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Put those away перевод на французский

188 параллельный перевод
Never mind that, I'll put those away.
Allez, laisse ça, va. Je le rangerai après.
All right, Trumbo, don't bother to put those away.
Bon, fini le rangement, Trumbo.
- Good. You better put those away.
Tu devrais les ranger.
Put those away.
Put those away.
Cachez ça.
Now, put those away, Harry.
Cache-les, Harry. Smiler.
You can come with us, but no pictures, and you have to stay at least 30 feet back, so put those away.
Vous pouvez venir avec nous mais pas de photos. Il faudra rester à 10 mètres derrière. Et sans ça.
Put those away.
Mets ça de côté.
Put those away.
I'm not gonna tell you those aren't the breasts of the century, but I'm just not diggin'the owner. So why don't you put those away?
Je dis pas que ce ne sont pas les nibards du siècle, mais je n'accroche pas avec la propriétaire.
Did you wash those teacups and put them away carefully?
Les tasses à thé sont lavées et rangées?
Put those toys away. I don't want to see them again!
Je ne veux plus voir ces jouets!
I say you'd better put away those guns and come with me.
Je dis que tu ferais bien de rengainer et de me suivre.
Put those toys away, children, and lead me to the king.
Rangez ces jouets, les enfants, et conduisez-moi au Roi.
Put those things away. How do you expect to get anyplace?
Vous n'irez pas loin comme ça.
Will you put those things away?
Pouvez-vous ranger ça?
Put those tools away until they're needed.
Range ces outils. On en aura besoin.
Boys, please, hurry and put those things away.
Dépêchez-vous, cachez les cadeaux.
Put those things away.
Rangez tout ça.
Put those guns away.
Lâchez vos armes.
Put away those popguns and take me to the king.
Trêve de plaisanteries... Je veux voir le Roi!
- Put those guns away.
Cachez ces armes.
Honey, you remember those cigars I got put away?
Ma puce, tu te souviens de ces cigares que j'ai rangés?
Now, girls, put away those whistles at once and get into the train.
Rangez vos sifflets et montez dans le train.
Put those papers away before I tear them up.
Débarrasse-moi de ça!
Now put those guns away.
Mettez ces armes de côté!
Do put those things away.
Rangez ces choses ailleurs.
Put those cards away. young woman.
Eloignez ces cartes, jeune femme.
I suggest you put those in the hotel safe right away.
Je vous suggère de vite les mettre dans le coffre-fort de l'hôtel.
That doesn't give you leave to put your bloody paws on my team. Stay away from those boys!
Ne pose pas tes pattes sanglantes sur les gars de mon équipe!
Put those cigarettes away!
Eteignez les cigarettes!
I put those pictures away.
Ces photos-là, je les range à part.
There's gotta be one of those three victims who might want to put him away.
Il y a peut-être une de ses victimes... - qui voudra le faire tomber.
Will you put those weapons away?
Pouvez-vous ranger ces armes?
He's got a transmitter. Damn it, put those guns away.
- Bon sang, rangez vos armes.
If you don ´ t stay away from those gingerbread cookies, I ´ m going to have to put a stretch band on your pants.
Si tu continues à manger autant de biscuits au pain d'épice... je vais devoir coudre une ceinture élastique à ton pantalon.
The more tension we put on these vines, the further away those guys will think we are.
Plus on met de tension sur ces lianes, plus ils croiront qu'on est loin.
Put those things away.
Enlève ça. Pourquoi?
Put those things away.
Rangez-moi ça.
I want those motherfuckers put away for ever.
Je veux qu'on boucle ces connards à vie!
Termine ce chariot. Et va me jeter ces cartons.
Put away those poker chips.
Ranges ces jetons.
Those guys are lookin'for any excuse to put us away.
Ces mecs cherchent la premiêre excuse pour nous coffrer.
I'll put those sweets away. She isn't allowed sugar.
Le sucre n'est pas recommandé en ce moment.
He's too much of a kidder. So until the big fella packs his bags and hits the road, put away those sharp utensils and stay close to your loved ones.
Donc jusqu'à ce que ce type prenne ses affaires et reprenne la route, rangez ces ustensiles coupants et restez près de vos proches.
Put those bicycles away, they gotta go back.
Rangez ces vélos. Il faut les rendre.
Those whose families could not care for them were put away into..... deathwatch facilities, where they waited for the end, sometimes for years.
Ceux dont la famille ne pouvait plus s'occuper étaient placés dans..... des espèces de mouroirs où ils attendaient leur fin parfois pendant... des années.
We could put those bio-units in, have them run roughshod over the enemy, then just stroll on in, freeze them up, and pack them away until the next time.
On enverra ces soldats bio sur l'ennemi puis on les neutralisera jusqu'à la guerre suivante.
I'll put those things away.
Je rangerai.
You can put those away.
Rangez-moi ça.
Officer, there's no reason... put away those handcuffs.
Vous n'avez aucune raison de me passer les menottes.

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