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Pay him перевод на французский

3,361 параллельный перевод
I couldn't refuse his help, but I promised I'd pay him back a thousand times over when I made my fortune.
Je ne pouvais pas refuser son aide, mais j'ai promis de lui rendre 1000 fois plus quand je serais devenu riche.
We'll pay him back tomorrow.
On va le payer demain.
I didn't pay him. If this gets any worse, you'll be joining him, you pillock!
Putain de réverbère...
I'm just saying I didn't pay him.
Vous êtes quand même en infraction.
I thought you might pay him a visit, persuade him to remove the nail and lift the curse.
J'ai pensé que tu pourrais lui rendre visite, le persuader de retirer le clou et annuler la malédiction.
Maybe someday I'll change my mind. I'll go pay him a visit myself.
Peut-être qu'un jour, j'irai lui rendre visite.
How much do you pay him?
Tu le payes combien? Rien.
Pay him and he'd never do it!
Tu n'y arriverais pas en payant.
I'll pay him what we agreed when I get it, all right?
Je le paierai sur ce qu'on s'était mis d'accord, quand j'aurai l'argent, d'accord?
If you take it out of the boot of the car, you can pay him back with interest.
Sers-toi dans le coffre, tu rembourses avec les intérêts.
Pay him 5000 dollars compensation.
Verse-lui donc 5 000 dollars en compensation.
Why don't we go pay him a visit?
Pourquoi n'irait-on pas lui rendre une viste?
Pay him now!
Donnez-lui l'argent.
I pay him with head pats.
Je le paie avec des tapes sur la tête.
Let's pay him a visit.
Allons lui rendre visite.
He'll show up to play anywhere if you pay him!
Il viendra n'importe où si on le paie!
I need you to pay him, and then I need you to fire him.
Je veux que tu le payes, et que tu le vires.
Let's go pay him a visit...
Allons y faire un tour.
If you don't me to leave or get caught, we have to pay him off immediately.
Si tu ne veux pas que je parte ou que je sois repérée, on doit le payer.
I just tried to pay him off, get rid of him.
J'ai essayé de le payer, pour m'en débarrasser.
I am not as evolved as I said I was. The biology class was full, so I told professor Kane I'd pay him a few thousand dollars to... kick Jeff out.
Le cours était complet, alors j'ai proposé à Kane quelques milliers de dollars pour virer Jeff.
From what you've told me, you've spent a lot of time and effort trying to fit in here, but it hasn't worked ; you've got one friend, and you pay him rent.
De ce que tu m'as dis, Tu passes beaucoup de temps, et fais de nombreux efforts pour t'adapter mais ca ne marche pas. Tu as
I'll get his name and pay him a visit.
J'irai le voir dès que j'ai son nom.
If you fuck a man you don't love, make him pay!
Si tu baises avec un homme que tu n'aimes pas, fais-lui payer!
Maybe you can pay him a visit and lean on him.
Rendez-lui visite et faites pression.
He needs it to pay off the Russian mob so they don't kill him when he arrives at Barksdale.
Il doit payer la mafia russe pour ne pas être tué à son arrivée.
I put him under your wing and this is how you pay me?
Je l'ai mis sous ton aile et c'est ainsi que tu me le rends?
We know you were at his house, and we know you killed him because he couldn't pay.
- Nous savons que vous étiez chez lui, et que vous l'avez tué parce qu'il ne pouvait pas payer.
I told him he could pay me tomorrow, but he insisted I take this as security.
Je lui ai dit qu'il paierait demain, mais il a insisté pour que je garde ça comme garantie.
- Hank said I wasn't being loyal, That he was gonna make me pay for ratting him out to the cops.
Hank a dit que je l'avais trahi, qu'il allait me faire payer d'avoir parlé aux flics.
If I sell them, I pay my debt to him.
Si je les vends moi-même, je pourrai le rembourser.
Make him pay.
Fais le payer.
But tell him it's OK, I'll be able to pay my rent :
Mais dis-lui qu'il y a pas de problème, je vais pouvoir payer mon loyer :
It's up to you to make him pay for it.
À toi de les lui faire payer.
He's lucky we're not pressing charges or making him pay our therapy bills.
Il a de la chance qu'on porte pas plainte, ou qu'on lui fasse pas payer nos thérapies.
She only invited him to pay a visit.
Elle ne faisait que l'inviter.
- I only wanted him to pay for the abortion, but before I knew it, Ken... [Chuckles] Checked me into rehab, rented me a nice apartment, even promised to marry me.
Je voulais seulement qu'il paie l'avortement, mais sans me demander mon avis, Ken m'a fait soigner, m'a loué un bel appartement.
Bring back the walnut make him pay!
Faites revenir les noix pour lui clouer le bec.
How much did you pay him?
Contre combien?
Give him a number, he'll pay.
Il paiera.
I tried so hard to get him to pay attention to me.
J'ai essayé vainement d'avoir une part de son attention.
You wanted him to pay.
La vengeance...
And, um, "the head of the Outfit," as you call him, happened to pay your way through law school, remember?
Et "le patron de l'Outfit" comme tu l'appelles t'a payé toute ton école de droit, tu te rapelles?
Just give me the subpoena, we serve him, you pay us, and everything's right back on track, right?
Donnez-moi l'injonction, on la lui remet, vous nous payez, et tout rentre dans l'ordre, non?
Okay, so if he was willing to pay off the prenup to keep his private business private, then how are we gonna get him to admit to it?
Bon, donc il était prêt à payer son prénuptial pour garder sa vie privée, privée Donc comment va-t-on le lui faire admettre?
What? They target a newcomer, pay a couple of other kids to bully him, then a gang member miraculously shows up, scares the bullies.
Ils ciblent un nouveau, paient des gamins pour le malmener, et un membre du gang se pointe, leur fait peur.
You caught him rifling through some files, and in lieu of calling the police, you want me to pay you off?
- Je vais être clair. Il fouinait dans des dossiers, vous voulez du fric, au lieu d'appeler les flics?
Okay, first of all, I didn't pay him off.
D'une, je ne l'ai pas payé.
Is there a place where we can find Kiril, arrest him and make him pay for what he has done to you and to all the other girls?
Y-a-t-il un endroit où l'on puisse trouver Kiril, l'arrêter et le faire payer pour ce qu'il t'as fait subir à toi et aux autres?
He thought I owed him back pay.
Il disait que je lui devais du fric.
Oh, did you decide what you want him to pay you when I win?
Tu as décidé ce que tu voulais en échange?

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