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She didn't do anything перевод на французский

302 параллельный перевод
I attended Mrs. Landis just to make sure she didn't do anything desperate.
Je ne voulais pas que Mme Landis commette d'acte désespéré.
- She didn't do anything wrong.
- Elle ne faisait rien de mal.
- I didn't say or do anything. - She was cycling without lights.
Je ne leur avais rien fait!
She didn't want anything to do with married men.
Elle ne voulait pas d'un homme marié.
How do you know? She didn't say anything.
Comment le savez-vous?
She didn't do anything wrong.
Elle n'a rien fait.
- Why? She didn't do anything.
Elle n'a rien fait.
How do you know she didn't tell Bannion anything?
Comment sais-tu qu'elle n'a rien dit à Bannion?
I wouldn't force her into anything she didn't want to do.
Si j'ai accepté, c'est que je connais ses sentiments.
She said you were able to do it so that you never really saw anything you didn't want to see.
Elle a dit que vous en étiez capable de sorte que vous ne voyez que ce que vous voulez voir
She didn't want anything to do with me.
Avec moi, elle n'a jamais voulu.
I assure you she didn't do anything wrong.
Je vous assure qu'elle n'a rien fait de maI.
When she didn't do anything?
Mais il ne s'est rien passé!
- She didn't do anything.
- Elle n'a rien fait du tout.
- She didn't do anything wrong!
- Elle a rien fait!
Look, no one made your daughter do anything she didn't want to do.
Écoutez, personne n'a forcé votre fille à faire quoi que ce soit.
She didn't do anything.
Elle n'a rien fait.
She didn't do anything, really
Elle ne m'a rien fait, madame.
She didn't do anything.
Elle n'y est pour rien.
- She didn't do anything.
- Elle n'a rien fait.
No, she didn't make ME do anything.
Non, elle ne m'a forcé à rien.
But I didn't do anything, she just showed me around, that's all.
On n'a rien fait de mal, elle m'a fait visiter la ville.
Don't hit her, she didn't do anything.
- La frappez pas, elle a rien fait!
I'll make sure she knows you didn't do anything.
Je ferais en sorte qu'elle sache que tu n'as rien fait.
I know he stole it, but she really didn't do anything.
Je sais qu'il m'a volée, mais elle n'y est pour rien.
She's right, you know. She didn't do anything wrong.
Elle a raison, elle n'a rien fait de mal.
She Didn't Do Anything To You.
Elle ne vous a rien fait.
She didn't do anything wrong.
Elle n'a rien fait de mal.
She didn't do anything either.
Elle a rien fait non plus.
What if she didn't have anything to do with this?
Et si elle a rien à voir là-dedans?
I lived with a girl once for 2 months. She didn't do anything... a housewife was supposed to do.
J'ai vécu pendant 2 mois avec une fille... elle ne faisait rien... de ce que fait une femme de foyer.
Everybody knew she was in trouble, but we didn't do anything.
Tout le monde savait qu'elle avait des problèmes, mais nous n'avons rien fait.
Everybody knew she was in trouble, but we didn't do anything.
On savait tous qu'elle avait des problèmes. Mais personne n'a rien fait.
She didn't do anything really bad.
Elle n'a rien fait de grave.
- She didn't do anything. But she turned herself in to Lastarza, he put her to work.
- Finalement, rien... mais elle s'est confiée à Lastarza qui se sert d'elle.
See, I work for a living. She didn't act like she understood anything last night. I don't know what you do.
Toi, tu fais quoi?
She didn`t do anything to you.
Elle ne vous a rien fait.
But she didn't do anything wrong.
Mais elle n'a rien fait.
- She's not here. She didn't have anything to do with it.
Elle est pas au courant.
She didn't have anything to do with this. All right, you knock off the stupid lies!
De toute façon, elle était pas dans le coup.
Well, I didn't really tell Susan about it and she doesn't really have anything else to do.
Pourquoi? Je n'en ai pas parlé à Susan, et elle n'a rien d'autre de prévu.
She didn't do anything.
Rien. Elle n'a rien fait.
Let my sister go. She didn't have anything to do with the bombing, and she's only 14.
Ma sœur n'a rien à voir avec l'attentat et elle n'a que 14 ans.
- She didn't do anything except help.
- Elle n'a fait que m'aider.
- What? She didn't do anything.
Elle n'a rien fait.
She didn't do anything for you?
- Tu rigoles? Elle t'a laissé indifférent?
She didn't do anything wrong to take responsibility for.
Elle n'a rien fait de mal. Elle n'est pas responsable.
You didn't do anything about it, Craig because she wouldn't let you near her with a 10-foot pole!
Ça s'est arrêté là, Craig, parce qu'elle n'a pas voulu que tu t'approches d'elle.
And I said, "We didn't do anything." And she said, "You could have."
Je lui ai dit : "On n'a rien fait." Elle a répondu : "Vous auriez pu."
I didn't do anything. She would've been too drunk to remember.
Elle était trop saoûle.
Diana, didn't do anything, she will be soon home.
Diana, n'a rien fait, elle sera bientôt à la maison.

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