That was quick перевод на французский
620 параллельный перевод
- That was quick work, Bill.
- C'était vite fait, Bill.
You did the bank a great service last night, young man. That was quick thinking.
Vous avez rendu service à la banque, hier soir.
Well, that was quick.
- Nous sommes prêtes.
That was quick thinking, Dale. The pity is that all fires must one day burn out.
Vous êtes bien sensés savoir que tout feu finit par mourir!
That was quick. You can't have picked many.
Tu n'as pas été long!
That was quick.
Ça aurait vite!
- That was quick.
Ç'a été soudain.
That was quick!
C'était rapide!
Well, that was quick.
Eh bien, c'était du rapide.
Well, that was quick
Ça a été rapide.
That was quick.
That was quick.
Quelle curieuse maladie qui vient et part si vite!
Ooh, that was quick.
C'est rapide.
That was quick.
Je suis très rapide.
That was quick.
C'était rapide.
That was quick, Ann.
Tu as fait vite, Ann.
Well, that was quick.
Vous avez fait vite.
The defense was quick to point out, as their only defense, that we could establish no clear, indisputable motive for the crime.
La défense n'a pas tardé à souligner, et n'a défendu que cela, qu'il était impossible d'établir un mobile pour ce meurtre.
For a quick guess, I'd say that whoever was responsible for Kinney's death... must've wanted something out of this safe.
Je devinerais que le responsable de la mort de Kinney... voulait quelque chose dans ce coffre.
I've been a setup for a bunch of tinhorn moneylenders that was only too quick to dish it out when I was making dough, but pull back their ears when I need it.
Je suis tombé dans un traquenard. On m'a prêté de l'argent quand tout allait bien, et maintenant, je dois les rembourser.
That was a pretty quick trip you made.
Tu as fait drôlement vite.
That was a quick change, Leslie. I wish you'd teach Dorothy how to do it.
Bravo, vous avez été vite prête.
Gee, that was a quick romance.
Eh bien, c'était vite expédié.
He was quick to admit that it killed the first girl.
- Bien sûr! Mais il reconnaît qu'il a tué la premiêre fille.
And as quick as that, I was no longer a stonecutter.
Et du jour au lendemain, je n'étais plus tailleur de pierre.
That was quick!
Ça n'a pas traîné...
Well, that was certainly a quick drink.
Ce fut un court aperitif!
She was always quick to seize upon anything that would improve her mind... or her appearance.
Prompte à saisir tout pour parfaire son esprit ou son apparence.
Well, that was quick work.
Ma foi, ça a été rapide.
If that was the idea, we'll put a quick stop to it.
Si c'est ça, on va leur faire regretter leur audace.
That was a quick interview.
Ça a été rapide.
I thought it was that quick goodbye you warned me about.
Je pensais que c'était l'adieu rapide dont vous m'aviez parlé.
"The photograph was wonderful." I'm delighted with my little girl. I can see that she is a fine child... straight of limb, quick of mind.
"Ma petite fille me ravit, je vois que c'est un beau bébé, qu'elle est solide et vive."
- Well, that was a quick decision.
- C'était une décision rapide.
Very excited he was, and he said... to get to his house as quick as I could... that his girl had been raped.
Il était très énervé et il m'a dit... de me rendre chez lui aussi vite que je pourrais... car sa fille avait été violée.
That was awfully quick.
Tu as fait vite.
Well, that was the quick way to get it down.
On aurait difficilement pu la descendre plus rapidement.
I want the colonel to know that what happened tonight, the way it happened, was so quick that I hardly had time to marshal my forces.
Sachez que ce qui s'est passé ce soir... est arrivé si vite que je n'ai pas pu réagir.
That was stupid of me. I should've phoned but I thought I'd take a chance and maybe grab Sam for a quick beer.
J'aurais dû appeler avant... mais je voulais juste l'inviter à prendre une bière.
His fear of rejection began in, so far as he knows, with a traumatic event, shortly after he reached puberty, and was experiencing the usual quick and intense sexual arousal at that period of life.
"Cette peur est apparue, pour autant qu'il s'en souvienne, " alors qu'il entamait sa puberté " et découvrait en lui le désir sexuel fulgurant inhérent à cette période.
Well, I... That was a quick shot... Visualize her...
- Allez, imagine-la...
- That was quick.
- Ça a été rapide.
Well, that was a quick 18 holes.
Ces dix-huit trous ont été rapides.
That was a quick conference.
C'était une entrevue rapide.
I thought that I'd have to finish it up quick,'cause I thought the referee might come in and stop it, but I knew I was leading at that point, and I was just hoping that they'd let me go all the way and I did.
J'ai pensé qu'il valait mieux en finir rapidement. J'ai cru que l'arbitre nous arrêterait. Je savais que je menais, j'espérais qu'il me laisserait finir et c'est ce que j'ai fait.
So the Suns came, from the depth of space and time. For the first time since they'd visited our planet had they been able take a quick look at that which was the soul of Man and of the Earth?
Ainsi les Soleils venus du fond de l'espace et du temps pour la première fois depuis qu'ils visitaient notre planète avaient-ils pu jeter un regard fugitif sur ce que contenait l'âme des hommes et l'âme de la Terre.
That was where you showed your quick-wittedness.
C'est en cela que tu as du discernement.
I told you to be quick, but that was too quick!
Je vous ai dit d'être rapide, mais c'est trop rapide!
The eye that the quick lime blinded was mine.
La chaux, elle m'a brûlé mon oeil à moi.
J'étais rapide comme l'éclair et je pouvais toujours m'enfuir.
Now maybe Lyles wasted that faggot practicing his quick draw, or maybe he was practicing shooting at beer bottles and the fruit happened by.
Peut-être que Lyles a buté ce pédé en s'entrainant à dégainer ou peut-être qu'il tirait sur des bouteilles et que la fiotte passait par là.
that was close 355
that was stupid 112
that was about 19
that wasn't very nice 41
that was a long time ago 336
that was fast 352
that wasn't a question 26
that wasn't my intention 19
that wasn't me 262
that was awesome 388
that was stupid 112
that was about 19
that wasn't very nice 41
that was a long time ago 336
that was fast 352
that wasn't a question 26
that wasn't my intention 19
that wasn't me 262
that was awesome 388