
Il l'a déjà. C'est un Allemand, il l'aurait prise de toute façon!
Knowing him as I do yes.
Comme je le connais tu as raison
That's all right, old girl. It's given him confidence just knowing that he's wanted.
Il reprend confiance.
You mean you want him to have the policy without him knowing it. And that means without the insurance company knowing that he doesn't know it.
Vous voulez l'assurer à son insu et sans que la compagnie sache qu'il ne le sait pas.
So I had to get him to sign without his knowing what he was signing.
Il fallait qu'il signe sans savoir ce qu'il signait.
And knowing what was on his mind and to save him the embarrassment... of having to tell me...
Et sachant ce qu'il pensait et pour lui éviter l'embarras... d'avoir à me dire...
By knowing The Pie can win. And telling him so.
Il faut savoir que Flan peut gagner, et le lui dire.
And I started to to love my son without even knowing anything about him.
Et je me suis mis... à aimer mon fils sans rien savoir de lui.
How do keep him knowing these papers are a bluff until after I get Jarnac?
Comment lui cacher mon bluff jusqu'à ce que j'aie Jarnac?
The truth is, it's the woman that brings him up on the rope, him not quite knowing it.
Mais en fait, c'est la femme qui lui tend la corde, et il ne s'en rend pas compte.
The way you did it. Without him knowing.
Vous lui avez forcé la main.
We'd be fools to let him go, knowing so much about us.
On serait bêtes de le laisser partir en sachant autant.
You give him a sort of wisdom. Made him knowing and gentle.
Vous lui avez donné une certaine sagesse, une certaine douceur.
Knowing I won't see him again, I feel better already.
- Quand je pense que je ne le verrai plus, je suis déjà à moitié guéri.
Not knowing about him,
Ou bien jouait-elle la comédie?
- Well, Harvey suggested that I buy him a drink. And knowing that he doesn't like to drink alone, I suggested we join him.
Harvey m'a demandé de lui offrir un verre... et comme je sais qu'il n'aime pas boire tout seul... j'ai proposé au docteur Chumley qu'on prenne un verre avec lui.
And if something did happen unpredictably... you'd still have the comfort of knowing that the lives of Lucie and Manfred... would be safe and snug in the soft, gentle, tender hands... of that brave little band of patriots he's gathered around him.
Et si quelque chose vous arrivait, vous sauriez que les vies de Lucy et Manfred seraient saines et sauves entre les mains bienveillantes des braves patriotes dont il s'est entouré.
It's much nicer to help a friend without him knowing it.
C'est bien plus beau d'aider un ami sans qu'iI Ie sache.
I cannot stand him not knowing.
Je ne supporte pas qu'il ne sache pas.
You know, Libby, you missed a lot not knowing Norman Maine. Not knowing him?
Dommage que tu n'aies pas connu Norman Maine...
I spent my life knowing him.
J'ai passé ma vie à le connaître!
Do you mean to tell me that knowing that, you gave him the run of the clinic, let him become some kind of celebrity around here?
Le sachant, vous l'avez laissé en liberté? Le laissant se prendre pour une célébrité?
A man who's abetted me in a treasonable act, knowing what he knows, how could I let him live?
Comment laisser en vie un homme qui m'a aidé dans un acte de trahison?
Couldn't follow without him knowing it.
Il y a combien de temps?
You wouldn't like me to go through life not knowing if I've killed him or not, would you?
Tu ne veux pas que je passe ma vie sans savoir si je l'ai tué ou non?
So I rushed home to catch him, if I could, not knowing just what to expect.
Je rentrai en courant pour l'attraper, ne sachant pas à quoi m'attendre.
All he has to do is step into that ring and I like to run and hide knowing maybe they'll hurt him, cripple him.
Il lui suffit de monter sur le ring pour que j'aie envie de me sauver parce que je sais qu'ils peuvent l'estropier à vie.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him or me 60
him too 56
him who 26
knowing 61
knowing you 48
knowing her 17
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him or me 60
him too 56
him who 26
knowing 61
knowing you 48
knowing her 17